

•        To lead and manage the day to day activates of the team.

•        To keep up to date with the Linux kernel development, and how that affects all of our open sourced projects, including Kernel level subsystem changes,  api/interface changes. ..etc.

•        Have an expert level knowledge in the areas of Linux and its kernel, which will be used to drive the rest of the team, allowing the other team members to become experts in the given areas.

•        Interface with all the different internal groups at VMware, at the project level and also at the detailed technical level to fully understand all changes across products.

•        Takes ownership of complex testing issues of VMWare software. Defines quality assurance requirements and performance benchmarks as necessary.

•        Works with the Development and QA teams in US to coordinate Quality Assurance schedules, milestones, quality guidelines, and to identify task assignments.  Provides regular updates of progress towards milestones and schedule to manager.

•        Provides guidance to other less senior members of the team.

•        Develop and execute step-by-step test plans.

•        Work closely with Development team and Diagnostic team in US to understand product requirements, architecture and technology.

•        Flexibility to work after hours and in weekends as needed.


•        Master's degree in CS or Math, preferably from a top-tier school.

•        7+ years of software industry experience with at least 3 years in management.

•        Must have experience in managing complex cross team software project.

•        Experience in managing an Open Source project is a plus.

•        Strong analytical, diagnostic and problem-solving skills with a proven ability to generate new ideas and work independently.

•        Must want to work in and with the open source community.

•        Solid understanding of the Linux OS kernel internals.

•        Knowledge of x86 assembly / architecture is also a plus but not required.

•        Fluency (both verbal and written) in English is a must.

•        Good teamwork and communication skills with an ability to work in a multi-tasking mode and working under immediate deadlines.

•        Require travel to US.




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