Process finished with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)


网上搜了一下,错误代码对应的错误是Stack overflow,栈溢出。应该是和递归的代码有关系。看了下递归的代码:

void mergeSort(int q[], int l, int r){if (l >= r) return;int mid = (l + r) / 2;mergeSort(q, l, mid);mergeSort(q,mid + 1, r);int left = 0;int right = mid + 1;int temp[N];int k = 0;while (left <= mid && right <= r)if (q[left] < q[right]) temp[k++] = q[left++];else temp[k++] = q[right++];while (right <= r)  temp[k++] = q[right++];while (left <= mid)  temp[k++] = q[left++];for (int i = l, j = 0; i <= r; i++, j++) q[i] = temp[j];

中间有一句:int temp[N];。这实际上就是错误的根源。在递归的函数中如果有占用空间比较大的数组的话,将其变为全局变量即可。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;const int N = 1e5 + 10;
int q[N];
int n;
int temp[N];void mergeSort(int q[], int l, int r){...


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