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LED States for Access Points
In a wireless LAN network where there are a large number of access points, it is difficult to locate a specific access point associated with the controller. You can configure the controller to set the LED state of an access point so that it blinks and the access point can be located. This configuration can be done in the wireless network on a global as well as per-AP level.

The LED state configuration at the global level takes precedence over the AP level.

在存在大量访问点的无线LAN网络中,很难找到与控制器关联的特定访问点。 您可以将控制器配置为设置接入点的LED状态,使其闪烁并可以找到接入点。 可以在无线网络中的全局以及每个AP级别上完成此配置。


1 先开启AP的LED功能
2 开启AP的LED 闪烁功能

Configuring the LED State for Access Points in a Network Globally (GUI)
Step 1
Choose Wireless > Access Points > Global Configuration to open the Global Configuration page.

Step 2
Select the LED state check box.

Step 3
Choose Enable from the drop-down list adjacent to this check box.

Step 4
Click Apply.

Configuring the LED State for Access Point in a Network Globally (CLI)
Set the LED state for all access points associated with a controller by entering this command:

config ap led-state {enable | disable} all

Configuring LED State on a Specific Access Point (GUI)
Step 1
Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs and then the name of the desired access point.

Step 2
Choose the Advanced tab to open the All APs > Details for (Advanced) page.

Step 3
Select the LED state check box.

Step 4
Choose Enable from the drop-down list adjacent to this text box.

Step 5
Click Apply.

Configuring LED State on a Specific Access Point (CLI)
Step 1
Determine the ID of the access point for which you want to configure the LED state by entering this command:

show ap summary

Step 2
Configure the LED state by entering the following command:

config ap led-state {enable | disable} Cisco_AP

Configuring Flashing LEDs

Information About Configuring Flashing LEDs
Controller software enables you to flash the LEDs on an access point in order to locate it. All Cisco IOS lightweight access points support this feature.

Configuring Flashing LEDs (CLI)
Use these commands to configure LED flashing from the privileged EXEC mode of the controller:

Configure the LED flash for an AP by entering this command:

config ap led-state flash {seconds | indefinite | disable} {Cisco_AP}

The valid LED flash duration for the AP is 1 to 3600 seconds. You can also configure the LED to flash indefinitely or to stop flashing the LED.

Disable LED flash for an AP after enabling it by entering this command:

config ap led-state flash disable Cisco_AP

The command disables LED flashing immediately. For example, if you run the previous command (with the seconds parameter set to 60 seconds) and then disable LED flashing after only 20 seconds, the access point’s LEDs stop flashing immediately.

Save your changes by entering this command:

save config

Check the status of LED flash for the AP by entering this command:

show ap led-flash Cisco_AP

Information similar to the following appears:

(Cisco Controller)> show ap led-flash AP1040_46:b9
Led Flash........................................ Enabled for 450 secs, 425 secs left

Reference Link:

Configuring LED States for Access Points

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