Looking for a free method to be able to save, organize and share different information on the web?  Today we take a look at Thumbtack from Microsoft Live Labs which offers functionality similar to services like Delicious or Clipmarks.

是否正在寻找一种免费的方法来保存,组织和共享Web上的不同信息? 今天,我们来看看Microsoft Live Labs提供的图钉,它提供的功能类似于Delicious或Clipmarks等服务。

Using Thumbtack


To start sharing important and interesting parts of the web just go to the Thumbtack site and log in with your MS Live ID or create a new account.  Then create a Thumbtack nickname which will identify your clips and collections.

要开始共享网络上重要且有趣的部分,只需转到图钉网站并使用您的MS Live ID登录或创建一个新帐户。 然后创建一个图钉昵称,该昵称将标识您的剪辑和收藏集。

While you can copy and past into Thumbtack manually, it’s better to get the bookmarklet for easier submission.  Just click on the link at the top of the Thumbtack screen.

虽然您可以手动复制和粘贴到Thumbtack中,但最好还是获得书签,以便更轻松地提交。 只需单击“图钉”屏幕顶部的链接。

The bookmarklet will work with both Internet Explorer and Firefox and you are shown the directions on how to add it to each browser.  It’s basically adding a link to your favorites toolbar.

小书签可与Internet Explorer和Firefox一起使用,并显示如何将其添加到每个浏览器的说明。 它基本上是在收藏夹工具栏上添加一个链接。

Here we take a look at how it works in Firefox.  Simply highlight the information you want to save on the webpage and click on the Thumbtack bookmarklet.

在这里,我们看一下它在Firefox中的工作方式。 只需突出显示要保存在网页上的信息,然后单击“图钉”书签即可。

You may need to sign in first and a new window will pop up with the login page for Thumbtack.


Now you can add in a title, select collection, and add tags to the clip.  When done click on the Collect button.

现在,您可以添加标题,选择集合并将标签添加到剪辑。 完成后,单击收集按钮。

With Internet Explorer you can download the Thumbtack Accelerator which makes adding data even easier.

使用Internet Explorer,您可以下载Thumbtack Accelerator,这使添加数据更加容易。

Again highlight what you want on the page and select Collect with Thumbtack using the Accelerator.


The Thumbtack user interface is nicely laid out and intuitive to use.  You can change different views, drag and drop collections, and easily share content with others.

Thumbtack用户界面布局合理,使用直观。 您可以更改不同的视图,拖放收藏集并轻松与他人共享内容。

You can arrange your content how you like including creating different categories of information.


Click on the share tab to email friends or colleagues your found data, or publish them to the web for people to see.  Keep in mid that when you publish something anyone will be able to view it.

单击共享选项卡,通过电子邮件将您发现的数据发送给朋友或同事,或将其发布到网络上以供人们查看。 请记住,发布内容时,任何人都可以查看。

There are also a few gadgets to install to enhance the user experience.


Thumbtack is still in an experimental phase and could use more features like sharing videos.  If you want to try out a new way of collecting data and sharing with others you might want to check this out.

图钉仍处于试验阶段,可以使用更多功能,例如共享视频。 如果您想尝试一种新的收集数据并与他人共享的方式,则可以尝试一下。

Create your own Thumbtack Page


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/organize-and-share-the-web-with-thumbtack/


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