hhvm v3.30

The HHVM team just released version 3.1.0.

HHVM团队刚刚发布了 3.1.0版本。

The team focused on cleaning out the Github repo for the most part, fixing bugs and open issues, but new features have landed as well. This release brings HHVM closer in sync with PHP 5.6., the features of which we’ve written about before.

该团队主要致力于清理Github存储库,修复错误和未解决的问题,但新功能也已登陆。 该版本使HHVM与PHP 5.6。更加紧密地同步,我们之前已经写过有关其功能。

The highlights are implementing the $...args functionality, 400 ini tweakable settings, and – something that sounded most interesting to me – improvements on the Zend Extension Compatibility Layer. This layer will allow building existing PHP extensions with HHVM, with minor tweaks required in the source code. In time, the layer will hopefully be in such a state to allow seamless transition of extensions.

重点是实现$...args功能 ,400种ini可调整的设置,以及-对我来说最有趣的事情-Zend Extension兼容性层的改进。 该层将允许使用HHVM构建现有PHP扩展,并对源代码进行一些细微调整。 随着时间的流逝,该层有望处于允许扩展无缝过渡的状态。

I’m hoping to see Phalcon compatible with this so we can enjoy it on HHVM as well, but I’m waiting to hear back from the Phalcon team on this issue before being too optimistic. In the meanwhile, other extension developers are encouraged to tweak their extensions and try to build them on HHVM in an attempt to reach compatibility.

我希望看到Phalcon与此兼容,以便我们也可以在HHVM上享受它,但是我在乐观之前一直等待Phalcon团队对此问题的回音。 同时,鼓励其他扩展程序开发人员调整其扩展程序,并尝试在HHVM上构建它们,以实现兼容性。

The full changelog, as quoted from the original release post but with some added links and an explanation or two:


“Kanye West”


  • Backport fix for CVE-2011-2202CVE-2011-2202的Backport修复
  • Interfaces {Keyed}Container match arrays and collections, not iterables


  • Added ** and **= operators to HHVM and more compatibility fixes with PHP5.6


    • These operators are the new power operators


    Added ** and **= operators to HHVM and more compatibility fixes with PHP5.6


  • Fixes and improvements to collections修复和改进集合
  • Replace json decoder with json-c library用json-c库替换json解码器
  • Document VMRegAnchor and isVMFrame()文档VMRegAnchor和isVMFrame()
  • Improvements to array iterator code数组迭代器代码的改进
  • Improvements to the type checker类型检查器的改进
  • Allow parser to be generated with bison 3


  • Improvements and speed up to reflection code改进并加快了反射代码

“Jay-Z” 9-May-2014

“ Jay-Z” 2014年5月9日

  • Make handling of code.hot overflows more robust使代码处理更可靠
  • Catch server errors sooner尽快捕获服务器错误
  • Fix segfault and infinite recursion in fileinfo extension修复fileinfo扩展名中的segfault和无限递归
  • Resolve systemlib constants at compile time在编译时解析systemlib常量
  • Resume resumables natively本地恢复耗材
  • Import round() table optimizations from php-src从php-src导入round()表优化
  • Delete bytecode Peephole optimizer删除字节码窥视Kong优化器
  • Remove most of annotation.cpp, and some other code gated on !UsedHHBBC删除大部分的annotation.cpp,以及在!UsedHHBBC上设置的其他代码
  • Create phis for locals为当地人创建phi
  • Fix free of “” in rfc1867PostHandler在rfc1867PostHandler中免费修复“”
  • Add firstValue(), firstKey(), lastValue(), lastKey() to collections将firstValue(),firstKey(),lastValue(),lastKey()添加到集合中
  • Add concat() to collections将concat()添加到集合
  • Clarify Hack license


  • Add CakePHP3 to test runner


  • Better error when TC is fullTC已满时更好的错误
  • Add hash_equals() from PHP 5.6

    从PHP 5.6添加hash_equals()

“Insane Poetry” 24-Apr-2014

“疯狂的诗歌” 2014年4月24日

  • Support for PHP 5.6 variadic …$args syntax for func declarations

    支持PHP 5.6 variadic… func声明的$ args语法

  • Open source HHMeasure, a simple and extensible microbenchmarking tool

    开源HHMeasure ,一个简单且可扩展的微基准测试工具

  • Added a new time-based sampling profiler (Project Xenon)

    添加了一个新的基于时间的采样分析器( Project Xenon )

  • Fix PCRE unicode handling修复PCRE Unicode处理
  • Convert Zend compatibility layer and various extensions to HNI将Zend兼容性层和各种扩展转换为HNI
  • Encode execution mode (eager or resumed) into SrcKey将执行模式(急切或恢复)编码到SrcKey中
  • Merge eager and resumed parts of async functions合并异步功能的急切和恢复部分
  • Rework various async / continuation bytecode instructions重做各种异步/继续字节码指令

“House of PHPain” 1-Apr-2014

“ PHPain之家” 2014年4月1日

  • Allow direct arg passing with up to 15 params (7 if at least one is a double)允许直接arg传递最多15个参数(如果至少一个为double则为7)

If you’re one of the people who enjoy reading the rawest of changelogs, the full one is here.


If you’d like to try the new HHVM out, I’ve made a Vagrantfile that gets it up and running for you in a matter of minutes, without polluting your host machine with needless runtimes.


Simply clone this repo and you’ll have the most up to date HHVM installed into Ubuntu 14.04., with Nginx as a server and a working MySQL database installed. The Vagrantfile was made with the help of PuPHPet but edited additionally.

只需克隆此存储库 ,即可将最新的HHVM安装到Ubuntu 14.04。中,并将Nginx作为服务器并安装正常MySQL数据库。 Vagrantfile是在PuPHPet的帮助下制作的,但进行了额外的编辑。

To check that you’re running the latest version of HHVM (the one that includes Hack and the 3.1.0. updates) simply check the version of PHP – the HHVM executable has replaced the regular PHP, and can be called directly:


Please note that I haven’t yet fully tweaked the repo to be usable out of the box, so you’ll need to fiddle with the Nginx Vhost configuration first to make it read PHP files. I also haven’t yet activated remote MySQL connections on this box, but it’ll happen and I’ll update this post accordingly.

请注意,我尚未对存储库进行全面的调整以使其立即可用,因此您需要先弄弄Nginx Vhost配置以使其读取PHP文件。 我还没有在此框中激活远程MySQL连接,但是它将发生,我将相应地更新此帖子。

Are you using HHVM in production? Playing around with it at least? Let us know – we’re keen to publish advanced examples of HHVM and Hack use.

您在生产中使用HHVM吗? 至少在玩它吗? 让我们知道–我们渴望发布HHVM和Hack使用的高级示例。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/hhvm-3-1-0-released/

hhvm v3.30

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