发布杂志类的APP,按照原步骤提示出:报刊杂志 App 的 Info.plist 必须包含 UINewsstandApp.error.message=true,以及 CFBundleIcons.UINewsstandIcon 字典。修改Info.plist
1.根节点下新增“ Application presents content in Newsstand” 源代码里是UINewsstandApp =true
官网说明:UINewsstandAppUINewsstandApp (Boolean - iOS) specifies the whether the app presents its content in Newsstand. Publishers of newspaper and magazine content use the Newsstand Kit framework to handle the downloading of new issues. However, instead of those apps showing up on the user’s Home screen, they are collected and presented through Newsstand. This key identifies the apps that should be presented that way.
Such apps must also provide default Newsstand icons as described in Contents of the UINewsstandIcon Dictionary.
This key is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
2.CFBundleIcons.节点下新增 UINewsstandIcon

CFBundleIcons 在视图里叫 Icon files(IOS5 )。  在源代码里叫    <key>CFBundleIcons</key>

官网说明:Contents of the UINewsstandIcon DictionaryThe value for the UINewsstandIcon key is a dictionary that identifies the default icons and style options to use for apps displayed in Newsstand. Table 5 lists the keys that you can include in this dictionary and their values.
Table 5  Keys for the UINewsstandIcon dictionary





Array of strings

(Required) Each string in the array contains the name of an icon file. You use this key to specify a set of standard icons for your app when presented in the Newsstand. This icon is used when no cover art is available for a downloaded issue.

For a list of the icons, including their sizes, that you can include in your app bundle, see the section on app icons in App-Related Resources in App Programming Guide for iOS. For information about how to create icons for your apps, see iOS Human Interface Guidelines.



This key provides information about how to stylize any Newsstand art. The value of this key is one of the following strings:

  • UINewsstandBindingTypeMagazine

  • UINewsstandBindingTypeNewspaper



This key provides information about how to stylize any Newsstand art. The value of this key is one of the following strings:

  • UINewsstandBindingEdgeLeft

  • UINewsstandBindingEdgeRight

  • UINewsstandBindingEdgeBottom

新增的UINewsstandIcon选择Dictionary类型,然后在下边添加UINewsstandBindingType节点 值为UINewsstandBindingTypeMagazine

报刊杂志 App 的 Info.plist 必须包含 UINewsstandApp.error.message=true,以及 CFBundleIcons.UINewsstandIcon 字典相关推荐

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