Kean的博客Through the interface中最近介绍了一个叫做Clipboard Manager的工具。这个小东西可以把AutoCAD里面用户复制到粘贴板里的东西一项一项的显示在一个简单的属性面板(palette)中,而且还显示出复制的时间信息,然后用户可以用palette中的右键菜单中几种粘贴方式进行粘贴。

这个软件神奇的地方是它用了钩子来钩AutoCAD中的COPYCLIP命令,然后用到了win32中的SetClipboardViewer方法来把它自己作为粘贴板浏览器(clipboard viewer)。这个功能主要是在CbPalette类中实现的。

你可以从Autodesk Labs里面下载到Clipboard Manager source code源代码。




Clipboard Manager: October's ADN Plugin of the Month, now live on Autodesk Labs

As Scott is leaving on a well-deserved sabbatical, he has gone ahead and posted our next Plugin of the Month a few days ahead of schedule. Here's a link to Scott's post announcing the tool.

This is a very cool little application developed by Mark Dubbelaar from Australia. Mark has been drafting/designing with AutoCAD for the last 10+ years and, during this time, has used a variety of programming languages to customize AutoCAD: LISP, VBA and now VB.NET. Mark was inspired by the "clipboard ring" functionality that used to be in Microsoft Office (at least I say "used to be" because I haven't found it in Office 2007), and decided to implement similar functionality in AutoCAD.

The implementation of the tool is quite straightforward but the functionality is really very compelling: after having NETLOADed the tool and run the CLIPBOARD command, as you use Ctrl-C to copy drawing objects from inside AutoCAD to the clipboard a custom palette gets populated with entries containing these sets of objects. Each entry contains a time-stamp and an automatically-generated name which you can then change to something more meaningful.

When you want to use these clipboard entries, you simply right-click on one and choose the appropriate paste option (which ultimately just calls through to the standard AutoCAD paste commands, PASTECLIP, PASTEBLOCK and PASTEORIG, reducing the complexity of the tool).

That's really all there is to it: a simple yet really useful application. Thanks for providing such a great little tool, Mark! :-)

Under the hood, the code is quite straightforward. The main file, Clipboard.vb, sets up the application to create demand-loading entries when first loaded into AutoCAD and defines a couple of commands – CLIPBOARD and REMOVECB, which removes the demand-loading entries to "uninstall" the application. It also contains the PaletteSet that contains our CbPalette and gets displayed by the CLIPBOARD command.

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput Public Class ClipBoard Implements IExtensionApplication <DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)> _ Private _cp As CbPalette = Nothing Public ReadOnly Property ClipboardPalette() As CbPalette Get If _cp Is Nothing Then _cp = New CbPalette End If Return _cp End Get End Property Private _ps As PaletteSet = Nothing Public ReadOnly Property PaletteSet() As PaletteSet Get If _ps Is Nothing Then _ps = New PaletteSet("Clipboard", _ New System.Guid("ED8CDB2B-3281-4177-99BE-E1A46C3841AD")) _ps.Text = "Clipboard" _ps.DockEnabled = DockSides.Left + _ DockSides.Right + DockSides.None _ps.MinimumSize = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 300) _ps.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(300, 500) _ps.Add("Clipboard", ClipboardPalette) End If Return _ps End Get End Property Private Sub Initialize() _ Implements IExtensionApplication.Initialize DemandLoading.RegistryUpdate.RegisterForDemandLoading() End Sub Private Sub Terminate() _ Implements IExtensionApplication.Terminate End Sub <CommandMethod("ADNPLUGINS", "CLIPBOARD", CommandFlags.Modal)> _ Public Sub ShowClipboard() PaletteSet.Visible = True End Sub <CommandMethod("ADNPLUGINS", "REMOVECB", CommandFlags.Modal)> _ Public Sub RemoveClipboard() DemandLoading.RegistryUpdate.UnregisterForDemandLoading() Dim ed As Editor = _ Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application _ .DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor() ed.WriteMessage(vbCr + _ "The Clipboard Manager will not be loaded" _ + " automatically in future editing sessions.") End Sub End Class

It's the Clipboard_Palette.vb file that contains the more interesting code, implementing the behaviour of the CbPalette object. The real "magic" is how it hooks into AutoCAD's COPYCLIP by attaching itself as the default "clipboard viewer".

Imports AcApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class CbPalette ' Constants for Windows API calls Private Const WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD As Integer = &H308 Private Const WM_CHANGECBCHAIN As Integer = &H30D ' Handle for next clipboard viewer Private _nxtCbVwrHWnd As IntPtr ' Boolean to control access to clipboard data Private _internalHold As Boolean = False ' Counter for our visible clipboard name Private _clipboardCounter As Integer = 0 ' Windows API declarations Declare Auto Function SetClipboardViewer Lib "user32" _ (ByVal HWnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr Declare Auto Function SendMessage Lib "User32" _ (ByVal HWnd As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Long ' Class constructor Public Sub New() ' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer InitializeComponent() ' Register ourselves to handle clipboard modifications _nxtCbVwrHWnd = SetClipboardViewer(Handle) End Sub Private Sub AddDataToGrid() Dim currentClipboardData As DataObject = _ My.Computer.Clipboard.GetDataObject ' If the clipboard contents are AutoCAD-related If IsAutoCAD(currentClipboardData.GetFormats) Then ' Create a new row for our grid and add our clipboard ' data stored in the "tag" Dim newRow As New DataGridViewRow() newRow.Tag = currentClipboardData ' Increment our counter _clipboardCounter += 1 ' Create and add a cell for the name, using our counter Dim newNameCell As New DataGridViewTextBoxCell newNameCell.Value = "Clipboard " & _clipboardCounter newRow.Cells.Add(newNameCell) ' Get the current time and place that in another cell Dim newTimeCell As New DataGridViewTextBoxCell newTimeCell.Value = Now.ToLongTimeString newRow.Cells.Add(newTimeCell) ' Add our row to the data grid and select it clipboardDataGridView.Rows.Add(newRow) clipboardDataGridView.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = _ clipboardDataGridView.Rows.Count - 1 newRow.Selected = True End If End Sub ' Move the selected item's data into the clipboard ' Check whether the clipboard data was created by AutoCAD Private Function IsAutoCAD(ByVal Formats As String()) As Boolean For Each item As String In Formats If item.Contains("AutoCAD") Then Return True Next Return False End Function Private Sub PasteToClipboard() ' Use a variable to make sure we don't edit the ' clipboard contents at the wrong time _internalHold = True My.Computer.Clipboard.SetDataObject( _ clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Item(0).Tag) _internalHold = False End Sub ' Send a command to AutoCAD Private Sub SendAutoCADCommand(ByVal cmd As String) AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute( _ cmd, True, False, True) End Sub ' Our context-menu command handlers Private Sub PasteToolStripButton_Click( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles PasteToolStripMenuItem.Click ' Swap the data from the selected item in the grid into the ' clipboard and use the internal AutoCAD command to paste it If clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count = 1 Then PasteToClipboard() SendAutoCADCommand("_pasteclip ") End If End Sub Private Sub PasteAsBlockToolStripMenuItem_Click( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles PasteAsBlockToolStripMenuItem.Click ' Swap the data from the selected item in the grid into the ' clipboard and use the internal AutoCAD command to paste it ' as a block If clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count = 1 Then PasteToClipboard() SendAutoCADCommand("_pasteblock ") End If End Sub Private Sub PasteToOriginalCoordinatesToolStripMenuItem_Click( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles PasteToOriginalCoordinatesToolStripMenuItem.Click ' Swap the data from the selected item in the grid into the ' clipboard and use the internal AutoCAD command to paste it ' at the original location If clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count = 1 Then PasteToClipboard() SendAutoCADCommand("_pasteorig ") End If End Sub Private Sub RemoveAllToolStripButton_Click( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles RemoveAllToolStripButton.Click ' Remove all the items in the grid clipboardDataGridView.Rows.Clear() End Sub Private Sub RenameToolStripMenuItem_Click( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles RenameToolStripMenuItem.Click ' Rename the selected row by editing the name cell If clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count = 1 Then clipboardDataGridView.BeginEdit(True) End If End Sub Private Sub RemoveToolStripMenuItem_Click( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles RemoveToolStripMenuItem.Click ' Remove the selected grid item If clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count = 1 Then clipboardDataGridView.Rows.Remove( _ clipboardDataGridView.SelectedRows.Item(0)) End If End Sub ' Our grid view event handlers Private Sub ClipboardDataGridView_CellMouseDown( _ ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) _ Handles clipboardDataGridView.CellMouseDown ' Responding to this event allows us to make sure the ' correct row is properly selected on right-click If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then clipboardDataGridView.CurrentCell = _ clipboardDataGridView.Item(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex) End If End Sub Private Sub ClipboardDataGridView_MouseDown( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) _ Handles clipboardDataGridView.MouseDown ' On right-click display the row as selected and show ' the context menu at the location of the cursor If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then Dim hti As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = _ clipboardDataGridView.HitTest(e.X, e.Y) If hti.Type = DataGridViewHitTestType.Cell Then clipboardDataGridView.ClearSelection() clipboardDataGridView.Rows(hti.RowIndex).Selected = True ContextMenuStrip.Show(clipboardDataGridView, e.Location) End If End If End Sub ' Override WndProc to get messages Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message) Select Case m.Msg ' The clipboard has changed Case Is = WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD If Not _internalHold Then AddDataToGrid() SendMessage(_nxtCbVwrHWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam) ' Another clipboard viewer has removed itself Case Is = WM_CHANGECBCHAIN If m.WParam = CType(_nxtCbVwrHWnd, IntPtr) Then _nxtCbVwrHWnd = m.LParam Else SendMessage(_nxtCbVwrHWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam) End If End Select MyBase.WndProc(m) End Sub End Class Public Class PaletteToolStrip Inherits ToolStrip Public Sub New() MyBase.New() End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal ParamArray Items() As ToolStripItem) MyBase.New(Items) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message) If m.Msg = &H21 AndAlso CanFocus AndAlso Not Focused Then Focus() End If MyBase.WndProc(m) End Sub End Clas

I also added a VB.NET version of the C# code that automatically registers an AutoCAD .NET application for demand-loading based on the commands it defines:

Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Resources Imports System Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Namespace DemandLoading Public Class RegistryUpdate Public Shared Sub RegisterForDemandLoading() ' Get the assembly, its name and location Dim assem As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() Dim name As String = assem.GetName().Name Dim path As String = assem.Location ' We'll collect information on the commands ' (we could have used a map or a more complex ' container for the global and localized names ' - the assumption is we will have an equal ' number of each with possibly fewer groups) Dim globCmds As New List(Of String)() Dim locCmds As New List(Of String)() Dim groups As New List(Of String)() ' Iterate through the modules in the assembly Dim mods As [Module]() = assem.GetModules(True) For Each [mod] As [Module] In mods ' Within each module, iterate through the types Dim types As Type() = [mod].GetTypes() For Each type As Type In types ' We may need to get a type's resources Dim rm As New ResourceManager(type.FullName, assem) rm.IgnoreCase = True ' Get each method on a type Dim meths As MethodInfo() = type.GetMethods() For Each meth As MethodInfo In meths ' Get the methods custom command attribute(s) Dim attbs As Object() = _ meth.GetCustomAttributes( _ GetType(CommandMethodAttribute), True) For Each attb As Object In attbs Dim cma As CommandMethodAttribute = _ TryCast(attb, CommandMethodAttribute) If cma IsNot Nothing Then ' And we can finally harvest the information ' about each command Dim globName As String = cma.GlobalName Dim locName As String = globName Dim lid As String = cma.LocalizedNameId ' If we have a localized command ID, ' let's look it up in our resources If lid IsNot Nothing Then ' Let's put a try-catch block around this ' Failure just means we use the global ' name twice (the default) Try locName = rm.GetString(lid) Catch End Try End If ' Add the information to our data structures globCmds.Add(globName) locCmds.Add(locName) If cma.GroupName IsNot Nothing AndAlso _ Not groups.Contains(cma.GroupName) Then groups.Add(cma.GroupName) End If End If Next Next Next Next ' Let's register the application to load on demand (12) ' if it contains commands, otherwise we will have it ' load on AutoCAD startup (2) Dim flags As Integer = (If(globCmds.Count > 0, 12, 2)) ' By default let's create the commands in HKCU ' (pass false if we want to create in HKLM) CreateDemandLoadingEntries(name, path, globCmds, locCmds, _ groups, flags, True) End Sub Public Shared Sub UnregisterForDemandLoading() RemoveDemandLoadingEntries(True) End Sub ' Helper functions Private Shared Sub CreateDemandLoadingEntries( _ ByVal name As String, ByVal path As String, _ ByVal globCmds As List(Of String), _ ByVal locCmds As List(Of String), _ ByVal groups As List(Of String), _ ByVal flags As Integer, _ ByVal currentUser As Boolean) ' Choose a Registry hive based on the function input Dim hive As RegistryKey = _ If(currentUser,Registry.CurrentUser,Registry.LocalMachine) ' Open the main AutoCAD (or vertical) and "Applications" keys Dim ack As RegistryKey = _ hive.OpenSubKey( _ HostApplicationServices.Current.RegistryProductRootKey) Dim appk As RegistryKey = ack.OpenSubKey("Applications", True) ' Already registered? Just return Dim subKeys As String() = appk.GetSubKeyNames() For Each subKey As String In subKeys If subKey.Equals(name) Then appk.Close() Exit Sub End If Next ' Create the our application's root key and its values Dim rk As RegistryKey = appk.CreateSubKey(name) rk.SetValue("DESCRIPTION", name, RegistryValueKind.[String]) rk.SetValue("LOADCTRLS", flags, RegistryValueKind.DWord) rk.SetValue("LOADER", path, RegistryValueKind.[String]) rk.SetValue("MANAGED", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord) ' Create a subkey if there are any commands... If (globCmds.Count = locCmds.Count) _ AndAlso globCmds.Count > 0 Then Dim ck As RegistryKey = rk.CreateSubKey("Commands") For i As Integer = 0 To globCmds.Count - 1 ck.SetValue(globCmds(i), locCmds(i), _ RegistryValueKind.[String]) Next End If ' And the command groups, if there are any If groups.Count > 0 Then Dim gk As RegistryKey = rk.CreateSubKey("Groups") For Each grpName As String In groups gk.SetValue(grpName, grpName, _ RegistryValueKind.[String]) Next End If appk.Close() End Sub Private Shared Sub RemoveDemandLoadingEntries( _ ByVal currentUser As Boolean) Try ' Choose a Registry hive based on the function input Dim hive As RegistryKey = _ If(currentUser,Registry.CurrentUser,Registry.LocalMachine) ' Open the main AutoCAD (or vertical) and "Applications" keys Dim ack As RegistryKey = _ hive.OpenSubKey( _ HostApplicationServices.Current.RegistryProductRootKey) Dim appk As RegistryKey = _ ack.OpenSubKey("Applications", True) ' Delete the key with the same name as this assembly appk.DeleteSubKeyTree( _ Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name) appk.Close() Catch End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace

That's really all there is to it. If you have any feedback regarding the behaviour of the tool, please do send us an email.


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