sonos 服务器

If you’ve ever wanted to listen to podcasts on your Sonos speakers, then there are actually several ways to stream them, be it from the Internet, your computer, or from a mobile device such as a phone or tablet.


The Sonos system has a lot of versatility and functionality. Setting it up is a virtual cinch and from there, you can do a number of cool things with including adding streaming music services and using it as a sleep timer or alarm. Podcasts are no different.

Sonos系统具有许多多功能性和功能。 设置它是一个虚拟的过程,从那里,您可以做很多很酷的事情,包括添加流音乐服务并将其用作睡眠计时器或闹钟 。 播客也是如此。

直接从Internet流播播客 (Stream Podcasts Directly from the Internet)

If you want to stream podcasts from the Internet, then look no further than the Sonos software.


First, click on the “Radio by TuneIn” in the music sources.

首先,在音乐源中单击“ Radio by TuneIn”。

Select “Talk” from resulting list, and then “Podcasts”.


You can add choose any podcast available from the selections, then click on the little arrow to the right of your selection and then you can play it, add it to your favorites, as well as check out any information and options available on it.


The number of podcasts out there is relatively vast, and there’s a chance you may not see your favorite podcast in the TuneIn selections. In such a case, you can try Stitcher or Spreaker, which are streaming services you can add. Note that you may have to create accounts for these streaming services in order to use them.

那里的播客数量相对较多,有可能您可能不会在TuneIn选项中看到自己喜欢的播客。 在这种情况下,您可以尝试Stitcher或Spreaker ,它们是可以添加的流服务 。 请注意,您可能必须为这些流服务创建帐户才能使用它们。

If these options really don’t appeal to you, then you can also stream podcasts from your computer.


从计算机流播客 (Stream Podcasts from Your Computer)

If you prefer to download the podcast files to your computer, using a program like iTunes or MediaMonkey, then you’ll have to share the folder to where you save your podcasts. To do this, open the Sonos desktop app on your computer. Click “Manage”, and then “Music Library Settings”.

如果您想使用iTunes或MediaMonkey之类的程序将播客文件下载到计算机上 ,则必须将文件夹共享到保存播客的位置。 为此,请在计算机上打开Sonos桌面应用程序。 单击“管理”,然后单击“音乐库设置”。

The Manage menu is the same whether it’s on PC or Mac

On the Preferences screen, you will need to add the location to where you want to save your podcasts. On a Mac, click the “+” symbol or on a PC, click “Add”.

在“首选项”屏幕上,您需要将位置添加到要保存播客的位置。 在Mac上,单击“ +”符号;在PC上,单击“添加”。

If your podcasts reside in your default music folder, then leave this option as is. If they’re saved in another location, then browse to it and select that location.

如果您的播客驻留在默认音乐文件夹中,请保持此选项不变。 如果它们保存在其他位置,请浏览到该位置并选择该位置。

Your podcasts will be listed in the app under Music Library > Artist. Depending on whether a podcast supplies any metadata, you may also see them under Music Library > Genre > Podcasts.

您的播客将列在该应用程序的“ 音乐库”>“艺术家”下 。 根据播客是否提供任何元数据,您还可以在Music Library> Genre> Podcasts下看到它们。

Unfortunately, every time you add new podcasts, you will need to re-index your music library. To do this, click “Manage” and then “Update Music Library Now”.

不幸的是,每次添加新的播客时,都需要重新索引音乐库。 为此,请单击“管理”,然后单击“立即更新音乐库”。

通过手机或平板电脑流播播客 (Stream Podcasts from Your Phone or Tablet)

If you want to stream podcasts from your mobile device, you can do that too.


在iOS上 (On iOS)

Your iPhone or iPad come preinstalled with a Podcast app, so when you subscribe to and download new episodes, they will be available in the Sonos app automatically. Simply tap open the music menu, then “On this IPhone”.

您的iPhone或iPad预先装有Podcast应用,因此,当您订阅和下载新片段时,它们将自动在Sonos应用中可用。 只需点击打开音乐菜单,然后点击“在此iPhone上”。

Now tap open “Podcasts”.


All your downloaded podcasts will be available here so you can easily stream them to your Sonos player or players.


Finally, let’s turn to Android and show you how to do this from that platform.


在Android上 (On Android)

On Android, you will need to download podcasts to the “Podcasts” folder of your root directory. How do you do this? It’s pretty easy, but not altogether convenient. Let’s show you how.

在Android上,您需要将播客下载到根目录的“ Podcasts”文件夹中。 你怎么做到这一点? 这很简单,但并不完全方便。 让我们告诉你如何。

On most Android devices, anything you download is automatically saved to the Downloads location, which means you have to copy or move any podcasts from that folder to the Podcasts folder (if they aren’t saved to it already).


One way to do this is to use a file management tool (there are many available from the Play Store). In this case we’re using the popular app Astro. We’ll select our podcast, which we’ve just downloaded, and move it.

一种实现方法是使用文件管理工具(Play商店提供许多工具)。 在这种情况下,我们使用流行的应用程序Astro 。 我们将选择刚刚下载的Podcast并将其移动。

Here, you see the Podcasts directory in the root location of our Android device’s storage system to where we’ll move our podcast files.


Once moved there (you should probably download and move all your podcasts at once, rather than one at a time), you can now find them on your Sonos app.


Open the Music menu and select “On this Mobile Device”.


Then select “Podcasts” from the choices.


And, you should now be able to see and play any podcasts on your Android device.


It’s not as easy as on the iPhone or iPad, but once you get the hang of it, you should have no troubles.


There are of course, other simpler ways to listen to podcasts on your Android device, but in order to send that audio to your Sonos player, you’ll have to jump through some hoops. Overall however, the simplest way is to listen to them directly from the Sonos app itself.

当然,还有其他一些更简单的方法可以在您的Android设备上收听播客,但是要将音频发送到Sonos播放器,您必须跳过一些障碍。 总体而言,最简单的方法是直接从Sonos应用程序本身收听它们。


sonos 服务器

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