>> In a future unit, we'll learn how attackers can get possession
of a database containing hashed passwords.


For now, we'll just assume they haven't.


The first possible attack is a brute force attack which might be necessary
when dealing with complex passwords.


Complex passwords have some or all of the following characteristics:
Changed in regular time intervals, like 180 days; a minimum length, for instance,
10 characters; using at least three of the following categories: Upper case letters,
lower case letters, numbers, symbols, can't be reused or at least going back
in the history of a number of recent passwords.


This is why there's a minimum time frame for a password, in some cases,
to prevent users from entering 10 passwords so they can get back to their favorite one.


In May 2017, NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, drafted guidelines
that dealt a big blow to complex passwords.


NIST recommended to remove periodic password change requirements and to remove the need
for required character groups of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.


NIST recommended to add the screening of possible passwords
against password lists and known compromised passwords.


The belief is that overly complex passwords and passwords
that change too frequently are too hard for users to remember
and these users will resort to writing them down.


Furthermore, keystroke logging, phishing, and social engineering attacks work just as well
on lengthy complex passwords as they do on simple ones.


So let's talk about doing this brute force attack.


One method involves iterating through all possible lowercase letters, uppercase letters,
numbers, and symbols for all lengths.


That could take forever.


To speed things up, you can restrict the iterations to a minimum length
and maximum length of characters.


Another restriction for speed involves the character sets, which could be just letters,
just lowercase letters, just uppercase letters, just numbers, just symbols,
or some combination of different character sets.


You could even use a program like Crunch which uses all the previously mentioned restrictions
but also gives you more control over specifics.


Examples include allowing just certain characters from a single character set
or multiple character sets as well as including a known string, like a birthdate.


Crunch's generated word list can be dynamically passed to a program
that attempts to crack the passwords.


The Crunch word list can also be saved to a file and later passed
to a password-cracking program, like "John the Ripper."

关键字列表也可以保存到一个文件中,然后传递给一个密码破解程序,比如“开膛手约翰”(John The Ripper)。

John the Ripper, though, can do a brute force attack on its own, without any input file.


For the actual cracking, the generated words are hashed and the hashes are compared
to the stolen password-hash database file.


If a generated hash matches a hash from the stolen database,
the attacker can simply associate the matching hash with its plain text input.


Remember, algorithms for hashing, like algorithms for encryption, are never secret.


Seeing a hashed password database is, in most cases, all you need to determine the algorithm
since the lengths of the hashes are fixed for each function,
like MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512.


The pro to a brute force attack is that you are guaranteed
to find the matching hash trying all possible characters.


The con is you might not be alive to see it.


The time needed to parse through tons and tons of permutations and combinations
of letters is a reason why you might decide to go the route
of a dictionary attack or a rainbow table attack.


Long and strong passwords render such an attack useless since hackers don't want to tie
up so many resources in cracking passwords for hours, days, weeks, months, and years.



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