μtorrent for Linux开发很快啊,之前为了做种鸡,曾经在μtorrent for Linux还是rtorrent纠结过,由于怕编译(我使用时的rtorrent的IPv6 还要靠Patch来实现),就先尝试了前者,发现好是蛮好的,就是有个致命的问题:当种子里面的文件包含中文文件名的时候(不是种子的文件名,是下载回来的文件的文件名),那些下载回来的文件凡是包含中文的全部变成问号“????”


今天在晨光群里面聊天的时候,发现Demon兄弟的可以正常使用,隧到μtorrent官网一看 哇塞,2010年12月6号又更新了,版本号是µTorrent Server alpha (3.0 build 23418)。感觉下载下来测试了一下,发现问题已经被解决了。运行起来后打开8080端口欢快的输入admin,找了个种子开始在debian上欢快的开始跑起来。


server started - using locale zh_CN.UTF-8

File not found during integrity check: ./settings.dat

File not found during integrity check: ./settings.dat.new

File not found during integrity check: ./settings.dat.old

File not found during integrity check: ./settings.dat

File not found during integrity check: ./settings.dat.new

File not found during integrity check: ./settings.dat.old

File not found during integrity check: ./dht.dat

File not found during integrity check: ./dht.dat.new

File not found during integrity check: ./dht.dat.old

File not found during integrity check: ./rss.dat

File not found during integrity check: ./rss.dat.new

File not found during integrity check: ./rss.dat.old

File not found during integrity check: ./resume.dat

File not found during integrity check: ./resume.dat.new

File not found during integrity check: ./resume.dat.old

IPv6 is installed

uT HTTP torrent add of '/tmp/00002a6f-0001.utt' succeeded[/bash]



docs utserver

resume.dat webui.zip

resume.dat.old 毕业前需要做的十件事【上大数码原创视频】.mp4

settings.dat 毕业前需要做的十件事【上大数码原创视频】.mp4.torrent




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