
Windows Vista has some new tools to help in diagnosing problems with your system.  Yes there are still the familiar ones such as Event Viewer, Task Manager, and Performance Monitor, but Vista has improved upon these standards and added new diagnostic tools as well.  One very cool on was previously covered by The Geek which is the Memory Diagnostics Tool.  Here I am going to cover an often overlooked but extremely convenient tool which is generating a System Health Report.

Windows Vista提供了一些新工具来帮助诊断系统问题。 是的,仍然有诸如事件查看器,任务管理器和性能监视器之类的熟悉的工具,但是Vista改进了这些标准并增加了新的诊断工具。 极客之前曾被The Geek报道,它是内存诊断工具 。 在这里,我将介绍一个经常被忽略但极为方便的工具,该工具正在生成系统运行状况报告。

To generate this report click on Start and type in “Performance” (without the quotes) and then at the top click on Performance Information and Tools.


Next click on Advanced tools …


This will open up an entire list of Performance Tools we can use to help diagnose problems with our system.  Instead of going through different utilities on the list go to the bottom and generate a System Health Report.

这将打开性能工具的完整列表,我们可以使用它们来帮助诊断系统问题。 不用遍历列表上的其他实用程序,而是移至底部并生成系统运行状况报告。

To generate the report it takes about a minute or so.  You get to look at a cool graphic (well, I guess I don’t know how cool it is but it’s something new at least). while Vista collect system information.

要生成报告,大约需要一分钟左右的时间。 您可以看一个很酷的图形(嗯,我想我不知道它有多酷,但至少是新的东西)。 而Vista收集系统信息。

On this report it is telling me a test on one of my drives failed, well it is because of low disk space and this drive is external … so you need to look at these reports carefully and not get too excited when you see a failed test.


On the other hand, if something is detected such as a corrupt driver for instance, you will definitely want to make sure and correct that.  As you go deeper into each section of the report you get a lot of information, far too much for me to show in this post.  Even if you are not experiencing any obvious troubles I would probably run this report periodically as it could provide information that will allow you to catch something small before it grows into a larger issue.

另一方面,如果检测到诸如损坏的驱动程序之类的东西,您肯定会想要确保并纠正此问题。 当您深入研究报告的每个部分时,您会获得很多信息,而对于我而言,在这篇文章中显示的信息太多了。 即使您没有遇到任何明显的麻烦,我也可能会定期运行此报告,因为它可以提供信息,使您可以在小问题发展成大问题之前就抓住它。




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