
Welcome to another round of On Our Radar! this week, we discovered the best way to comfort a JavaScript bug: we console it.

欢迎来到“雷达上的新一轮”! 本周,我们发现了缓解JavaScript错误的最佳方法:我们对其进行控制台。

在我们的雷达上: (On Our Radar:)

The week began with RyanReese trying to implement highlight.js into an existing site and having some issues with html entities. It’s a great thread where members came together and pooled their knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS and questioned the use of highlight.js in general.

本周开始于RyanReese,试图将Highlight.js 实施到现有站点中,并遇到html实体问题。 这是一个很棒的线程,成员们聚集在一起,汇集了他们对JavaScript,HTML和CSS的知识,并对一般对highlight.js的使用提出了质疑。

We then moved on to an existential question: “what is keeping you from switching to Linux?” cpradio loves the technical side of Linux, and wonders why more people in the tech world aren’t switching. We talk hesitancy with new technical things, and the difficulty of getting less-technical users on board.

然后,我们转到一个存在的问题: “是什么让您无法切换到Linux?” cpradio热爱Linux的技术方面,并想知道为什么技术世界中的更多人没有切换。 我们对新技术问题犹豫不决,以及难以吸引技术含量较低的用户的问题。

It was April Fool’s earlier this week, and we looked at everything from Google’s totally awesome Pacman/Google Maps takeover, to selfie rigs. Read all the greatest April Fool’s pranks by your favourite (and some unknown) websites.

这是愚人节本周早些时候,我们研究了从Google真棒的Pacman / Google Maps接管到自拍照装备的所有内容。 阅读您喜欢的(和一些未知的)网站上所有最伟大的愚人节恶作剧 。

简而言之: (In Short:)

csosa talks contact form functions and all thinks PHP, bodrovis wants to know about activity feeds in rails, while RavenVelvet wants to know if anyone has pre-built a PHP7 vagrant box yet.

csosa谈论联系表单功能 ,所有人都认为PHP,bodrovis想了解rails中的活动提要 ,而RavenVelvet想知道是否有人已经预先构建了一个PHP7流浪者盒子 。

Pullo talks the JavaScript Framework Explosion, and rounds up the Week in JavaScript, while cpradio rounds up of the Week in .NET.

Pullo谈论JavaScript框架爆炸 ,并用JavaScript总结了本周 ,而cpradio 用.NET总结了本周 。

告诉我们你的故事: (Tell us your story:)

Look at how happy this Will Ferrel lookalike is! Just look at him. He couldn’t be happier if Bill Gates had given him the secret to winning Minesweeper every time.

看看威尔·费雷尔(Will Ferrel)看起来多么幸福! 看看他。 如果比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)每次都给他一个赢得扫雷的秘密,他就不会高兴。

My happiest tech-based moment was when I installed a dual-layer DVD burner into my ancient IBM machine. The hardest part was getting everything to line up properly, and having it work was my proudest tech moment. So now we want to know: what’s your best tech moment?

基于技术的最快乐时刻是我在古老的IBM机器中安装了双层DVD刻录机。 最困难的部分是使所有内容正确对齐,让它工作是我最自豪的技术时刻。 所以现在我们想知道: 您最好的技术时刻是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-highlight-js-linux-pranks/



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