Breadcrumbs: Remote breadcrumbs not showing file listings - fixes #1690.

CodeIntel: Limit symbol browser to files residing in your project / places root - fixes #1457.

Commando: Don’t break on remote folders - fixes #1657.

Commands: Improved “cmd_movetab” description - fixes #1413.

Debugging: NodeJS: Remove leftover Chrome interpreter parameters from a JS debug configuration after switching to NodeJS - fixes #1456.

Debugging: Run without debugging key binding skips settings dialog - fixes #1624.

Editor: Block uncomment error on blank lines - fixes #1509.

Editor: Color hyperlinks not clickable - fixes #1335.

Editor: Remove source code pro from default fonts (incompatible with Cyrillic characters) - fixes #1484.

Find: Do not show “include” field for anything other than “in files” searches - fixes #858.

Find: Skip badly encoded filenames in “find in files” rather than erroring out - fixes #1602.

Formatters: Fail gracefully, fixes custom formatters not working.

Help: Removed outdated menu items - fixes #1512.

Icons: Don’t render two reload icons.

Icons: Increase padding on pref category icons - fixes #1486.

Icons: Missing runcmd icon. Fixes #1586.

Indentation: Honor ‘useTabs’ setting if 'allow override’ is unchecked - fixes #1518.

Keybindings: Changed find next and debugging key bindings for OSX to be more user friendly and consistent - fixes #1665.

Keybindings: Vi: Line up/down should navigate over folded code - fixes #1549.

Linter: Removed “builtin” options for Less and SCSS linting options (note: you can still lint these languages - no functional change) - fixes #1607.

PHP 7: Updated stdlib catalog to include common constants and array members - fixes #1633.

Places: Fail gracefully when failing on file - fixes #1510.

Prefs: Prefs failing to load properly when restoring sub-category - fixes #1598.

Prefs: Re-enable the “environment” button - fixes #1511.

SCC: Always sort by date descending - fixes #1527.

SCC: Git not shown on checkout dialog - fixes #1468.

SCC: History: Added the revision column again - fixes #1534.

SCC: New files not being committed - fixes #1481.

SDK: Editor: Add getWindowPosition method.

Startup Wizard: Skip schemes that fail to load - fixes #1538.

UI: About dialog overlapping contributor list - fixes #1632.

UI: Bottom pane hiding toolbar if too small - fixes #1540.

UI: Change default font-size to 1rem (up from 0.9rem).

UI: Environment variable editing window too small - fixes #1407.

UI: Force minimap width (prevents it getting squashed) - fixes #1529.

UI: Inconsistencies in the cupertino color scheme - fixes #1438.

UI: Limit places icons size to 14px - fixes #1404.

UI: Menubar cut off when window is maximized on Windows - fixes #1461.

UI: Minimap border color.

UI: Missing buttons in pref dialogs - fixes #1506.

UI: Missing findresults copy icon - fixes #1503.

UI: missing reload button in browser preview - fixes #1603.

UI: Offset editor tooltips so they don’t overlap and flicker - fixes #1477.

UI: Publishing icons overlapping text - fixes #1495.

UI: Reduce size of file status icons (collab, publishing, readonly).

UI: Side toolbar doesn’t stay hidden after restart - fixes #1482.

UI: Statusbar position indicators causing UI to jump - fixes #1536.

UI: Styling of check configuration window - fixes #716.

UX: Don’t propegate events on dynamic toolbar buttons - fixes #1563.

Other: Allow stop-restart during addon uninstall / install - fixes #1594.

Other: Multi-window errors/exceptions - fixes #1686.

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