
state --> view --> action -> state

多组件共享状态, 之前操作方式,由父组件传递到各个子组件。 当路由等加入后,会变得复杂。 引入viewx 解决共享问题。



Vuex对象结构 (state,mutations,getters,actions)

state 对象数据

mutations 操作变更state数据

getters 计算state

actions  触发mutations



npm install --save vuex



代码1  :原vue实现计数器


<div><p>点击次数{{count}}, 奇偶数:{{eventOrOdd}}</p><button @click="increment">+</button><button @click="decrement">-</button><button @click="incrementIfOdd">奇数加</button><button @click="incrementAsync">异步加</button>
export default {data () {return {count: 0}},computed: {eventOrOdd () {return this.count % 2 === 0 ? '偶数' : '奇数'}},methods: {increment () {const count = this.countthis.count = count + 1},decrement () {const count = this.countthis.count = count - 1},incrementIfOdd () {const count = this.countif (count % 2 === 1) {this.count = count + 1}},incrementAsync () {setTimeout(() => {const count = this.countthis.count = count + 1}, 1000)}}

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代码2: VUEX实现


/*** Created by infaa on 2018/9/22.*/
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'Vue.use(Vuex)const state = { // 初始化状态count: 0
const mutations = {INCREMENT (state) {state.count++},DECREMENT (state) {state.count--}
}const actions = {increment ({commit}) {commit('INCREMENT')},decrement ({commit}) {commit('DECREMENT')},incrementIfOdd ({commit, state}) {if (state.count%2 === 1) {commit('INCREMENT')}},incrementAsync ({commit}) {setTimeout( () => {commit('INCREMENT')}, 1000)}
}const getters = {eventOrOdd (state) {return state.count % 2 === 0 ? '偶数' : '奇数'}
}export default new Vuex.Store({state, // 状态对象mutations, // 更新state函数的对象actions,// dispatch 对应actionggetters  // 对应computed 中getters

View Code


/*** Created by infaa on 2018/9/19.*/
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import store from './store'/* eslint-disable no-new */new Vue({el: '#app',components: {App},template: '<App/>',store // 所有组件对象多了一个属性$store

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<div><!--<p>点击次数{{count}}, 奇偶数:{{eventOrOdd}}</p>--><p>点击次数{{$store.state.count}}, 奇偶数:{{eventOrOdd}}</p><button @click="increment">+</button><button @click="decrement">-</button><button @click="incrementIfOdd">奇数加</button><button @click="incrementAsync">异步加</button>
export default {
//  data () {
//    return {
//      count: 0
//    }
//  },computed: {eventOrOdd () {
//      return this.count % 2 === 0 ? '偶数' : '奇数'return this.$store.getters.eventOrOdd // js中要写this,模版中不用直接写$store}},methods: {increment () {this.$store.dispatch('increment')},decrement () {
//      const count = this.count
//      this.count = count - 1this.$store.dispatch('decrement')},incrementIfOdd () {this.$store.dispatch('incrementIfOdd')
//      const count = this.count
//      if (count % 2 === 1) {
//        this.count = count + 1
//      }},incrementAsync () {this.$store.dispatch('incrementAsync')
//      setTimeout(() => {
//        const count = this.count
//        this.count = count + 1
//      }, 1000)}}

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代码3 优化app.js

app.uve 如果对应名不同,由[ ] 改为{}即可

<div><!-- <h2>点击的个数:{{count}}</h2> --><!-- <h3>{{eventOrOdd}}</h3> --><!-- Vuex 版本  --><h2>点击次数{{$store.state.count}}, 奇偶数:{{eventOrOdd}}</h2><button @click="increment">+</button><button @click="decrement">-</button><button @click="incrementIfOdd">奇数+</button><button @click="incrementAsync">异步加</button>
</template><script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import {mapState, mapGetters, mapActions} from 'vuex'// export default{//     data(){//         return{//             count:0//         }//     },//     computed:{//         eventOrOdd(count){//         //     return this.count % 2 === 0?'偶数':'奇数'//             return this.$store.getters.eventOrOdd//         }//     },//     methods:{//         increment () {//             // const count = this.count;//             // this.count = count+1//             this.$store.dispatch('increment')//         },//         decrement (){//             // const count = this.count;//             // this.count = count -1 //             this.$store.dispatch('decrement')//         },//         incrementIfOdd () {//             // const count = this.count;//             // if(count % 2 === 1 ){//             //     this.count = count + 1//             // }//             this.$store.dispatch('incrementIfOdd');//         },//         incrementAsync () {//           // setTimeout(() => {//             // const count = this.count//             // this.count = count + 1//           // }, 1000)//           this.$store.dispatch('incrementAsync')//         }//     }//     };// 优化 App.vue   代码格式
    export default{computed:{...mapState['count'],...mapGetters['eventOrOdd']},methods:{...mapActions(['increment','decrement','incrementIfOdd','incrementAsync'])}};</script><style type="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus"></style>

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官方另一个案例购物车, store以目录结构呈现

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