Samsung’s Smart Switch is a unique tool for transferring data from an old device to your new Galaxy phone, but it also offers a way to update your phone quickly and easily. Here’s how.

三星的Smart Switch是用于将数据从旧设备传输到新Galaxy手机的独特工具,但它还提供了一种快速轻松地更新手机的方法。 这是如何做。

什么是智能开关? (What is Smart Switch?)

Smart Switch is Samsung’s tool for quickly and easily transitioning from an old phone—be it Android, Windows Phone (haha), or even an iPhone. It helps users bring all their important data from an old phone to their new Galaxy handset. It’s available as an Android app for direct Android-to-Android transfers, but the PC or Mac app is more fully featured.

Smart Switch是Samsung的工具,可快速轻松地从旧手机(包括Android,Windows Phone(哈哈)甚至是iPhone)过渡。 它可以帮助用户将所有重要数据从旧手机带到新的Galaxy手机中。 它可以作为Android应用程序直接进行Android到Android的传输,但PC或Mac应用程序功能更全。

For example, you can use it as a backup tool for a Galaxy handset, offering the option to back up all important data from the phone to a PC. It also has an option to encrypt said data, keeping it safe and secure.

例如,您可以将其用作Galaxy手机的备份工具,并提供将所有重要数据从手机备份到PC的选项。 它还可以选择加密所述数据,以确保其安全性。

But Smart Switch for PC or Mac also offers a quick and easy way to update your Galaxy handset. While it doesn’t necessarily bypass carrier approval or some such to get you updated quicker, it does offer a way to skip the line when you know your carrier is pushing an update to your handset and you don’t have it yet.

但是,适用于PC或Mac的Smart Switch还提供了一种快速简便的方法来更新Galaxy手机。 尽管它不一定会绕过运营商的批准或诸如此类,以使您更快地进行更新,但当您知道运营商正在向手机推送更新并且您还没有更新时,它确实提供了一种跳过排队的方法。

如何使用智能开关更新手机 (How to Use Smart Switch to Update Your Phone)

First things first—you’re going to need a copy of Smart Switch installed on your computer. Go ahead and grab the download from here and get it installed.

首先,您将需要在计算机上安装Smart Switch的副本。 继续并从此处获取下载并安装。

Next, connect your Galaxy phone and let’s do this thing.


With your phone connected over USB, fire up Smart Switch. It should take a few moments to look for your phone, and then automatically connect. If you’re using a secured lock screen, you’ll need to unlock the device before Smart Switch can connect.

通过USB连接手机后,启动Smart Switch。 寻找您的手机可能需要一些时间,然后自动进行连接。 如果您使用的是安全锁定屏幕,则需要先解锁设备,然后才能连接Smart Switch。

After the connection is established and your phone is unlocked, Smart Switch lets you know if there’s an update available. If there’s something to install, click the “Update” button.

建立连接并解锁手机后,Smart Switch会通知您是否有可用的更新。 如果有要安装的东西,请单击“更新”按钮。

A dialog box pops up, letting you know that it’s going to update your phone to the latest version. Click “Continue” to get started.

弹出对话框,通知您它将把手机更新到最新版本。 点击“继续”开始。

Another window pops up with some general warning and notes. Click “All Confirmed” to continue.

弹出另一个窗口,其中包含一些常规警告和说明。 单击“全部确认”继续。

The download should start immediately. Depending on the size of the update file and your internet connection, this could take a bit.

下载应立即开始。 根据更新文件的大小和您的Internet连接,这可能需要一点时间。

When it’s finished downloading, the software update begins. If you’re using a Windows PC, you may have to grant UAC access here before it will install.

下载完成后,软件更新开始。 如果您使用的是Windows PC,则可能必须先在此处授予UAC访问权限,然后才能进行安装。

The installation takes a bit of time—just let it do its thing while you go get a coffee.


While it’s finished, the phone automatically reboots into Download mode—don’t panic, this is totally normal! The progress bar on both the phone and Smart Switch window will let you know how things are coming along. Again, just chill and let it do its thing.

完成后,手机会自动重启进入下载模式-不要惊慌,这完全正常! 手机和“智能开关”窗口上的进度条将让您知道事情的进展。 再说一次,让自己冷静一下,让它做自己的事情。

When it’s totally finished, a pop up lets you know that the update is complete, and that you need to disconnect and reconnect the cable.


If you want to continue using Smart Switch for any reason, disconnect and reconnect. If you only needed to update, you’re finished here and can just disconnect your phone.

如果出于任何原因要继续使用Smart Switch,请断开连接并重新连接。 如果您只需要更新,那么您已经完成了,可以断开手机的连接。



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