2.2 Programming Paradigms
Objectoriented programming is a technique for programming – a paradigm for writing ‘‘good’’
programs for a set of problems. If the term ‘‘objectoriented programming language’’ means anything, it must mean a programming language that provides mechanisms that support the objectoriented style of programming well.
    There is an important distinction here. A language is said to support a style of programming if
it provides facilities that make it convenient (reasonably easy, safe, and efficient) to use that style.
A language does not support a technique if it takes exceptional effort or skill to write such programs;
it merely enables the technique to be used. For example, you can write structured programs
in Fortran77 and object-oriented programs in C, but it is unnecessarily hard to do so because these
languages do not directly support those techniques.(说一种语言支持一种编程风格是直接的支持,就是语言中有专门的机制可以很方便的实现,C语言虽然不直接支持Class,但是不代表不可以用C去实现这个机制,但是这属于间接地支持。而c++中是直接支持)

    Support for a paradigm comes not only in the obvious form of language facilities that allow
direct use of the paradigm, but also in the more subtle form of compiletime and/or runtime
checks against unintentional deviation from the paradigm. Type checking is the most obvious example of this; ambiguity detection and runtime checks are also used to extend linguistic support for paradigms. Extralinguistic facilities such as libraries and programming environments can provide further
support for paradigms.

    One language is not necessarily better than another because it possesses a feature the other does
not. There are many examples to the contrary. The important issue is not so much what features a
language possesses, but that the features it does possess are sufficient to support the desired programming styles in the desired application areas:
    [1] All features must be cleanly and elegantly integrated into the language.
    [2] It must be possible to use features in combination to achieve solutions that would otherwise
        require extra, separate features.(有些问题需要使用多个特性结合解决)
    [3] There should be as few spurious and ‘‘specialpurpose’’features as possible. (特性应该是通用的)
    [4] A feature’s implementation should not impose significant overheads on programs that do                                                
        not require it.
    [5] A user should need to know only about the subset of the language explicitly used to write a
    The first principle is an appeal to aesthetics and logic. The next two are expressions of the ideal of
minimalism. The last two can be summarized as ‘‘what you don’t know won’t hurt you.’’

    C++ was designed to support data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming in addition to traditional C programming techniques under these constraints. It was not
meant to force one particular programming style upon all users.
    The following sections consider some programming styles and the key language mechanisms
supporting them. The presentation progresses through a series of techniques starting with procedural-programming and leading up to the use of class hierarchies in object-oriented
programming and generic programming using templates. Each paradigm builds on its predecessors, each adds something new to the C++ programmer’s toolbox, and each reflects a proven design approach.
    The presentation of language features is not exhaustive. The emphasis is on design approaches
and ways of organizing programs rather than on language details. At this stage, it is far more
important to gain an idea of what can be done using C++ than to understand exactly how it can be

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