UE4 LOD Screen Size

Screen Size 直白翻译就是屏幕大小,在UE4中常用于控制LOD的加载。


/*** Computes the screen size of a given sphere bounds in the given view.* The screen size is the projected diameter of the bounding sphere of the model. * i.e. 0.5 means half the screen's maximum dimension.* @param BoundsOrigin - Origin of the bounds in world space* @param SphereRadius - Radius of the sphere to use to calculate screen coverage* @param ViewOrigin - The origin of the view to calculate the display factor for* @param ProjMatrix - The projection matrix used to scale screen size bounds* @return float - The screen size calculated*/
float ComputeBoundsScreenSize(const FVector4& BoundsOrigin, const float SphereRadius, const FVector4& ViewOrigin, const FMatrix& ProjMatrix)
{const float Dist = FVector::Dist(BoundsOrigin, ViewOrigin);// Get projection multiple accounting for view scaling.const float ScreenMultiple = FMath::Max(0.5f * ProjMatrix.M[0][0], 0.5f * ProjMatrix.M[1][1]);// Calculate screen-space projected radiusconst float ScreenRadius = ScreenMultiple * SphereRadius / FMath::Max(1.0f, Dist);// For clarity, we end up comparing the diameterreturn ScreenRadius * 2.0f;



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