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__author__ = 'ZFTurbo:'import numpy as npdef bb_intersection_over_union(A, B):xA = max(A[0], B[0])yA = max(A[1], B[1])xB = min(A[2], B[2])yB = min(A[3], B[3])# compute the area of intersection rectangleinterArea = max(0, xB - xA) * max(0, yB - yA)if interArea == 0:return 0.0# compute the area of both the prediction and ground-truth rectanglesboxAArea = (A[2] - A[0]) * (A[3] - A[1])boxBArea = (B[2] - B[0]) * (B[3] - B[1])iou = interArea / float(boxAArea + boxBArea - interArea)return ioudef prefilter_boxes(boxes, scores, labels, weights, thr):# Create dict with boxes stored by its labelnew_boxes = dict()for t in range(len(boxes)):for j in range(len(boxes[t])):score = scores[t][j]if score < thr:continuelabel = int(labels[t][j])box_part = boxes[t][j]b = [int(label), float(score) * weights[t], float(box_part[0]), float(box_part[1]), float(box_part[2]), float(box_part[3])]if label not in new_boxes:new_boxes[label] = []new_boxes[label].append(b)# Sort each list in dict by score and transform it to numpy arrayfor k in new_boxes:current_boxes = np.array(new_boxes[k])new_boxes[k] = current_boxes[current_boxes[:, 1].argsort()[::-1]]return new_boxesdef get_weighted_box(boxes, conf_type='avg'):"""Create weighted box for set of boxes:param boxes: set of boxes to fuse :param conf_type: type of confidence one of 'avg' or 'max':return: weighted box"""box = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float32)conf = 0conf_list = []for b in boxes:box[2:] += (b[1] * b[2:])conf += b[1]conf_list.append(b[1])box[0] = boxes[0][0]if conf_type == 'avg':box[1] = conf / len(boxes)elif conf_type == 'max':box[1] = np.array(conf_list).max()box[2:] /= confreturn boxdef find_matching_box(boxes_list, new_box, match_iou):best_iou = match_ioubest_index = -1for i in range(len(boxes_list)):box = boxes_list[i]if box[0] != new_box[0]:continueiou = bb_intersection_over_union(box[2:], new_box[2:])if iou > best_iou:best_index = ibest_iou = ioureturn best_index, best_ioudef weighted_boxes_fusion(boxes_list, scores_list, labels_list, weights=None, iou_thr=0.55, skip_box_thr=0.0, conf_type='avg', allows_overflow=False):''':param boxes_list: list of boxes predictions from each model, each box is 4 numbers. It has 3 dimensions (models_number, model_preds, 4)Order of boxes: x1, y1, x2, y2. We expect float normalized coordinates [0; 1]:param scores_list: list of scores for each model :param labels_list: list of labels for each model:param weights: list of weights for each model. Default: None, which means weight == 1 for each model:param iou_thr: IoU value for boxes to be a match:param skip_box_thr: exclude boxes with score lower than this variable  :param conf_type: how to calculate confidence in weighted boxes. 'avg': average value, 'max': maximum value:param allows_overflow: false if we want confidence score not exceed 1.0 :return: boxes: boxes coordinates (Order of boxes: x1, y1, x2, y2). :return: scores: confidence scores:return: labels: boxes labels'''if weights is None:weights = np.ones(len(boxes_list))if len(weights) != len(boxes_list):print('Warning: incorrect number of weights {}. Must be: {}. Set weights equal to 1.'.format(len(weights), len(boxes_list)))weights = np.ones(len(boxes_list))weights = np.array(weights)if conf_type not in ['avg', 'max']:print('Unknown conf_type: {}. Must be "avg" or "max"'.format(conf_type))exit()filtered_boxes = prefilter_boxes(boxes_list, scores_list, labels_list, weights, skip_box_thr)if len(filtered_boxes) == 0:return np.zeros((0, 4)), np.zeros((0,)), np.zeros((0,))overall_boxes = []for label in filtered_boxes:boxes = filtered_boxes[label]new_boxes = []weighted_boxes = []# Clusterize boxesfor j in range(0, len(boxes)):index, best_iou = find_matching_box(weighted_boxes, boxes[j], iou_thr)if index != -1:new_boxes[index].append(boxes[j])weighted_boxes[index] = get_weighted_box(new_boxes[index], conf_type)else:new_boxes.append([boxes[j].copy()])weighted_boxes.append(boxes[j].copy())# Rescale confidence based on number of models and boxesfor i in range(len(new_boxes)):if not allows_overflow:weighted_boxes[i][1] = weighted_boxes[i][1] * min(weights.sum(), len(new_boxes[i])) / weights.sum()else:weighted_boxes[i][1] = weighted_boxes[i][1] * len(new_boxes[i]) / weights.sum()overall_boxes.append(np.array(weighted_boxes))overall_boxes = np.concatenate(overall_boxes, axis=0)overall_boxes = overall_boxes[overall_boxes[:, 1].argsort()[::-1]]boxes = overall_boxes[:, 2:]scores = overall_boxes[:, 1]labels = overall_boxes[:, 0]return boxes, scores, labels

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