
Obtain unofficial transcripts from your school(s) student account or

Registrar’s office.To obtain your unofficial JHU transcripts: Go to

http://isis.jhu.edu sign in, enter your JHED ID and password, go to

Registration/My Grades and click on View Unofficial Transcript. If your

transcripts are not issued in English you must submit documents in both the

original language and English translation from a professional third party

service. Please refer to this site for available services www.atanet.org. Some

departments may not require translations, please check the department’s website

for more information.

Obtain the email addresses from your recommenders.In your Apply Yourself

online application using your recommenders email addresses you will be able to

request electronic letters of recommendations; and the Apply Yourself system is

quite simple to use-it will simply solicit your recommender via their email

account. They then only need to follow the instructions. We strongly recommend

you use the Apply Yourself system. Do not mail in letters of recommendation.

We are able to accept recommendation letters using the Interfolio system.

Please usegraduateadmissions@jhu.edu to have the letters sent to our office.

Once the Office of Graduate Admissions and Enrollment receives the letter it

will be added to your application. Please allow 14 business days processing

time, do not mail letters of recommendation to our office.

Prepare your statement of purpose In lieu of the “statement of purpose”,please refer to the admission requirements of each department. M.F.A. applicants

only should include in their statement of purpose a two-page introduction and

critique of their work; the statement should give an insight into the scope and

thoughtfulness of the work submitted and a sense of the student’s ability to

contribute to the Writing Seminars program.Please note: The office of Graduate

Admissions and Enrollment does not accept paper copies of the statement of

purpose. Applicants are required to submit this document through the online

application. The uploaded file cannot exceed 500KB in size. The document must

also adhere to 1″ (inch) margins.

Have your GRE scores sent through ETS Applicants are required to request

recent GRE scores from ETS and submit them to Johns Hopkins before the

application deadline. In order for your application to be reviewed, you must

include the university’s institution code in your request to ETS. Johns Hopkins

University Schools of Arts & Sciences and Engineering’s institution code is

5332. Arrangements may be made to take the GRE by contacting: GRE/Educational

Testing Service, P.O. Box 6000, Princeton, NJ 08540 or the web site at :

http://www.gre.org/. Department codes: Applicants do not need to select a

department code. As long as the institutional code of 5332 has been selected,

the scores will be delivered to the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Arts

& Sciences and Engineering’s admissions office.

Prepare any supplemental material required by your department.The following

departments require each applicant to submit a sample of work, such as a paper,

thesis or publication. Please consult the department before submitting any


Have application fee payment ready to submit. A non-refundable fee of $75.00 is required for each application to the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and

the Whiting School of Engineering, with the following exceptions: the

departments of Civil Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,

Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and the Information Security Institute

charge a non-refundable $25.00 application fee. Materials Science and

Engineering waives the application fee for U.S. citizens and permanent

residents. Payment may be made online via Visa, Mastercard, or Discover. The

application fee may be waived for applicants with documented (must be uploaded

within the application) registration/participation in one of the following

programs: GEM, Department Request, SACNAS, MMUF, POSSE, JHU Grad Student,

McNair, ABRCMS, Vietnam Education Foundation, IRT, Graduate Horizons,

Chocktaw/Chickasaw Scholarship Advisement Program, Baltimore Scholars Program,

Leadership Alliance, UMBC Meyerhoff Program, LSAMP, Mellon Mays Undergraduate

Fellowship Program, Project 1000, MARC and University of Puerto Rico Students.

To request a waiver based on financial hardship please select the option on the

application and upload one of the following: FAFSA SAR Report, a letter from a

college/university financial aid office, unemployment verification. Do not send

tax returns. All documents will be reviewed and verified for satisfactory

evidence. If the uploaded document is not accepted you will be contacted to

resubmit or to pay the application fee. For further information please complete

the Contact Form.


February 15,2018


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