
  1. M: Why do you declare the news that you're pregnant on your blog directly?
    W: I'm so excited that I want to share this good news with the people who love me, but I also hope all my fans can respect my privacy at this special time.
    Q: How did the woman react to the fact that she got pregnant?
    A:She was too happy to keep it a secret.

  2. W: Miley was voted the worst actress this year by the teenagers who used to admire her so much.
    M: Yeah, but no reasons were given. Maybe we can get some hints from what Miley did last year. Remember that time she slapped a 20-year-old female model?
    Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Miley?
    A:She was no longer admired by teenagers.

  3. M: The Chinese couple won gold in pairs skating. It's the first Olympic gold in figure skating for China.
    W: I just can't imagine they've broken Russia's 46-year hold on pairs figure skating gold. One minute on the stage and 10 years of practice off the stage. They deserve it.
    Q: Why does the woman admire the couple?
    A:Because they have made great efforts to achieve success.

  4. W: Some people are fascinated with the lives of public figures, so there are some media devoted exclusively to their privacy.
    M: But what they do often makes these public figures embarrassed and annoyed. I believe that the privacy of every individual, including public figures should be respected.
    Q: What's the man's attritude toward these media?

  5. M: You know? This American swimmer has apologized for his actions after a picture was published in a newspaper showing him taking drugs.
    W: This is not the first time he has been compelled under public pressure to issue a public apology for his behavior.
    Q: What does the woman imply about the American swimmer?
    A:He has more than once failed to meet public expectations.

  6. W: I love the modern conveniences and efficient public transportation the big city offers, and above all, much greater access to a variety of entertainment.
    M: The greatest advantage of living in a large city is that I can eat a huge variety of food from different cultures.
    Q: What attracts the woman most in a big city?
    A:Access to various forms of entertainment.
  7. M: There seems to be nowhere to park outdoors. Shall we try underground parking?
    W: Underground parking is always a nightmare for inexperienced drivers like me. More than once my car has been scratched on the side when driving down the narrow slopes.
    Q: What do you know from what the woman said?
    A:She prefers outdoor parking.
  8. M: Many people think that big cities such as London and New York would be wonderful places to live in.
    W: The problem is that as too many individuals think that way and move into these cities, the resulting crowdedness and high house prices undermine their attractions.
    Q: What does the woman imply?
    A:Tourist attractions are usually very crowded.
  9. W: The number of citizens above the age of 60 will increase from the current 147 million to 174 million this year, representing about one-eighth of the total population.
    M: The aging problem has not only come earlier than anticipated but also come about rapidly.
    Q: What does the man say about the aging problem?
    A:The aging problem emerges earlier than expected.
  10. M: I live in New York, and for me, there’s nothing that compares to its culture, energy and convenience.
    W: But I also know that people living in big cities tend to be under greater pressure and have a greater risk of mental disorders.
    Q: What does the woman think about the people living in big cities?
    A:They are more likely to have mental problems.
  11. W: Addison's quite a job-hopper. You know what his new job is?
    M: Addison told me three weeks ago that he was going to quit his job in the cotton firm and go to work in a store selling beer, but he ended up working in a supermarket.
    Q: What do we know from the conversation about Addison?
    A: He changes jobs quite frequently.
  12. W: Bill, do you like your job?
    M: Well, I wonder who'd have fun working on an assembly line eight hours a day. If I were not the breadwinner of a big family, I would work in an office even if I could only get half of my current pay.
    Q: What does the man say about his job?
    A: He works to support his family.
  13. M: What's your future plan?
    W: No idea. My father's ruined all my dreams. He says I have too little sense of economy to be in business, too little imagination to be an artist, I'm too fat to be an athlete, and I'm too ambitious to be an ordinary white-collar worker.
    Q: What does the woman think about her future?
    A: She has no idea about her future plan.
  14. W: I hear you're working for an advertising company. Do you get a good salary for this job?
    M: Yes, a pretty good salary for a beginner. But I have to work very hard for what I get. And there's quite a lot of overtime.
    Q: What does the man say about his job?
    A: His well-paid job requires a lot of hard work.
  15. M: Why hesitate to take that position? Not everyone can have the opportunity to get promoted.
    W: The promotion might make me more money, and bring me short-term growth, but it will take me to the top of the wrong ladder.
    Q: Why doesn't the woman take the position?
    A: Because it will take her along the wrong career path.


  1. M: Michelle? Why are you dressed up like this? Are you studying acting or something?
    W: Yeah Josh, I'm looking forward to a future of fame and glory.
    M: Yuck! Why would you want fame? I thought you were better than all that fake nonsense! Do you want to be another dumb girl running around Hollywood, trying to look fashionable?
    W: There's no fake nonsense in my plans! You're thinking of spoiled rich kids who are only famous for being rich. I'm going to earn my fame by being a great actress. Then, once I have my famous husband and a beautiful house, I'm going to use my fame to help others across the world. I'll do charity work with starving children in Africa!
    M: Oh please, if you really cared about helping people you'd sign up for charity organizations that help feed the hungry. You just want to be famous! You want to have your picture on the front cover of magazines every time you go out to get a coffee in your silk sleeping gowns!
    W: Not true! I don't care about those stuff – though I certainly wouldn't mind being famous for my excellent fashion sense. And don't make fun of me! As a volunteer right now, I could work for weeks and only help a few people at a time. But once I'm famous, I'll be able to make such a big difference! You'll see, one day I’ll be famous AND doing good AND I'll send you a postcard saying: "I told you so!"
    Q1: What did the man think of those famous actresses in Hollywood?
    Q2: Why did the woman want to be famous?
    Q3: How did the man react to the woman's reasons for wanting to be famous?
    Q4: What can we infer about the woman?
    A1:They are foolish.
    A2:She wanted to use her fame to help starving children in Africa.
    A3:He had doubt about her real intentions.
    A4:She will stick to her original plan and prove it to the man.
  2. M: Hi Emily! Something troubling you?
    W: Not sleeping well. My husband's got a new job in Santa Fe, New Mexico! I'm a girl born and raised in big cities. I'm a little worried ...
    M: What about?
    W: Well, my hometown has about 4.5 million people! You know how many people live in Santa Fe?
    M: Not exactly, but, listen!
    W: Well, I looked up the population and it's like 70,000! Tiny! It really is a great job for John – my husband, but in a small town! I'm sure there will be no good restaurants, or nice places to walk, no nightlife …
    M: Whoa! Wait a minute Emily! Did you do anything besides looking at the population of Santa Fe?
    W: Uh, no …
    M: You're jumping to conclusions – and they're all wrong! I'm from Santa Fe! It does have a small population – but it's an amazing place! The history and architecture are unique.The city center was built in the 1600s by the Spanish. It's full of beautiful shops, restaurants, coffee shops, and art galleries. It has amazing nightlife – full of wonderful people. That's why famous writers and movie stars love Santa Fe, too!
    W: Wow, sounds great ... What about outdoor life?
    M: It's wonderful! The colors of the sky and mountains are so beautiful that artists come from around the world to paint! And the sky at night is so full of stars that you feel like you can reach out and touch them. It's a magical place, Emily. Soon you'll realize how lucky you are. You'll have a long line of family and friends waiting to come and visit you in Santa Fe!
    Q1: What is Emily going to do?
    Q2: What did Emily think life in Santa Fe would be like?
    Q3: What is unique in Santa Fe according to the man?
    Q4: What attracts artists around the world to Santa Fe?
    A1:She is going to move to Santa Fe.
    A2:It is tedious.
    A3:Its history.
    A4:Its colorful scenery.
  3. M: Only two more semesters Margaret, looking forward to the working world?
    W: Oh! Don't remind me. It's a few short months away. I don't really know what I'm going to do after I graduate.
    M: You mean you haven't been thinking about jobs yet?
    W: No, not really. I know I should, I just don't know where to start. I've had part-time jobs in fast food – you know, my job at McDonald's – but this real-job stuff scares me to death!
    M: Hold on. It's not that bad. You need to take control. First go over to the Career Center; it's on the second floor of the Students' Union. Make an appointment with Monica Green. She's really smart, helpful and nice.
    W: Gosh. Thanks Juan. This is helpful. Career Center, second floor of the Students' Union, Monica Green – right?
    M: Yep! That's right! Take your resume to get it reviewed. Remind me – what are you studying?
    W: International Business.
    M: OK, pretty easy then. Check the Internet for international companies here in Seattle. That's how I found my internship at Microsoft last summer. In fact, they've even offered me a job after I graduate.
    W: You're lucky! I wish I had an internship now – and a job waiting for me after graduation.
    M: Don't worry! You just need a plan. Try for an internship now, search hard for jobs and, always have another plan: You can always move back home with your parents in San Francisco if you need to.
    W: That is a good plan. My parents would be glad to have me back home in San Francisco for a while!
    Q1: How does the woman prepare for the working world?
    Q2: How did the man find his internship?
    Q3: What advice does the man give to the woman?
    Q4: What does the man think the woman needs most right now?
    A1: She does not know where to start for her jobs.
    A2: He got information from the Internet.
    A3: Seek help from the Career Center.
    A4: A good plan.

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