


最近因为项目需要,需要在ccv中使用多摄像头。在官方的ccv 1.3中是直接支持两个Sony PlayStation 3 Eye Camera的,但是经过测试发现PS 3摄像头达不到我们要求,所以只有还是采用以前一直用的PGR Firefly@MV摄像头,自己来改写代码支持多个。


// // PGRFireFlyMultiCamera.h // // // Written by Leezhm, 15th Dec, 2009 // Contact : Leezhm@126.com // Last Modified by Leezhm, 16th Dec, 2009 // Copyright(c) Leezhm All rights reserved // #ifndef __h_PGRFireflyMultiCamera__ #define __h_PGRFireflyMultiCamera__ #include "../PGRSDK/include/PGRFlyCapture.h" #include "../PGRSDK/include/PGRFlyCapturePlus.h" #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; const unsigned int MAX_CAMERA_COUNT = 2; class PGRFireflyMultiCamera { private: static unsigned int camCount; int camHeight; int camWidth; FlyCaptureContext context[MAX_CAMERA_COUNT]; public: FlyCaptureImagePlus * fcImagePlus; public: PGRFireflyMultiCamera(); ~PGRFireflyMultiCamera(); public: static unsigned int getCameraCount(); inline void showErrorMessage(FlyCaptureError & err, char * pFun) { if (FLYCAPTURE_OK != err) { cout<<"Error : "<<*pFun<<" --> "<<flycaptureErrorToString(err)<<endl; } } public: void initFireflyCamera(int width,int height, int framerate); int getCamWidth(); int getCamHeight(); void listDevices(); void grabFrame(); }; #endif // __h_PGRFireflyMultiCamera__


// // PGRFireFlyMultiCamera.cpp // // // Written by Leezhm, 15th Dec, 2009 // Contact : Leezhm@126.com // Last Modified by Leezhm, 16th Dec, 2009 // Copyright(c) Leezhm All rights reserved // #include "PGRFireFlyMultiCamera.h" unsigned int PGRFireflyMultiCamera::camCount = MAX_CAMERA_COUNT; PGRFireflyMultiCamera::PGRFireflyMultiCamera() { fcImagePlus = NULL; } PGRFireflyMultiCamera::~PGRFireflyMultiCamera() { FlyCaptureError err; unsigned int uiCamera = 0; if (NULL != fcImagePlus->image.pData) { delete [] fcImagePlus->image.pData; } if (NULL != fcImagePlus) { delete fcImagePlus; } // // Stop all cameras from grabbing and destroy their contexts. // for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < camCount; uiCamera++ ) { err = ::flycaptureStop(context[uiCamera] ); showErrorMessage(err, "flycaptureStop()"); err = ::flycaptureDestroyContext(context[uiCamera]); showErrorMessage(err, "flycaptureBusEnumerateCameras()"); } } void PGRFireflyMultiCamera::listDevices() { FlyCaptureError err; FlyCaptureInfoEx info[MAX_CAMERA_COUNT]; // // Enumerate the bus and get the count of camera // err = ::flycaptureBusEnumerateCamerasEx(info, &camCount); if (FLYCAPTURE_OK != err) { cout<<"PGRFireflyMultiCamera::flycaptureBusEnumerateCamerasEx() : " <<flycaptureErrorToString(err)<<endl; } else { for( unsigned int uiBusIndex = 0; uiBusIndex < camCount; uiBusIndex++ ) { FlyCaptureInfoEx* pinfo = &info[uiBusIndex]; cout<<"Index "<<uiBusIndex<<": "<<pinfo->pszModelName <<", SerialNumber: "<<pinfo->SerialNumber<<endl; } cout<<"end of listing FFMV/n/n"; } } unsigned int PGRFireflyMultiCamera::getCameraCount() { if (0 == camCount) { ::flycaptureBusCameraCount(&camCount); } return camCount; } void PGRFireflyMultiCamera::initFireflyCamera(int width,int height, int framerate) { FlyCaptureError err; unsigned int uiCamera = 0; // // Create a context for and initialize every camera on the bus. // for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < camCount; uiCamera++ ) { err = ::flycaptureCreateContext(&context[uiCamera]); showErrorMessage(err, "flycaptureCreateContext()"); cout<<"Initializing camera "<<uiCamera<<endl; err = ::flycaptureInitialize(context[uiCamera], uiCamera); showErrorMessage(err, "flycaptureInitializePlus()"); } FlyCaptureFrameRate setFrameRate; if (60 == framerate) { setFrameRate = FLYCAPTURE_FRAMERATE_60; } else if (30 == framerate) { setFrameRate = FLYCAPTURE_FRAMERATE_30; } else if (15 == framerate) { setFrameRate = FLYCAPTURE_FRAMERATE_15; } // // Start all of the cameras grabbing // for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < camCount; uiCamera++ ) { cout<<"Starting camera./n/n"; err = ::flycaptureStartLockNext(context[uiCamera], FLYCAPTURE_VIDEOMODE_640x480Y8, setFrameRate); showErrorMessage(err, "flycaptureStart()"); } // // Having started all of the cameras synchronize all of their buffers. // Please note that cameras running at the same frame rate on the same // bus will automatically synchronize to each other. This call is for // purposes of synchronizing the buffers. // err = ::flycaptureSyncForLockNext(context, camCount); showErrorMessage(err, "flycaptureSyncForLockNext()"); if (2 == camCount) { if (NULL == fcImagePlus) { fcImagePlus = new FlyCaptureImagePlus(); } fcImagePlus->image.iCols = camCount * width; fcImagePlus->image.iRows = height; if (NULL == fcImagePlus->image.pData) { fcImagePlus->image.pData = new unsigned char[fcImagePlus->image.iRows * fcImagePlus->image.iCols]; memset(fcImagePlus->image.pData, 0, fcImagePlus->image.iRows * fcImagePlus->image.iCols); } } else { cout<<"there are more than 2 cameras!/n"; getchar(); return ; } } int PGRFireflyMultiCamera::getCamWidth() { camWidth = fcImagePlus->image.iCols; return camWidth; } int PGRFireflyMultiCamera::getCamHeight() { camHeight = fcImagePlus->image.iRows; return camHeight; } void PGRFireflyMultiCamera::grabFrame() { unsigned int uiCamera = 0; FlyCaptureError err; FlyCaptureImagePlus tmpImage[MAX_CAMERA_COUNT]; // // Lock images. // for (uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < camCount; uiCamera ++) { err = flycaptureLockNext(context[uiCamera], &tmpImage[uiCamera]); if( err != FLYCAPTURE_OK ) { cout<<"flycaptureLockNext(): "<<flycaptureErrorToString(err)<<endl; return ; } } for (int row = 0; row < camHeight; row ++) { memcpy((fcImagePlus->image.pData + (row * camWidth)), (tmpImage[0].image.pData + (row * camWidth / 2)), camWidth / 2); memcpy((fcImagePlus->image.pData + (row * camWidth) + camWidth / 2), (tmpImage[1].image.pData + (row * camWidth / 2)), camWidth / 2); } // // Unlock all of the images effectively handing them back to the buffer pool. // for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < camCount; uiCamera++ ) { err = ::flycaptureUnlock(context[uiCamera], tmpImage[uiCamera].uiBufferIndex ); if( err != FLYCAPTURE_OK ) { cout<<"flycaptureUnlock(): "<<flycaptureErrorToString(err)<<endl; return ; } } }


// PGRMultiCameraTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "./MyClass/ofxffmv.h" #include "./MyClass/PGRFireFlyMultiCamera.h" PGRFireflyMultiCamera * camera = new PGRFireflyMultiCamera(); const char * pTitle = "Capture Video From PGR Camera"; int cHeight = 0; int cWidth = 0; bool running = true; DWORD WINAPI Capture(LPVOID) { IplImage * pImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(cWidth, cHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); while(running) { pImage->imageData = (char *)(((camera->fcImagePlus)->image).pData); camera->grabFrame(); cvShowImage(pTitle, pImage); } cvReleaseImage(&pImage); return 0; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { camera->listDevices(); camera->initFireflyCamera(640, 480, 30); cHeight = camera->getCamHeight(); cWidth = camera->getCamWidth(); cvNamedWindow(pTitle, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); HANDLE handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Capture, NULL, 0, 0); while(running) { int key = cvWaitKey(0); switch(key) { case 0x1b: { printf("Exiting.../n"); // Stop the capture thread running = false; // Wait for thread to exit WaitForSingleObject(handle, 3000); printf("Thread exited/n"); delete camera; camera = NULL; break; } } } if (NULL != camera) { delete camera; camera = NULL; } return 0; }



BTW:现在已经有了PGR Firefly SDK 2.0了,我看了它自带的例子,发现代码简洁了很多,但是我在测试多摄像头的时候发现Camera::StartSyncCapture(...)这个函数在执行时死掉,程序不能继续运行也不报错。不知道为什么,大家可以试试,等有了结果,我会将上面代码更新到基于SDK 2.0的。

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