
前言. 开发时候遇到内部类的问题.

  • 异常
No enclosing instance of type SparkProgrammingGuide is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type SparkProgrammingGuide (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of SparkProgrammingGuide).
  • 代码如下
 // 注意 static class GetLength implements Function<String, Integer> {public Integer call(String s) {return s.length();}}class Sum implements Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> {public Integer call(Integer a, Integer b) {return a + b;}}// 继承方法的形式进行运行.// 特别注意 局部类 No enclosing instance of type XXX is accessible. Must qualify 异常.static int getTotalLengthByExtendsFunction(JavaSparkContext context) {int totalLength = 0;if (null != context) {JavaRDD<String> distFile = context.textFile("data/wordcount/spark-overview.txt");JavaRDD<Integer> linesRDD = distFile.map(new GetLength());totalLength = linesRDD.reduce(new Sum());}return totalLength;}


  • 方法1
    将局部类设置为静态的. 类名前添加<static>关键字即可.
static class Sum implements Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> {public Integer call(Integer a, Integer b) {return a + b;}}
  • 方法2
    通过类名.局部类名访问即可. 即如下的new ParentClassName().new GetLength().
JavaRDD<Integer> linesRDD = distFile.map(new ParentClassName().new GetLength());
  • 方法3
    不使用局部类即可. 作为非public类型类写在一个文件即可.


[1] JAVA在编写内部类时No enclosing instance of type XXX is accessible. Must qualify原因及解决.
[2] No enclosing instance of type 类名 is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with.

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