




















4 、主要代码








































在等精度方向观测的控制网中,可把方向观测值的权定为1,不同精度的观测网中,则选择其中一种作为单位权中误差u(单位:秒),其它方向观测值 中误差为m(单位:秒),则








4 、主要代码



#pragma once
#include "Datapoint.h"
#include "Dataangle.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "CAngle.h"
class Dataimport
public:Point* Psum;//点集int Pcount;//点数Line* Lsum;//边集int Lcount;//边数Angle* Asum;//测站集int Acount;//测站数Ang* Ansum;//观测角集int ancount;//观测角数int unk;//未知点数CMatrix dLe;//B矩阵CMatrix f;//F矩阵CMatrix p1;//权矩阵int t = 0;//递归次数double m0;//单位权中误差
public:int SplitStringArray(CString str, char c, CStringArray& array);//字符串分割CString remove(CString str);//移除字符串中\r\ndouble dms2d(double k);//度分秒转度void read(CString&input,CString &input1);//数据读取和存入void dealangle();//出来数据获取观测角double p2azi(Point p1,Point p2);//计算方位角int azimuth(CString p1);//查找点号int azimuth1(CString p1, CString p2);//查找边号void dofdeal();//数据概算void output1(CString& output);//输出数据概算void Do_adjustment();//平差计算void output(CString &output);//输出平差结果void Save(CString output);//输出到TXTvoid Save1(CString output);//输出到EXcel


#include "pch.h"
#include "Dataimport.h"
#include <clocale>
#include "math.h"
{if (Psum != NULL) {delete[] Psum;Psum = NULL;}if (Asum != NULL) {delete[] Asum;Asum = NULL;}if (Lsum != NULL) {delete[] Lsum;Lsum = NULL;}if (Ansum != NULL) {delete[] Ansum;Ansum = NULL;}
int Dataimport::SplitStringArray(CString str, char c, CStringArray& array)
{int start = 0;int idx = str.Find(c, start);array.RemoveAll();while (idx != -1) {CString stmp = str.Mid(start, idx - start);array.Add(stmp);start = idx + 1;idx = str.Find(c, start);}CString stmp = str.Right(str.GetLength() - start);if (!stmp.IsEmpty()){array.Add(stmp);return array.GetSize();}
CString Dataimport::remove(CString str)
{str.Remove('\r');str.Remove('\n');return str;
double Dataimport::dms2d(double k)
{int a4;double a2;double a3;a4 = int(k);a2 = int((k - a4) * 100);a3 = ((k - a4) * 100 - a2) * 100;return double((a4 + a2 / 60 + a3 / 3600));}
void Dataimport::read(CString& input, CString& input1)
{CFileDialog dlgFile(TRUE, _T("txt"), NULL, OFN_EXPLORER, _T("(文本文件)|*.dat"));if (dlgFile.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return;CString trFileName = dlgFile.GetPathName();CStdioFile rfile;if (!rfile.Open(trFileName, CFile::modeRead))AfxMessageBox(_T("文件未找到"));CString buf = _T("");CString bufer = _T("");CString str1 = _T("**********");int ind = 0;while (rfile.ReadString(buf)) {if (ind == 1){bufer += buf + _T("\r\n");}if (remove(buf) == str1) {ind = 1;}}if (ind==0){AfxMessageBox(_T("输入数据格式不符合"));return;}input1 = trFileName;input = bufer;CStringArray array;SplitStringArray(bufer, '\r', array);int Pc1 = _tstof(array[0]);int Pc2 = _tstof(array[Pc1 + 1]);Pcount = Pc1 + Pc2;unk = Pc2;Psum = new Point[Pcount];for (int  i = 0; i < Pc1; i++){CStringArray buf1;SplitStringArray(array[i + 1], ',', buf1);CString a=buf1[0];Psum[i].index = buf1[0];Psum[i].x = _tstof(buf1[1]);Psum[i].y = _tstof(buf1[2]);Psum[i].flag = 0;Psum[i].flag1 = 0;}CStringArray buf1;SplitStringArray(array[Pc1 + 2], ',', buf1);int m = 0;for (int i = Pc1; i < Pcount; i++){Psum[i].index = buf1[m];Psum[i].x = 0;Psum[i].y = 0;Psum[i].flag = 1;m++;}Lcount = _tstof(array[Pc1 + 3]);Lsum = new Line[Lcount];for (int i=0; i < Lcount; i++) {CStringArray buf2;SplitStringArray(array[Pc1 + 4+i], ',', buf2);Lsum[i].start = buf2[0];Lsum[i].end = buf2[1];Lsum[i].length = _tstof(buf2[2]);Lsum[i].amangle = 0;}Acount = _tstof(array[Pc1 + 4 + Lcount]);Asum = new Angle[Acount];int a = -1;for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){CStringArray buf2;SplitStringArray(array[Pc1 + 5 +Lcount+ i], ',', buf2);Asum[i].startP = buf2[0];Asum[i].endP = buf2[1];Asum[i].angle = _tstof(buf2[2]);if (Asum[i].angle==0){a++;}Asum[i].num = a;}
void Dataimport::dealangle()
{//计算观测角个数实例化ancount = 0;for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){if (Asum[i].angle != 0)ancount++;}Ansum = new Ang[ancount];//赋值int m = 0;for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){if (Asum[i].angle == 0) {int s = i;while (Asum[i+1].angle != 0&&i+1<Acount){Ansum[m].startP = Asum[s].endP;Ansum[m].mid = Asum[s].startP;Ansum[m].endP = Asum[i + 1].endP;Ansum[m].angle = Asum[i + 1].angle;m++;i++;}}}
void Dataimport::dealangle()
{//计算观测角个数实例化ancount = 0;for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){if (Asum[i].angle != 0)ancount++;}Ansum = new Ang[ancount];//赋值int m = 0;for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){if (Asum[i].angle == 0) {int s = i;while (Asum[i+1].angle != 0&&i+1<Acount){Ansum[m].startP = Asum[s].endP;Ansum[m].mid = Asum[s].startP;Ansum[m].endP = Asum[i + 1].endP;Ansum[m].angle = Asum[i + 1].angle;m++;i++;}}}
double Dataimport::p2azi(Point p1,Point p2)
{int m = 0;int n = 0;//记录两点的下标int a = 0;int b = 0;double d[10];//查找边起始点是否为已知点for (int j = 0; j < Pcount; j++){if (remove(p1.index) == remove(Psum[j].index)){if (Psum[j].flag == 0){m = 1;a = j;break;}}}//查找边终点是否为已知点for (int j = 0; j < Pcount; j++){if (remove(p2.index) == remove(Psum[j].index)){if (Psum[j].flag == 0){n = 1;b = j;break;}}}//两点已知进行方位角计算double ang;if (m == n == 1) {double dx = Psum[b].x - Psum[a].x;double dy = Psum[b].y - Psum[a].y;ang = atan(abs(dy / dx));if (dx ==0&& dy == 0)return 0;if (dy > 0 && dx < 0) { ang = acos(-1) - ang; }if (dy < 0 && dx < 0) { ang = acos(-1) + ang; }if (dy < 0 && dx > 0) { ang = 2 * acos(-1) - ang; }}else{ang = 0;}return ang;}
int Dataimport::azimuth(CString p1)
{int a;for (int j = 0; j < Pcount; j++){if (remove(p1) == remove(Psum[j].index)){a = j;return a;}}return -1;
int Dataimport::azimuth1(CString p1, CString p2)
{int d;for (int j = 0; j < Lcount; j++){if ((remove(p1) == remove(Lsum[j].start)) && (remove(p2) == remove(Lsum[j].end))) {d = j;return d;}if ((remove(p1) == remove(Lsum[j].end)) && (remove(p2) == remove(Lsum[j].start))) {d = j;return d;}}return -1;
void Dataimport::dofdeal()
{int sum = 0;double d1[28];double d2[28];while (sum < Pcount){sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < ancount; i++){int m = 0; int n = 0;int a, b,c,d=-1,e=-1;a = azimuth(Ansum[i].startP);b = azimuth(Ansum[i].mid);c = azimuth(Ansum[i].endP);d = azimuth1(Ansum[i].startP, Ansum[i].mid);e = azimuth1(Ansum[i].mid, Ansum[i].endP);int c1 = Psum[a].flag;int c2 = Psum[b].flag;int c3 = Psum[c].flag;if (c2 == 0) {if (c1==0&&c3==1){double ang1 = p2azi(Psum[b], Psum[a]);double length = 0;length = Lsum[e].length;if (e == -1) { length = 0; }if (ang1 != 0 && length != 0){double  er = (dms2d(Ansum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1);double ang = ang1 + (dms2d(Ansum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1) - 2 * acos(-1);Psum[c].x = Psum[b].x + length * cos(ang);Psum[c].y = Psum[b].y + length * sin(ang);Psum[c].flag = 0;Lsum[e].amangle = ang;double ad = cos(ang);d2[c] = Psum[c].x;}}if (c1 == 1&& c3 ==0){double ang1 = p2azi(Psum[b], Psum[c]);double length = 0;length = Lsum[d].length;if (d == -1) { length = 0; }if (ang1 != 0 && length != 0){double  er = (dms2d(Ansum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1);double ang = ang1 - (dms2d(Ansum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1) + 2 * acos(-1);Psum[a].x = Psum[b].x + length * cos(ang);Psum[a].y = Psum[b].y + length * sin(ang);Psum[a].flag = 0;Lsum[d].amangle = ang;double ad = cos(ang);d2[a] = Psum[a].x;}}if (c1 == 1 && c3 == 1)break;}}//统计已知坐标点数for (int k = 0; k < Pcount; k++){if (Psum[k].flag == 0)sum++;d1[k] = Psum[k].x;}}}
void Dataimport::output1(CString& output)
{output = _T("");CString strOut;strOut.Format(_T("\r\n-------------------------------数据概算结果---------------------------------\r"));output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("\r\n概算后待定点坐标:\r\n"));output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("点号\tX坐标\t\tY坐标\r\n"));output += strOut;for (int i = 2; i < Pcount; i++){strOut.Format(_T("%s\t%.4f\t%.4f\r\n"), Psum[i].index, Psum[i].x, Psum[i].y);output += strOut;}
void Dataimport::Do_adjustment()
{//平差t = 0;double sum = 0;//改正数平均差值int Ncount = -ancount + Acount;CMatrix x;//改正数矩阵x.SetSize(unk * 2 + Ncount, 1);CMatrix Nbb;CMatrix f1;/do{//方向观测误差方程dLe.SetSize(Acount+Lcount, unk*2+Ncount);f.SetSize(Acount + Lcount, 1);int p = 206265;for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){int m = 0;int n = 0;int a, b,c,d;a = azimuth(Asum[i].startP);b = azimuth(Asum[i].endP);c = azimuth1(Psum[a].index, Psum[b].index);double length;if (c==-1) {length = sqrt((Psum[a].x- Psum[b].x) * (Psum[a].x - Psum[b].x) + (Psum[a].y- Psum[b].y) * (Psum[a].y - Psum[b].y));}else{length = Lsum[c].length;}//查看是否为控制点if (Psum[a].flag1 == 0){m = 1;}if (Psum[b].flag1 == 0){n = 1;}if ((m == 1 && n == 1)){dLe(i, unk * 2 + Asum[i].num) = 0;f(i,0) = 0;}if (m == 1 && n == 0){double a1, b1;double ang = p2azi(Psum[a], Psum[b]);double ang1=0;for (int  k = 0; k < Acount; k++){if (Asum[i].num == Asum[k].num) {int po1 = azimuth(Asum[k].startP);int po2 = azimuth(Asum[k].endP);ang1= p2azi(Psum[po1],Psum[po2]);break;}}a1 = p * sin(ang) /length;b1 =- p * cos(ang) /length;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2) = -a1;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2+1) = -b1;dLe(i, unk * 2 + Asum[i].num) = -1;double ang2 = 0;ang2 = ang - ang1;if ((ang - ang1)<0){ang2 = ang2 + 2 * acos(-1);}double d_angle = ang2 - (dms2d(Asum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1);double dd = (dms2d(Asum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1);f(i, 0) =d_angle*p;}if (m == 0 && n == 1){double a1, b1;double ang = p2azi(Psum[a], Psum[b]);double ang1 = 0;for (int k = 0; k < Acount; k++){if (Asum[i].num == Asum[k].num) {int po1 = azimuth(Asum[k].startP);int po2 = azimuth(Asum[k].endP);ang1 = p2azi(Psum[po1], Psum[po2]);break;}}a1 = p * sin(ang) / length;b1 = -p * cos(ang) / length;dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2) = a1;dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2 + 1) = b1;dLe(i, unk * 2 + Asum[i].num) = -1;double ang2 = 0;ang2 = ang - ang1;if ((ang - ang1) < 0){ang2 = ang2 + 2 * acos(-1);}double d_angle = ang2 - (dms2d(Asum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1);f(i, 0) = d_angle * p;}if (m == 0 && n == 0){double a1, b1;double ang = p2azi(Psum[a], Psum[b]);double ang1 = 0;for (int k = 0; k < Acount; k++){if (Asum[i].num == Asum[k].num) {int po1 = azimuth(Asum[k].startP);int po2 = azimuth(Asum[k].endP);ang1 = p2azi(Psum[po1], Psum[po2]);break;}}a1 = p * sin(ang) / length;b1 = -p * cos(ang) / length;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2) = -a1;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2 + 1) = -b1;dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2) = a1;dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2 + 1) = b1;dLe(i, unk * 2 + Asum[i].num) = -1;double ang2 = 0;ang2 = ang - ang1;if ((ang - ang1) < 0){ang2 = ang2 + 2 * acos(-1);}double d_angle = ang2 - (dms2d(Asum[i].angle) / 180) * acos(-1);f(i, 0) = d_angle * p;double dc = f(i, 0);}}//边长观测误差for (int i = Acount; i < Lcount+Acount; i++){int m =0, n = 0;int a, b;a = azimuth(Lsum[i-Acount].start);b = azimuth(Lsum[i-Acount].end);if (Psum[a].flag1 == 0){m = 1;}if (Psum[b].flag1 == 0){n = 1;}double a1, b1,s;double ang = p2azi(Psum[a], Psum[b]);a1 = sin(ang);b1 = cos(ang);s = sqrt((Psum[a].x- Psum[b].x) * (Psum[a].x - Psum[b].x) + (Psum[a].y - Psum[b].y) * (Psum[a].y - Psum[b].y));//if (m == 1 && n == 1) {f( i, 0) = s - Lsum[i-Acount].length;}if (m == 0 && n == 0) {dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2) = -b1;dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2 + 1) = -a1;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2) = b1;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2 + 1) = a1;f(i, 0) = s - Lsum[i - Acount].length;}if (m == 1 && n == 0) {dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2) = b1;dLe(i, (b - 2) * 2 + 1) = a1;f( i, 0) = s - Lsum[i - Acount].length;}if (m == 0 && n == 1) {dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2) = -b1;dLe(i, (a - 2) * 2 + 1) = -a1;f( i, 0) = s - Lsum[i - Acount].length;}}CString pp1 = dLe.look();CString pp2 = f.look();//权矩阵p1.SetSize(Acount + Lcount, Acount + Lcount);for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){p1(i, i) = 1;}for (int i = Acount; i < Acount+Lcount; i++){p1(i, i) = 100000000/Lsum[i-Acount].length;}CString pp3 = p1.look();//f1 = -1*f;Nbb= (~dLe * p1 * dLe).Inv();x=Nbb*(~dLe*p1*f1);sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i <(Pcount-2)*2-1; i++){if (abs(x(i,0))<abs(x(i+1,0))){sum =abs( x(i+1, 0));}}for (int k = 2; k < Pcount; k++){Psum[k].x = Psum[k].x+x(2*(k-2), 0);Psum[k].y = Psum[k].y+x(2*(k-2)+1, 0);}double df2[80];for (int i = 0; i < x.Row(); i++){df2[i] = x(i, 0);}for (int i = 0; i < x.Row(); i++){x(i, 0) = 0;}t++;} while (sum>0.0000001);double df3[28];for (int i = 0; i <Pcount; i++){df3[i] = Psum[i].x;}//精度评定CMatrix vpv = ~f1 * p1 * f1 - ~f1 * p1 * dLe * x;double vpv1 = vpv(0, 0);m0 =sqrt( vpv1 / (Acount + Lcount - 2 * unk));CMatrix Qx = Nbb;for (int i = 0; i < Pcount-2; i++){//待定点点位误差Psum[i+2].mx = m0 * sqrt(Qx(2 * i, 2 * i));Psum[i+2].my = m0 * sqrt(Qx(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1));Psum[i+2].mk = m0 * sqrt(Psum[i+2].mx * Psum[i+2].mx + Psum[i+2].my * Psum[i+2].my);//误差椭圆参数计算Psum[i+2].Q = 0.5 * atan(2 * Qx(2 * i, 2 * i + 1) / (Qx(2 * i, 2 * i) - Qx(2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1)));Psum[i+2].E = m0 * sqrt(Qx(2 * i, 2 * i) + Qx(2 * i, 2 * i + 1) * tan(Psum[i+2].Q));Psum[i+2].F = m0 * sqrt(Qx(2 * i, 2 * i) + Qx(2 * i, 2 * i + 1) * tan(Psum[i+2].Q + acos(-1) / 2));}
void Dataimport::output(CString &output)
{CString strOut;strOut.Format(_T("\r\n-------------------------------------------------平差结果-------------------------------------------------\r"));output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("\r\n平差迭代次数:%d\r"), t);output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("\r\n平差单位权中误差:%.8f\r"), m0);output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("\r\n平差后系数阵B的元素:\r\n"));output += strOut;for (int i = 0; i <dLe.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < dLe.Col(); j++){strOut.Format(_T("%-10.4f\t"), dLe(i, j));output += strOut;}strOut.Format(_T("\r\n"));output += strOut;}strOut.Format(_T("\r\n\n平差后常数阵F的元素:\r\n"));output += strOut;for (int i = 0; i < f.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < f.Col(); j++){if (i < Acount){strOut.Format(_T("%.6f\t"), f(i, j));output += strOut;}else{strOut.Format(_T("%.6f\t"), f(i, j));output += strOut;}}strOut.Format(_T("\r\n"));output += strOut;}strOut.Format(_T("\r\n\n平差后常数阵P的元素:\r\n"));output += strOut;for (int i = 0; i < p1.Row(); i++){strOut.Format(_T("%.6f\t\t"), p1(i, i));output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T(""));output += strOut;}strOut.Format(_T("\r\n平差后待定点坐标:\r\n"));output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("点号\tX坐标\t\tY坐标\r\n"));output += strOut;for (int i = 2; i < Pcount; i++){strOut.Format(_T("%s\t%.4f\t%.4f\r\n"), Psum[i].index, Psum[i].x, Psum[i].y);output += strOut;}strOut.Format(_T("\r\n待定点点位误差及误差椭圆参数:\r\n"));output += strOut;strOut.Format(_T("点号\tmx\t\tmy\t\tmk\t\t长半径方位角Q\t\t长半径E\t\t短半径F\r\n"));output += strOut;for (int i = 2; i < Pcount; i++){strOut.Format(_T("%s\t%.10f\t%.10f\t%.10f\t%.10f\t\t%.10f\t%.10f\r\n"), Psum[i].index, Psum[i].mx, Psum[i].my, Psum[i].mk, Psum[i].Q, Psum[i].E, Psum[i].F);output += strOut;}}
void Dataimport::Save(CString output)
{if (output == _T("")) { AfxMessageBox(_T("请先输入数据!")); }else {CFileDialog dlg(false, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("Txt Files(*.txt)|*.txt|All Files(*.*)|*.*|"), AfxGetMainWnd());CString strPath;if (dlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return;else{strPath = dlg.GetPathName();if (strPath.Find(_T(".txt")) < 0){if (strPath.Find(_T(".dat")) < 0){strPath += _T(".txt");//默认储存为txt模式}}}TRY{CString cs;CStdioFile file(strPath, CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate);setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ("chs")); //设置中文输出file.WriteString(output);file.Close();CString temp;temp.Format(_T("%s%s"),  _T("已导出至"),strPath);AfxMessageBox(temp);}CATCH_ALL(e){e->ReportError();return;}END_CATCH_ALL}
void Dataimport::Save1(CString output)
{if (output == _T("")) { AfxMessageBox(_T("请先输入数据!")); }else {CString strPath;CFileDialog dlg(false, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("Excel Files(*.xls)|*.xls|All Files(*.*)|*.*|"), AfxGetMainWnd());if (dlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return;else{strPath = dlg.GetPathName();if (strPath.Find(_T(".xls")) < 0){strPath += _T(".xls");}}TRY{CString cs;CStdioFile file(strPath, CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate);setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ("chs")); //设置中文输出file.WriteString(output);file.Close();CString temp;temp.Format(_T("%s%s"),  _T("已导出至"),strPath);AfxMessageBox(temp);}CATCH_ALL(e){e->ReportError();return;}END_CATCH_ALL}




public:CString input;afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton1();afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton2();afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton3();afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton4();CString output;CDlgpaint cdlg;CString input3;afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton5();afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton6();afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton7();afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton8();




Dataimport im;
int a = 0;
void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
{UpdateData(true);im.dLe.SetSize(1, 1);im.dLe(0, 0) = 0;im.f.SetSize(1, 1);im.f(0, 0) = 0;im.p1.SetSize(1, 1);im.p1(0, 0) = 0;im.read(input,input3);im.dealangle();a = 1;output = _T("");UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton2()
{UpdateData(true);if (a>0){im.dofdeal();im.output1(input);a = 2;output = _T("");im.t = 0;}else{AfxMessageBox(_T("请读入数据"));}UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton3()
{UpdateData(true);if (a==2){im.Do_adjustment();im.output(output);a = 3;im.t = 0;}else if(a==0){AfxMessageBox(_T("请读入数据"));}else{AfxMessageBox(_T("请先进行数据概算"));}UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton4()
{UpdateData(true);if (a==3){cdlg.set(im.Psum, im.Asum, im.Pcount, im.Acount);cdlg.DoModal();}else if(a==0){AfxMessageBox(_T("请读入数据"));}else if(a==1){AfxMessageBox(_T("请先进行进行数据概算"));}else{AfxMessageBox(_T("请先进行进行平差"));}UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton5()
{UpdateData(true);if (a>2){im.Save(output);}else{AfxMessageBox(_T("请先进行平差"));}UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton6()
{UpdateData(true);input= _T("");output = _T("");input3= _T("");a = 0;UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton7()
{UpdateData(true);if (a > 2){im.Save1(output);}else{AfxMessageBox(_T("请先进行平差"));}UpdateData(false);
}void CRS326Dlg::OnBnClickedButton8()
{UpdateData(true);ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\帮助文档.docx"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);//弹出使用说明UpdateData(false);




public:Point* PO;//点数组Angle* Ap;//测站数组int count;int count1;
protected:virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV 支持DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()
public:void set(Point* Psum, Angle* Asum,int Pcount,int Acount);//值传递CStatic Picture;afx_msg void OnPaint();//窗口刷新函数




void CDlgpaint::set(Point* Psum, Angle* Asum, int Pcount, int Acount)
{count = Pcount;count1 = Acount;PO = new Point[count];Ap = new Angle[count1];for (int i = 0; i < Pcount; i++){PO[i].index = Psum[i].index;PO[i].x = Psum[i].x;PO[i].y = Psum[i].y;PO[i].Q = Psum[i].Q;PO[i].E = Psum[i].E;PO[i].F = Psum[i].F;PO[i].flag1 = Psum[i].flag1;}for (int i = 0; i < Acount; i++){Ap[i].startP = Asum[i].startP;Ap[i].endP = Asum[i].endP;}
END_MESSAGE_MAP()// CDlgpaint 消息处理程序PaintUI UI;
int t = 0;
void CDlgpaint::OnPaint()
{CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting// TODO: 在此处添加消息处理程序代码// 不为绘图消息调用 CDialogEx::OnPaint()CWnd* Pwin = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC);CRect rect;Pwin->GetClientRect(rect);CDC* pDC = Pwin->GetDC();UI.dofdeal(PO,Ap,count,count1);UI.XY2po(rect);UI.DrawUI(pDC, rect);t++;



#pragma once
#include "CDlgpaint.h"
#include "Datapoint.h"
#include "Dataangle.h"
struct UIpoint //点结构体
{CString ID;double x;double y;double Q;double E;double F;int flag;};
struct UIline//边结构体
{CString start;CString end;
class PaintUI
private:UIpoint* P;//点数组int count;//点数UIline* L;//边数组int count1;//边数double width;//画布长度double heigth;//画布宽度double scale;//比例尺//实地原点坐标int Ox;int Oy;//栅格网单位长度和实地对于长度double len;double len1;//栅格网长宽对应边数int wdcount;int heicount;//误差椭圆比例尺int dscale;int dxw = 0;int dyw = 0;
public:CString remove(CString str);//字符串处理int foundP(CString p1);//点号查找点对应下标double change(double z);//坐标改正void dofdeal(Point*Psum,Angle*Asum,int Pcount,int Acount);//值传递void XY2po(CRect rect);//预处理,包括比例尺计算,坐标赋值void DrawUI(CDC* pDC, CRect rect);//绘制图像


#include "pch.h"
#include "PaintUI.h"PaintUI::PaintUI()
{if (P != NULL) {delete[]P;}if (L!=NULL){delete[]L;}
CString PaintUI::remove(CString str)
{str.Remove('\r');str.Remove('\n');return str;
int PaintUI::foundP(CString p1)
{int a;for (int j = 0; j < count; j++){if (p1 == P[j].ID){a = j;return a;}}return -1;
}void PaintUI::dofdeal(Point* Psum,  Angle* Asum, int Pcount,int Acount)
{P = new UIpoint[Pcount];count = Pcount;for (int i = 0; i < Pcount; i++){P[i].ID = remove(Psum[i].index);P[i].x = Psum[i].y;P[i].y = Psum[i].x;P[i].Q = Psum[i].Q;P[i].F = Psum[i].E;P[i].E = Psum[i].F;P[i].flag = Psum[i].flag1;}L = new UIline[Acount];count1 = Acount;for (int  i = 0; i < Acount; i++){L[i].start = remove(Asum[i].startP);L[i].end = remove(Asum[i].endP);}
double PaintUI::change(double z)
{double a = 0;a = -z + heigth;return a;
void PaintUI::XY2po(CRect rect)
{//计算比例尺width = rect.Width();heigth = rect.Height();double minx=P[0].x, maxx= P[0].x, miny= P[0].y, maxy=P[0].y;double dx, dy;for (int i = 0; i <count; i++){if (P[i].x<minx){minx = P[i].x;}if (P[i].x > maxx){maxx = P[i].x;}if (P[i].y < miny){miny = P[i].y;}if (P[i].y > maxy){maxy = P[i].y;}}dx = maxx - minx;dy = maxy - miny;double rx = dx / (heigth * 0.9);double ry = dy / (width * 0.9);scale = rx < ry ? ry : rx;//计算坐标原点实地坐标及栅格大小Ox = ((int)(minx / 50)) * 50;Oy = ((int)(miny / 50)) * 50;double max = dx < dy ? dy : dx;int nlen = max/ 4;int dlen = nlen % 100;if(dlen<50){len = ((int)(nlen / 100)) * 100;}else{len = ((int)(nlen / 100)) * 100+100;}len1 = len;len = len / scale;wdcount = (width / len);heicount = (heigth / len);for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){P[i].x = (P[i].x - Ox) / scale;P[i].y = (P[i].y - Oy) / scale;P[i].y = change(P[i].y);P[i].x = P[i].x + len;}//居中计算double minx1 = P[0].x, maxx1 = P[0].x, miny1 = P[0].y, maxy1 = P[0].y;double dx1, dy1;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){if (P[i].x < minx1){minx1 = P[i].x;}if (P[i].x > maxx1){maxx1 = P[i].x;}if (P[i].y < miny1){miny1 = P[i].y;}if (P[i].y > maxy1){maxy1 = P[i].y;}}dx1 = (maxx1 + minx1)/2;dy1 = (maxy1 + miny1)/2;int xw = width / 2;int yw = heigth / 2;dxw = xw - dx1;dyw = yw - dy1;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){P[i].x += dxw;P[i].y += dyw;}dxw = dxw * scale;dyw = dyw * scale;
}void PaintUI::DrawUI(CDC* pDC, CRect rect)
{CPen pen5(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0));CPen* oldpen5 = pDC->SelectObject(&pen5);dscale = 3000;for (int i = 2; i < count; i++){double dsx, dsy, dex, dey;dsx = (P[i].F * sin(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].x;dsy = (-P[i].F * cos(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].y;dex = (-P[i].F * sin(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].x;dey = (P[i].F * cos(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].y;pDC->MoveTo(dsx, dsy);pDC->LineTo(dex, dey);dsx = (-P[i].E * cos(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].x;dsy = (-P[i].E * sin(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].y;dex = (P[i].E * cos(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].x;dey = (P[i].E * sin(P[i].Q)) * dscale + P[i].y;pDC->MoveTo(dsx, dsy);pDC->LineTo(dex, dey);double ex, fy;ex = P[i].E;fy = 0;pDC->MoveTo(dsx, dsy);for (int j = 6; j <= 360; j += 6){ex = (dscale * P[i].E) * cos((j * acos(-1)) / 180);fy = (dscale * P[i].F) * sin((j * acos(-1)) / 180);dex = ex * cos(P[i].Q) - fy * sin(P[i].Q) + P[i].x;dey = fy * cos(P[i].Q) + ex * sin(P[i].Q) + P[i].y;pDC->LineTo(dex, dey);}}pDC->SelectObject(oldpen5);CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(30, 160, 220));CPen* oldpen = pDC->SelectObject(&pen);for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++){int a = foundP(L[i].start);int b = foundP(L[i].end);pDC->MoveTo(P[a].x, P[a].y);pDC->LineTo(P[b].x, P[b].y);}CPen pen1(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(223, 113, 0));CPen* oldpen1 = pDC->SelectObject(&pen1);for (int i = 0; i < wdcount; i++){int x = (heigth) / 40+1;for (int j = 0; j < x; j++){pDC->MoveTo(len * (i + 1), 40 * j);pDC->LineTo(len * (i + 1), 40 * j+25);}}for (int i = 0; i < heicount; i++){int x = (width) / 40 + 1;for (int j = 0; j < x; j++){pDC->MoveTo(40 * j, change(len * (i + 1)));pDC->LineTo(40 * j + 25, change(len * (i + 1)));}}CPen pen2(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));CPen* oldpen2 = pDC->SelectObject(&pen2);pDC->MoveTo(0,rect.bottom);pDC->LineTo(0, rect.top);pDC->MoveTo(0, rect.bottom);pDC->LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);pDC->MoveTo(0, rect.top);pDC->LineTo(8, rect.top+10);pDC->MoveTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);pDC->LineTo(rect.right-10, rect.bottom-8);pDC->TextOutW(8, rect.top + 13, _T("X"));pDC->TextOutW(rect.right - 20, rect.bottom - 20, _T("Y"));pDC->TextOutW(3, rect.bottom-20, _T("O"));CPen pen3(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0));CPen* oldpen3 = pDC->SelectObject(&pen3);CFont font;//创建字体font.CreateFontW(20,                        // nHeight0,                         // nWidth0,                         // nEscapement0,                         // nOrientation*FW_NORMAL,                 // nWeightFALSE,                     // bItalicFALSE,                     // bUnderline0,                         // cStrikeOutANSI_CHARSET,              // nCharSetOUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,        // nOutPrecisionCLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,       // nClipPrecisionDEFAULT_QUALITY,           // nQualityDEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS,  // nPitchAndFamily_T("宋体"));                 // lpszFacename*/)CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&font);for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){pDC->TextOutW(P[i].x+3, P[i].y-2,P[i].ID);}for (int i = 0; i < wdcount+1; i++){CString str;str.Format(_T("%d"), (int)(Ox+len1*i-len1-dxw));pDC->TextOutW(len*i, rect.bottom + 3, str);}for (int i = 0; i < heicount+1; i++){CString str;str.Format(_T("%d"), (int)(Oy + len1 * i-dyw));pDC->TextOutW(-50, rect.bottom - len*i, str);}CPen pen4(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 255, 64));CPen* oldpen4 = pDC->SelectObject(&pen4);for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){if (P[i].flag == 0) {pDC->MoveTo(P[i].x, P[i].y+10);pDC->LineTo(P[i].x+7, P[i].y-4);pDC->LineTo(P[i].x - 7, P[i].y - 4);pDC->LineTo(P[i].x, P[i].y + 10);}else{CBrush fillb;fillb.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));pDC->SelectObject(&fillb);pDC->Ellipse(P[i].x-4,P[i].y-4, P[i].x+4, P[i].y+4);fillb.DeleteObject();}}}



#pragma once
enum class Type
struct Point
{CString index;//点号double x;double y;int flag=1;//是否为已知点int flag1=1;//是否为控制点double mx=0, my=0, mk=0;//点位误差double Q=0 ,E=0 , F=0;//误差椭圆参数


#pragma once
#include <afxstr.h>
struct Line
{CString start;//边的起始点CString end;//边的终点double length;//边长double amangle;//方位角度值


#pragma once
struct Angle
{CString startP;//测站起始点号CString endP;//测站重点号double angle;//角度值int num;//找准测站号
struct Ang
{CString startP;//角度起始点号CString mid;//角度中点号CString endP;//角度终点号double angle;//角度值



#pragma onceclass CMatrix
public:CMatrix(int row = 3, int col = 3);// copy constructorCMatrix(const CMatrix& m);~CMatrix(void);
private:double** dMatData;//保存矩阵元素数据的二维数组int iRow;//矩阵的行int iCol;//矩阵的列public:int Row() const { return iRow; }//返回行int Col() const { return iCol; }//返回列void SetSize(int row, int col);//调整数组的大小,原有数据不变(未测试)double& operator () (int row, int col);//获取矩阵元素double  operator () (int row, int col) const;//重载获取矩阵元素函数,只有const对象能访问CMatrix& operator = (const CMatrix& m);//注意:友元函数并不是类自己的成员函数friend CMatrix operator + (const CMatrix& m1, const CMatrix& m2);friend CMatrix operator - (const CMatrix& m1, const CMatrix& m2);friend CMatrix operator * (const CMatrix& m1, const CMatrix& m2);friend CMatrix operator * (const double& num, const CMatrix& m1);friend CMatrix operator * (const CMatrix& m1, const double& num);friend CMatrix operator ~ (const CMatrix& m);//矩阵转置CMatrix Inv();//矩阵求逆void Unit();//生成单位矩阵CString look();


#include "pch.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "math.h"CMatrix::CMatrix(int row, int col)
{iRow = row;iCol = col;dMatData = new double* [row];for (int i = 0; i < row; i++){dMatData[i] = new double[col];for (int j = 0; j < col; j++){dMatData[i][j] = 0;}}
}// copy constructor,
//(3)用一个已定义的对象去初始化一个新对象时;CMatrix::CMatrix(const CMatrix& m)
{iRow = m.Row();iCol = m.Col();dMatData = new double* [iRow];for (int i = 0; i < iRow; i++){dMatData[i] = new double[iCol];// for(int j=0;j<iCol;j++){memcpy(dMatData[i], m.dMatData[i], sizeof(double) * iCol);}}}CMatrix::~CMatrix(void)
{for (int i = 0; i < iRow; i++){delete[] dMatData[i];}delete[] dMatData;
double& CMatrix::operator () (int row, int col)
{if (row >= iRow || col >= iCol){throw("CMatrix::operator(): Index out of range!");}return dMatData[row][col];
double CMatrix::operator () (int row, int col) const
{if (row >= iRow || col >= iCol){throw("CMatrix::operator(): Index out of range!");}return dMatData[row][col];
CMatrix operator + (const CMatrix& m1, const CMatrix& m2)
{if ((m1.Col() != m2.Col()) || (m1.Row() != m2.Row())){throw("CMatrix::operator+: The two matrix have different size!");}CMatrix matTmp(m1.Row(), m1.Col());for (int i = 0; i < m1.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < m1.Col(); j++){matTmp(i, j) = m1(i, j) + m2(i, j);}}return matTmp;
//以右边的大小为基准,调整左边矩阵的大小CMatrix& CMatrix::operator = (const CMatrix& m)
{//revised in 2011-4-1, by Daiwujiao//   if(iRow!=m.Row()||iCol!=m.Col())//{//       throw( "CMatrix::operator=: The two matrix have different size!");//}if (iRow != m.Row() || iCol != m.Col()){SetSize(m.Row(), m.Col());}for (int i = 0; i < iRow; i++){for (int j = 0; j < iCol; j++){dMatData[i][j] = m(i, j);}}return *this;
void CMatrix::SetSize(int row, int col)
{if (row == iRow && col == iCol){return;}double** rsData = new double* [row];for (int i = 0; i < row; i++){rsData[i] = new double[col];for (int j = 0; j < col; j++){rsData[i][j] = 0;}}int minRow = (iRow > row) ? row : iRow;int minCol = (iCol > col) ? col : iCol;int  colSize = minCol * sizeof(double);for (int i = 0; i < minRow; i++){memcpy(rsData[i], dMatData[i], colSize);}for (int i = 0; i < minRow; i++){delete[] dMatData[i];}delete[] dMatData;dMatData = rsData;iRow = row;iCol = col;return;
CMatrix operator - (const CMatrix& m1, const CMatrix& m2)
{if ((m1.Col() != m2.Col()) || (m1.Row() != m2.Row())){throw("CMatrix::operator-: The two matrix have different size!");}CMatrix matTmp(m1.Row(), m1.Col());for (int i = 0; i < m1.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < m1.Col(); j++){matTmp(i, j) = m1(i, j) - m2(i, j);}}return matTmp;
CMatrix operator * (const CMatrix& m1, const CMatrix& m2)
{if ((m1.Col() != m2.Row())){throw("CMatrix::operator*: The col of matrix m1 doesn't equ to row of m2 !");}CMatrix matTmp(m1.Row(), m2.Col());for (int i = 0; i < m1.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < m2.Col(); j++){for (int k = 0; k < m2.Row(); k++){matTmp(i, j) += m1(i, k) * m2(k, j);}}}return matTmp;
CMatrix operator * (const CMatrix& m1, const double& num)
{CMatrix matTmp(m1.Row(), m1.Col());for (int i = 0; i < m1.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < m1.Col(); j++){matTmp(i, j) = m1(i, j) * num;}}return matTmp;
CMatrix operator * (const double& num, const CMatrix& m1)
{CMatrix matTmp(m1.Row(), m1.Col());for (int i = 0; i < m1.Row(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < m1.Col(); j++){matTmp(i, j) = m1(i, j) * num;}}return matTmp;
CMatrix operator ~ (const CMatrix& m)
{CMatrix matTmp(m.Col(), m.Row());for (int i = 0; i < m.Row(); i++)for (int j = 0; j < m.Col(); j++){matTmp(j, i) = m(i, j);}return matTmp;
CMatrix CMatrix::Inv()
{if (iRow != iCol){throw("待求逆的矩阵行列不相等!");}int i, j, k, vv;CMatrix InvMat(iRow, iRow);//复制矩阵InvMat = *this;int* MainRow = new int[iRow];int* MainCol = new int[iRow];//用于记录主元素的行和列double dMainCell;//主元元素的值double dTemp;//临时变量for (k = 0; k < iRow; k++){dMainCell = 0;//选全主元for (i = k; i < iRow; i++){for (j = k; j < iRow; j++){dTemp = fabs(InvMat(i, j));if (dTemp > dMainCell){dMainCell = dTemp;MainRow[k] = i;MainCol[k] = j;}}}if (fabs(dMainCell) < 0.0000000000001)//矩阵秩亏,不能求逆{throw("矩阵秩亏");}if (MainRow[k] != k)//交换行{for (j = 0; j < iRow; j++){vv = MainRow[k];dTemp = InvMat(k, j);InvMat(k, j) = InvMat(vv, j);InvMat(vv, j) = dTemp;}}if (MainCol[k] != k)//交换列{for (i = 0; i < iRow; i++){vv = MainCol[k];dTemp = InvMat(i, k);InvMat(i, k) = InvMat(i, vv);InvMat(i, vv) = dTemp;}}InvMat(k, k) = 1.0 / InvMat(k, k);//计算乘数for (j = 0; j < iRow; j++) //计算主行{if (j != k){InvMat(k, j) = InvMat(k, j) * InvMat(k, k);}}for (i = 0; i < iRow; i++)//消元{if (i != k){for (j = 0; j < iRow; j++){if (j != k){InvMat(i, j) -= InvMat(i, k) * InvMat(k, j);}}}}for (i = 0; i < iRow; i++)//计算主列{if (i != k){InvMat(i, k) = -InvMat(i, k) * InvMat(k, k);}}}for (k = iRow - 1; k >= 0; k--){if (MainCol[k] != k)// 交换行{for (j = 0; j < iRow; j++){vv = MainCol[k];dTemp = InvMat(k, j);InvMat(k, j) = InvMat(vv, j);InvMat(vv, j) = dTemp;}}if (MainRow[k] != k)//交换列{for (i = 0; i < iRow; i++){vv = MainRow[k];dTemp = InvMat(i, k);InvMat(i, k) = InvMat(i, vv);InvMat(i, vv) = dTemp;}}}delete[] MainRow;delete[] MainCol;return InvMat;
void CMatrix::Unit()
{for (int i = 0; i < iRow; i++){for (int j = 0; j < iCol; j++){dMatData[i][j] = (i == j) ? 1 : 0;}}
CString CMatrix::look()
{CString result1, result2;for (int i = 0; i < iRow; i++){for (int j = 0; j < iCol; j++){result1.Format(_T("%lf "), dMatData[i][j]);result2 = result2 + result1;if (j == iCol - 1){result1.Format(_T("\r\n"));result2 = result2 + result1;}}}return result2;



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    20175333实验四<Android程序设计>实验报告 一.实验内容及步骤 - Android程序设计-1 Android Stuidio的安装测试: 参考<Java和Androi ...

  10. 20155201 实验四《Java面向对象程序设计》实验报告

    20155201 实验四<Java面向对象程序设计>实验报告 一.实验内容 1.基于Android Studio开发简单的Android应用并部署测试; 2.了解Android.组件.布局 ...


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