ar vr内容制作

We recently hosted a webinar showcasing why and how brands are using technologies such as AR and VR as a crucial part of their traditional marketing campaigns and how, with Unity, they’re able to bring their brands to life. Read on for the highlights.

我们最近举办了一个网络研讨会,展示品牌为何以及如何使用AR和VR等技术作为其传统营销活动的关键部分,以及借助Unity如何使品牌栩栩如生。 继续阅读以了解亮点。

How do you grab your audience? Today, immersive experiences may be key to impactful marketing campaigns. Leading brands, such as Jaguar and Wayfair, are already incorporating immersive technologies into their marketing to create gorgeous, compelling, bleeding-edge experiences that reach and captivate their target audience with very effective results.

您如何吸引观众? 如今,沉浸式体验可能是有影响力的营销活动的关键。 大号 eading品牌,如捷豹和Wayfair,已经纳入身临其境的技术整合到他们的营销创造 华丽,引人注目的,带血的体验, 达到 并 具有非常有效的结果 吸引 他们的目标受众。

This webinar:


  • Educates brands on how to use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to connect with your audience in a way that activates their emotions and creates positive brand association


  • Showcases state-of-the-art examples of how leading brands are incorporating this immersive tech into their marketing campaigns


  • Demonstrates what is possible with Unity’s bleeding-edge tools and real-time rendering capabilities


Watch the on-demand webinar


This Unity webinar was hosted by Tony Parisi, Global Head of AR/VR Ad Innovation, and Carl Callewaert, Global Director of Evangelism, and moderated by Brittany Edmond, Senior Product Marketing Manager for AR/VR and Creative.

这次Unity网络研讨会由AR / VR广告创新全球负责人Tony Parisi和福音派全球总监Carl Callewaert主持,并由 AR / VR和Creative高级产品营销经理Brittany Edmond 主持 。

创造。 达到。 着迷。 (Create. Reach. Captivate.)

A recent survey shows that the majority of marketers fail to connect with people in ways that activate their emotions and ignite positive influence.


Clearly, the consumer landscape is changing, and brands are recognizing that they need to have a two-way relationship with their consumers.


The Havas brand survey of 1,500 global brands and more than 300,000 consumers established that consumers:

该 哈瓦斯品牌调查 的1500个全球品牌和超过30万层的消费者建立消费者:

  • Want to know who the brand is, what it stands for, and what the brand story is – and they want to be part of that story.


  • Say they expect more from brands than just products.


  • Want their brands to make a positive difference in the world and want a meaningful relationship with them.


However, consumers also feel that most content (58%) that brands put out into the world is not meaningful. It’s plain to see that brands and marketers need to rethink their content strategies.

但是,消费者也认为,品牌向全世界发布的大多数内容(58%)没有意义。 显而易见,品牌和营销商需要重新考虑其内容策略。

AR和VR的巨大机会 (Huge opportunities for AR and VR)

Because of their immersive nature, AR and VR represent a powerful new storytelling medium. It lets brands invite an emotional response from consumers to deepen their positive sentiment.

由于其身临其境的特性,AR和VR代表了强大的新型叙事媒体。 它可以让品牌吸引消费者的情感React,以加深他们的积极情绪。

AR and VR adoption is growing, and this tech is being integrated seamlessly into our lives. This will change how consumers relate to and interact with brands.

AR和VR的采用正在增长,并且这项技术已无缝集成到我们的生活中。 这将改变消费者与品牌的关系和互动方式。

用Unity做到这一切 (Do it all with Unity)

Unity is a market leader: Unity is the leading platform for creating content for AR and VR applications. Unity powers 53% of the top 1,000 mobile games on the Apple App Store and Google Play. And the reach of our ad scale is vast.

Unity是市场领导者:Unity是用于创建AR和VR应用程序内容的领先平台。 在Apple App Store和Google Play上,前1000种移动游戏中有53%由Unity提供支持。 而且,我们的广告规模覆盖面很广。

Unity gives creators the tools to bring their vision to life and to Unity’s ads offering as the foundation of how to reach and captivate your audience.


领先的品牌和代理商正在铺路 (Leading brands and agencies are paving the way)

Check out the webinar for a deeper look at some cutting-edge experiences that were made with Unity, including PHAROS AR created by Childish Gambino and Media Monks. The webinar also included an in-editor technical demo, showcasing how exactly key Unity features can be used to create one-of-a-kind innovative experiences.

查看网络研讨会,更深入地了解Unity带来的一些前沿体验,包括Childish Gambino和Media Monks创建的PHAROS AR。 该网络研讨会还包括一个编辑器内部技术演示,展示了Unity的关键功能如何用于创建一种独一无二的创新体验。

关键要点和下一步 (Key takeaways and what’s next)

Choosing to incorporate AR and VR into your marketing isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition. Rather, you should think of VR and AR as a complement to your marketing – a new and exciting way to bring your audience into your story.

选择将AR和VR整合到您的行销中并非一无所有。 相反,您应该将VR和AR视为营销的补充,这是一种将观众吸引到您的故事中的令人兴奋的新方式。

When you’re considering incorporating AR and VR into your marketing, it’s important to be aware of the multiple formats that will help elevate your brand and reach your KPIs.


If you’re attending Cannes Lions, June 17-21, and would like to continue the conversation, we’d love to connect with you. Feel free to schedule a meeting with our team.

如果您参加6月17日至21日的戛纳电影节,并且希望继续进行对话,我们很乐意与您联系。 随时与我们的团队安排会议 。

Watch the on-demand webinar


In the meantime, be sure to watch the on-demand webinar, so you can learn more about how Unity’s real-time platform is revolutionizing marketing campaigns. And share your feedback in the comments – we’re eager to make our product even more relevant for your business.

同时,请务必观看点播网络研讨会,以便您可以了解有关Unity实时平台如何彻底改变营销活动的更多信息。 并在评论中分享您的反馈–我们渴望使我们的产品与您的业务更加相关。

Check out the Brands and Creative Agencies solutions page for more information.

请查看 品牌和创意代理商解决方案页面 以获取更多信息。


ar vr内容制作

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