





TPTP All-in-One


TPTP Plugins for Eclipse




Agent Controller



TPTP运行有两种模式, 一种是在TPTP的workbench里,一种是通过JVMPI(类似JVMDI, 远程调试的模式), 第一种需要你的项目导入到TPTP里, 第二种模式,你就可以很随意的在命令行运行你的程序,通过JVMPI(或者JVMTI)将你的JVM attach 到TPTP, 来进行调试


================Agent Controller安装,配置=======================

1 从官网上下载,是个压缩包,也就是无需安装

2 设置环境路径

Set TPTP_AC_HOME=<<Agent Controller Home>> Set JAVA_PROFILER_HOME=%TPTP_AC_HOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.tptp.javaprofiler Set PATH=%JAVA_PROFILER_HOME%;%TPTP_AC_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

3 运行ACServer.exe
*注意在教程上提到过windows vista 7下可能存在权限问题,最好就是右击,run as admin,如果出现一个cmd
[java] Error occurred during initialization of VM
[java] Could not find agent library on the library path or in the local dir 
ectory: JPIBootLoader


Using the Java Profiler with Java 1.4 (or lower) Virtual Machines


Using the Java Profiler with Java 1.5 (or higher) Virtual Machines



server=[standalone | enabled | controlled]

standalone 独立模式,在这个模式下,eclipse是没有用的,所有参数均在命令行中,检测结束后,会有一个trace.trcxml文件,导入eclipse(file-import-profiling and logging-profiling file)后即可分析,查看(也就是说他是静态的)
The profiling agent runs in a headless mode, which means it is not possible to interact with it from the workbench. Configuration information is provided as part of the command lineand profiling data is stored in a file directly by the profiling agent. The profiling file can then be imported into the workbench at a later date.
The Java Profiling Agent is manually attached to a JVM instance and generates profiling data to an output file. The default output file is called trace.trcxml, but you can specify a different file name using the file= filename parameter. When this option is selected, the Java Profiling Agent produces an enclosing traceRoot element to form a complete and valid XML document.
enabled (This is the default.)这个最常用,在命令行中执行后,立马到eclipse中,在profiling configuration选项卡中找到   Attach to    Agent,在agent control选项卡中便可以看到正在运行的agent了。   注意,此时可以在EDIT OPTIONS中设置监控的类型等参数!
另外,需要注意的是,很多人说tptp监控tomcat等很慢,这个问题,一方面的确是tptp的 原因,但是最重要的是,他们没有设置过滤,监控了所有的包,尤其是在standalone模 式下,如果没有配置filters.txt那么所有的包都监控,机子的内存很快就会不行!
The profiling agent runs in the background of the JVM without consuming resources until it is connected to by the workbench and asked to start monitoring. Data is then streamed over the agent's data channel and consumed by the workbench. This mode allows the application to run normally, but produces no profiling data until a client attaches to the agent to give it instructions. When this option is selected, the Java Profiling Agent produces only XML fragments instead of a complete XML document.
controlled 这个和enable差不多The profiling agent preempts the JVM from initialization (the agent is loaded but it blocks the application from running) until it is attached to from the workbench and given instructions to start monitoring by a client. That is, when the profiling agent is launched in controlled mode, it will appear to hang the JVM until asked to start monitoring and it will produce only XML fragments instead of a complete XML document.
以下是我的启动脚本,注意Xmx Xms XX:MaxPermSize这些参数试具体情况而定
java -Xmx1G -Xms512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -agentlib:JPIBootLoader=JPIAgent:server=standalone,filters=filters.txt;CGProf -classpath C:\test\liferay-portal-6.0.5\tomcat-6.0.26\bin\bootstrap.jar -Dcatalina.home=C:\test\liferay-portal-6.0.5\tomcat-6.0.26 -Dcatalina.base=C:\test\liferay-portal-6.0.5\tomcat-6.0.26 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -config C:\test\liferay-portal-6.0.5\tomcat-6.0.26\conf\server.xml start
com.company.* * INCLUDE
org.springframework.* * EXCLUDE


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