
编者的信 (Letter from the Editor)

Here’s my routine these days: I wake up at about 7:30 a.m., immediately pick up my phone, open Slack, respond to anything that needs my attention, do the same on Gmail, maybe snooze for another half-hour or so with my phone resting on my chest in case I get “pinged,” wake up again, look at Slack and Gmail again, scroll through Twitter, drag myself out of bed, make coffee, maybe brush my teeth, sit down in front of my three monitors, jump in and out of Zoom calls and Google Meets for eight hours, quickly respond to messages or edit some articles in between, feel a slight relief when the official “workday” ends, stay at my computer for another hour or two to actually accomplish the things on my to-do list, leave my desk, spend the rest of the night staring at other screens with my partner, go to bed, stare at a screen in bed, fall asleep with the screen in my hand, get nudged by my partner to remove the screen from my hand, turn off the light, go to sleep, repeat.

^ h埃雷的我的家常便饭,这些天:我醒来大约上午7:30,立刻拿起我的手机,打开松弛,回复任何需要我的注意,做在Gmail一样,也许打盹另一半小时左右用我的手机停在我的胸部,以防我被“砰砰”一下,再次醒来,再次查看Slack和Gmail,在Twitter上滚动,将自己拖下床,煮咖啡,或者刷牙,坐在我的三只门前显示器,在Zoom呼叫和Google Meets中跳出和跳出八个小时,在其间快速回复消息或编辑一些文章,在正式的“工作日”结束时感到有些放松,在计算机上再呆一两个小时才可以完成待办事项清单上的事情,离开办公桌,花整整夜与伴侣一起盯着其他屏幕,上床睡觉,盯着床上的屏幕,用手中的屏幕入睡,轻推由我的伴侣从我的手上移开屏幕,关掉灯,睡觉,重复一遍。

My phone and computer never stop burping notifications, my back is in some kind of mid-spasm constantly, and I feel like the whites of my eyes are themselves transforming into OLED panels. My body now exists to type or speak things into gadgets with the result of making new numbers appear in my banking app every two weeks.

我的电话和计算机永远不会停止处理通知,我的背部一直处于某种中度痉挛状态,我感觉自己的眼睛白皙的自己正在转变为OLED面板。 现在,我的身体可以在小工具中打字或说话,其结果是每两周有一次新的数字出现在我的银行应用程序中。

A few months ago, it was popular to make a point about all of this: In March, Nellie Bowles memorably wrote in the New York Times that “Coronavirus Ended the Screen-Time Debate. Screens Won.” OneZero’s Will Oremus observed that the beginnings of our social distancing efforts felt “in some ways, like a dress rehearsal for a future that was already on its way — one in which more and more of us self-isolate voluntarily, interacting with the outside world only from behind screens.” In April, Geoffrey Fowler and Heather Kelly urged the readers of the Washington Post to no longer feel guilty about their screen time: “We should stop being hard on ourselves for staring at screens and start embracing how they’re helping us survive.”

几个月前,就所有这些提出一个观点很受欢迎:3月,内莉·鲍尔斯(Nellie Bowles )在《纽约时报 》上令人难忘地写道 :“冠状病毒结束了筛选时间之争。 屏幕赢了。” OneZero的Will Oremus 观察到 ,我们进行社会疏远工作的开始感到“在某些方面,例如为即将到来的未来进行彩排–在这种方式中,越来越多的人自愿自我隔离,与他人互动。只能从屏幕后面进入外部世界。” 今年4月,杰弗里·福勒(Geoffrey Fowler)和希瑟·凯利(Heather Kelly) 敦促 《 华盛顿邮报》的读者不要再为他们的放映时间感到内gui:“我们不应再因盯着放映机而自残,开始拥抱他们如何帮助我们生存。”

Now, the novelty is gone. The Zoom cocktail hours aren’t happening as often anymore. The constant screen time is a fact of life. (Remember what Justin Timberlake’s Sean Parker said in The Social Network? “We lived on farms, and then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet!” It’s an absurd moment — he’s doing coke with a bunch of kids and talking about tagging photos on Facebook — but it does hit a little different now.)

现在,新颖性消失了。 Zoom鸡尾酒时间不再那么频繁了。 恒定的屏幕时间是生活中的事实。 (还记得贾斯汀·汀布莱克 ( Justin Timberlake)的肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)在《社交网络 》中所说吗?“我们住在农场,然后我们住在城市,现在我们要在互联网上生活!”这是荒谬的时刻–他正在与一群人做可乐的孩子们,谈论谈论在Facebook上标记照片,但确实如此 现在有所不同。)

All of this in mind, I’d like to highlight one of our longest-running franchises: the Microprocessing column by Angela Lashbrook, which usually publishes on Wednesdays. Angela has done more than any other writer I know to examine the impacts of technology on our day-to-day lives — last week’s column about the surprisingly powerful influence of read receipts is a must-read for anyone who, like me, now finds their waking moments more influenced by digital messaging than ever before. (While you’re at it, check out her recent stories about how to have successful interactions on Instagram, what TikTok is doing to your mind, and why remote work may have changed your relationship with your boss.) This week, Microprocessing will examine the constraints of a popular online platform — and profile creative people who are breaking out of it, bringing just a bit of individuality to an era of staid web design.

考虑到所有这些因素,我想强调一下我们经营时间最长的特许经营之一:Angela Lashbrook的“ 微处理”专栏 ,该专栏通常在周三发布。 安吉拉在研究技术对我们日常生活的影响方面做得比我所知道的任何其他作家都要多- 上周的专栏文章显示,已读票据的惊人影响力是任何像我这样的人现在都必须阅读的他们的醒着时刻比以往任何时候都更受数字消息传递的影响。 (在此过程中,请查看她最近关于如何在Instagram上成功进行互动 , TikTok对您的想法以及为什么远程工作可能会改变您与老板的关系的故事。)本周,微处理将探讨流行的在线平台的局限性-并介绍正在脱离该平台的富有创造力的人,从而将个性化带入了一个稳定的网页设计时代。

Speaking of which… OneZero is also publishing a major new project from a notable author this week. It’s explicitly about breaking out of old systems and challenging conventional thought. I can’t wait for you to see it.

说到哪个…… OneZero本周还将发布一位着名作者的一项重大新项目。 这显然是关于突破旧系统并挑战传统思想。 我等不及你了。

I’ve said OneZero stands against the notion of resignation. While I am now more computer than man, with skin that matches the sickly pallor of an old Power Mac, I’m proud that we’re able to help our readers reflect on — and make sense of — a strange new era of online life. Stick with us: Big things are coming.

我曾说过OneZero反对辞职的概念 。 虽然我现在的计算机比人类更多,并且皮肤与旧的Power Mac苍白的苍白相匹配,但我很自豪我们能够帮助读者反思并理解一个奇怪的在线生活新时代。 坚持我们:大事即将到来。

Tip of the day: Weary of exerting my thumbs to type on my iPhone, I’ve recently started to use “QuickPath” typing. Enabled by default, it lets you type by sliding your finger around your keyboard rather than doing all of that grotesque lifting and pressing. Start by placing your finger on the first letter of a word, then just… move your finger to touch the following letters, rather than raising it to “type” them. The predictive texting is pretty good at guessing what you mean. Lift your finger to create spaces, then keep going. Beautiful.

今日提示:厌倦了用拇指在iPhone上打字 ,我最近开始使用“ QuickPath”打字 。 默认情况下已启用,它使您可以通过在键盘上滑动手指来键入内容,而不是进行所有奇特的抬起和按下操作。 首先,将手指放在单词的第一个字母上,然后……移动手指以触摸随后的字母,而不是抬起它来“键入”它们。 预测性短信非常擅长猜测您的意思。 抬起手指创造空间,然后继续前进。 美丽。

In case you missed it: Last week, I promoted some upcoming stories on OneZero. One of them is still on its way, but the other two — a profile on brighter A.I. and a story on the intersection of art and automation — are live and waiting for you to dig in.

如果您错过了它:上周,我在OneZero上推广了一些即将到来的故事。 其中一个仍在进行中,但另两个( 关于更明亮的AI的简介和关于艺术与自动化的交汇处的故事)正在上线并等待您深入研究。

This is a weekly editor’s letter from OneZero editor-in-chief Damon Beres. If you have information or a viewpoint to share, feel free to reach Damon via email or on Twitter.

这是 OneZero 主编 Damon Beres 每周的编辑来信 如果您有信息或要分享的观点,请随时通过 电子邮件 Twitter 与Damon联系

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/im-a-computer-beep-boop-beep-boop-e370e8ceb68




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