

  • matlab

  • python
    a = np.array(range(1,13)).reshape(-1,4)print(a)



%% 2D
data2D = reshape(1:12,3,4)
data2D = permute(data2D,[2,1])%% 3D
data3D = reshape(1:12,3,2,2)  % 维度顺序为:1,2,3
data3D = permute(data3D,[3,2,1]) % 即实现1,3维度置换,为 2*2*3. ps:可以再测试[3,1,2]



data = reshape(1:12,3,2,2)
% newdata = permute(data,[3,2,1])
%% 除了用permute函数,也可以自定义实现
newdata = zeros(2,2,3);
for i = 1:2for j = 1:2newdata(j,i,:) = data(:,i,j); % 转置end

    data = np.array(range(1,13)).reshape(-1,2,3)print(data)print(np.fft.fft(data))print(np.fft.fft(data,axis=0))


  • matlab
close all
clear allTestMaxfunction  TestMax()
%% scalar
res = max(6,[1 4 6 7 9 0 3])   % 逐个比较,输出数组
res = max(3,[1+i,2-2i,3+4i,4-6i,-i,5-2i]) % 只与复数的实部比较
res = max(1+3i,[2+3i,2-2i,3+4i,4-6i,3-i,5-2i])  % 按照模长比较data = [1+i,2-2i,3+4i,4-6i,-i,5-2i;2+3i,2-2i,3+4i,4-6i,3-i,5-2i]
data(1) = 0 % 数组在matlab中按列存储,每个元素对应一个索引,将第一个元素设为0,与data(1,:)相区别end

def TestMax():# res = max(3,np.array([1,4,6,7,9,0,3]))  #  error# res = np.max(3,np.array([1,4,6,7,9,0,3]))  # error# res = np.maximum(3,np.array([1,4,6,7,9,0,3]))  # 同matlab中 max# res = np.maximum(3,np.array([1-1j,4+1j,6-2j,7,9+3j,0-2j,3-1j]))  # 同matlab中 maxres = np.maximum(3+1j,np.array([1-1j,4+1j,6-2j,7,9+3j,0-2j,3-1j]))  # 同matlab中 maxprint(res)data = np.array([[1+1j,2-2j,3+4j,4-6j,-1j,5-2j],[2+3j,2-2j,3+4j,4-6j,3-1j,5-2j]])data[0] = 0  # 结果同data[0,:]  将第一行全设为0print(data)


matlab是矩阵实验室(Matrix laboratory)的简称,原就是为了方便高效进行矩阵运算而开发。特点是矩阵index从1开始,支持end操作,矩阵的切片操作十分简便。

  • matlab
function TestIndex()img = imread('demoshape.png');if(numel(size(img)) > 2)img = rgb2gray(img);end%% 与原图不同大小px = img(2:end,:) - img(1:end-1,:); % 数据类型均为uint8, 负数强制为0. python中负数强制为其补数qy = img(:,2:end) - img(:,1:end-1);%% 与原图相同大小ppx = img([2:end end],:) - img([1 1:end-1],:);qqy = img(:,[2:end end]) - img(:,[1 1:end-1]);figuresubplot(231)imshow(img)subplot(232)imshow(px)subplot(233)imshow(qy)subplot(234)imshow(ppx)subplot(235)imshow(qqy)canny = edge(img,'canny',0.1);subplot(236)imshow(canny)


  • python
  1. end - k 的表达
  2. k:end,m:end - k的表达
def CalcImgDiff(imglight,imgdark,opt: int = 0):assert imglight.shape == imgdark.shapeH,W = imglight.shapeimgdiff = np.zeros_like(imglight,dtype=np.uint8)if opt == 0:return imglight - imgdarkelif opt == 1:for i in range(H):for j in range(W):if imglight[i,j] > imgdark[i,j]:imgdiff[i,j] = imglight[i,j] - imgdark[i,j]elif opt == 2:for i in range(H):for j in range(W):imgdiff[i, j] = abs(imglight[i, j] - imgdark[i, j])return imgdiffdef TestIndex():img = cv2.imread('./imgs/others/img/demoshape.png',0)# img_ref = scio.loadmat('./imgs/others/img/demoshape_img.mat')['img']# px_ref = scio.loadmat('./imgs/others/img/demoshape_px.mat')['px']# qy_ref = scio.loadmat('./imgs/others/img/demoshape_qy.mat')['qy']# ppx_ref = scio.loadmat('./imgs/others/img/demoshape_ppx.mat')['ppx']# qqy_ref = scio.loadmat('./imgs/others/img/demoshape_qqy.mat')['qqy']img = cv2.resize(img,(400,300))H,W = img.shapeimglight = img[1:H, :]imgdark = img[0:H - 1, :]px = CalcImgDiff(imglight,imgdark,0)imglight = img[:,1:W]imgdark = img[:,0:W-1]qy = CalcImgDiff(imglight, imgdark,0)# 关键如何表达 [1:end end]row_former_index = list(range(0, H - 1))row_former_index.insert(0, 0)row_latter_index = list(range(1, H))row_latter_index.append(-1)col_former_index = list(range(0, W - 1))col_former_index.insert(0, 0)col_latter_index = list(range(1, W))col_latter_index.append(-1)imglight = img[row_latter_index, :]imgdark = img[row_former_index, :]ppx =  CalcImgDiff(imglight,imgdark,0)imglight = img[:, col_latter_index]imgdark = img[:, col_former_index]qqy =  CalcImgDiff(imglight,imgdark,0)plt.figure()plt.subplot(231)plt.imshow(img,,vmin=0,vmax=255)plt.subplot(232)plt.imshow(px,,vmin=0,vmax=255)plt.subplot(233)plt.imshow(qy,,vmin=0,vmax=255)plt.subplot(234)plt.imshow(ppx,,vmin=0,vmax=255)plt.subplot(235)plt.imshow(qqy,,vmin=0,vmax=255)canny = cv2.Canny(img,1,255)plt.subplot(236)plt.imshow(canny,,vmin=0,vmax=255)

matlab: index从1开始,python: index从0开始
具体表达如下,其中 i∈N+;j,k∈Ni\in \mathbb{N^+}; j, k \in \mathbb{N} i∈N+;j,k∈N

  1. matlab:A(end-k,:) python : A[H - k - 1,:]
  2. matlab: A(i:end-j,:) python : A[i - 1:H - j,:]

python VS matlab: reshape/max/matrix index等方法比较相关推荐

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    Matlab中max函数在矩阵中求函数大小的实例如下: C = max(A) 返回一个数组各不同维中的最大元素. 如果A是一个向量,max(A)返回A中的最大元素. 如果A是一个矩阵,max(A)将A ...

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