
It was said that when testing the first computer designed by von Neumann, people gave the following problem to both the legendary professor and the new computer: If the 4th digit of 2^n is 7, what is the smallest n? The machine and von Neumann began computing at the same moment, and von Neumann gave the answer first. Now you are challenged with a similar but more complicated problem: If the K-th digit of M^n is 7, what is the smallest n?


Each case is given in a line with 2 numbers: K and M (< 1,000).


For each test case, please output in a line the smallest n.

You can assume:

The answer always exist. 
The answer is no more than 100.


3 2
4 2
4 3






#define N 1005
int n;
int k,m;
int asd[1005];
void check(int q)
{while(asd[q]!=7)                         //判断第k位是否已经等于7 {for(int i=0;i<N;i++)               //利用数组来存入大数一位一位的处理          {asd[i]=asd[i]*m;}for(int i=0;i<N;i++)               {asd[i+1]=asd[i]/10+asd[i+1];   //不断地将低位的数字除以10后加到高位去  asd[i]=asd[i]%10;                }  n++;  }
int main()
{while(scanf("%d %d",&k,&m)!=EOF){memset(asd,0,sizeof(asd));n=0;asd[0]=1;check(k-1);printf("%d\n",n); }return 0;

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