python 整数最大

The greatest integer function is a function (real numbers function) to itself that is defined as follows: it sends any real number to the largest integer that is less than or equal to it.


The greatest integer function of

is denoted by



The greatest integer function is related to the fractional part (sometimes denoted

) of the number as follows: for any

最大整数函数与小数部分 (有时表示为

, 我们有:

More about greatest integer function: floor() and ceiling functions | wikipedia

有关最大整数函数的更多信息: floor()和ceiling函数| 维基百科

Python代码查找最大整数(使用floor()方法) (Python code to find greatest integer (Use of floor() method))

# Python code to find greatest integer
# (Use of floor() method)
import math #importing class
num = float(input("Enter any float number: "))
print("math.floor(num): ", math.floor(num))
num = float(input("Enter another float number: "))
print("math.floor(num): ", math.floor(num))



Enter any float number: 56.892
math.floor(num):  56
Enter another float number: -34.567
math.floor(num):  -35


python 整数最大

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