
ICMP(Internet控制消息协议)简介 (Introduction to ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol))

IP (Internet Protocol) is a network layer protocol. The responsibility of delivering data (Logical Addressing) to any network is done by the IP (Internet Protocol). For this purpose, the IP uses transport layer protocols such as TCP and UDP. TCP and IP form the TCP / IP protocol suite.

IP(Internet协议)是网络层协议。 将数据(逻辑寻址)传送到任何网络的责任由IP(互联网协议)完成。 为此,IP使用传输层协议,例如TCP和UDP。 TCP和IP构成TCP / IP协议套件。

Efforts are being made by Internet Protocol to deliver any data from source to destination. But there are some limitations to the internet protocol, which lowers its performance. These are being given below.

Internet协议正在努力将任何数据从源传送到目的地。 但是,互联网协议存在一些局限性,从而降低了其性能。 这些在下面给出。

IP(互联网协议)的局限性 (Limitations of IP (Internet Protocol))

Two significant deficiencies in Internet protocol are being given below. To understand the need for ICMP, it is important to understand these limitations properly.

下面给出Internet协议中的两个重大缺陷。 要了解对ICMP的需求,正确理解这些限制很重要。

No Error Reporting:


If any packet is discarded by the router due to an error, then there is no mechanism in the internet protocol so that the sender can be reported about this error.


Examples of some common errors are given below.


Suppose if the router is not getting a router to deliver data to the destination, then in such situation, the router will disconnect the packet.


Suppose that the lifetime of a packet is done while traveling on the internet and in time the value of the time to live field in the packet is zero, then in this situation, the packet will be discarded.


Suppose all the packets have not reached the destination till the destination, then in such a situation, the entire data will be discarded.


No Communication


There may be times when one device needs to communicate with another device, there is no such mechanism in Internet protocol for such a situation, so that devices can communicate among themselves in which some devices are required to communicate, such a few common situations are being given below.


Many times, a host needs to determine whether the destination host is alive before sending data.


Many times you may also need to get information about a host.


The Internet Control Message Protocol has been designed to overcome these shortcomings of Internet Protocol. ICMP and IP both work together. ICMP is the support protocol of the IP. There is a message mechanism in the ICMP so that the hosts are notified about error and status.

Internet控制消息协议旨在克服Internet协议的这些缺点。 ICMP和IP都可以一起工作。 ICMP是IP的支持协议。 ICMP中有一个消息机制,以便向主机通知有关错误和状态。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-networks/icmp-internet-control-message-protocol.aspx



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