


In 12th Zhejiang College Students Games 2007, there was a new stadium built in Zhejiang Normal University. It was a modern stadium which could hold thousands of people. The audience Seats made a circle. The total number of columns were 300 numbered 1–300, counted clockwise, we assume the number of rows were infinite.
These days, Busoniya want to hold a large-scale theatrical performance in this stadium. There will be N people go there numbered 1–N. Busoniya has Reserved several seats. To make it funny, he makes M requests for these seats: A B X, which means people numbered B must seat clockwise X distance from people numbered A. For example: A is in column 4th and X is 2, then B must in column 6th (6=4+2).
Now your task is to judge weather the request is correct or not. The rule of your judgement is easy: when a new request has conflicts against the foregoing ones then we define it as incorrect, otherwise it is correct. Please find out all the incorrect requests and count them as R.


There are many test cases:
For every case:
The first line has two integer N(1<=N<=50,000), M(0<=M<=100,000),separated by a space.
Then M lines follow, each line has 3 integer A(1<=A<=N), B(1<=B<=N), X(0<=X<300) (A!=B), separated by a space.


For every case:
Output R, represents the number of incorrect request.

Sample Input

10 10
1 2 150
3 4 200
1 5 270
2 6 200
6 5 80
4 7 150
8 9 100
4 8 50
1 7 100
9 2 100

Sample Output



(PS: the 5th and 10th requests are incorrect)



2.b->a, a离”原点更近“

int f(int x)
{if(x!=dp[x]){int t=dp[x];/*因为在递归找祖先的过程中,dp[x]的值会改变,而我们我们只需要找到距离x最近的点,即可得到dp[x]到祖宗节点的距离。所以要记录t的值*/dp[x]=f(dp[x]);num[x]+=num[t];}return dp[x];
  1. dp[b]->dp[a]


using namespace std;
const int M=5e4+10;
int dp[M],num[M];
int f(int x)
{if(x!=dp[x]){int t=dp[x];dp[x]=f(dp[x]);/*因为在递归找祖先的过程中,dp[x]的值会改变,而我们我们只需要找到距离x最近的点,即可得到dp[x]到祖宗节点的距离。所以要记录t的值*/num[x]+=num[t];}return dp[x];
bool dfs(int a,int b,int x)
{int u=f(a),v=f(b);/*a->u,b->v*/if(u==v){if(num[a]+x!=num[b])/*b->a,又起点为父节点*/return true;return false;}dp[v]=u;num[v]=num[a]+x-num[b];return false;
int main()
{int m,n;while(~scanf("%d%d",&m,&n)){int ans=0;for(int i=0;i<m;i++){dp[i]=i;num[i]=0;}while(n--){int a,b,x;/*设起点为祖宗节点,则都指向起点b->a*/scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&x);if(dfs(a,b,x))ans++;}printf("%d\n",ans);}return 0;

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