by Trey Huffine

通过Trey Huffine

因此,您是一名新软件工程师。 让我们面对一些事实,揭穿一些神话。 (So you’re a new Software Engineer. Let’s face some facts and debunk some myths.)

When we’re learning to become software engineers, we’re told many stories of what it is like to actually work in the field. Some of them are true, some of them are not. Here is a breakdown of the common things you’ve been told, and whether they’re Fact or Myth.

当我们学习成为软件工程师时,我们会被告知许多在该领域实际工作的经历的故事。 其中有些是真实的,有些不是。 这是您被告知的常见事物的分类,无论它们是事实还是神话。

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事实 (Facts)

事实:个人项目很重要 (Fact: Personal projects matter)

Projects are the best way to learn, and they empower you to show potential employers that you have the ability to contribute. Using your own time to build software shows others that you’re passionate about this field and have the enthusiasm to figure things out. Display your projects and portfolio to make it easy for people to get to know you.

项目是最好的学习方法,它们使您能够向潜在的雇主展示您有能力做出贡献。 利用您自己的时间来构建软件,可以向其他人表明您对该领域充满热情,并充满热情来解决问题。 显示您的项目和项目组合 ,使人们更容易了解您。

事实: 态度,热情和热情大有帮助 (Fact: Attitude, passion, and enthusiasm go a long way)

Enthusiasm shows that you’ll be enjoyable to work with on the tough projects, and it’s a good indicator that you’ll be reliable. Demonstrating your passion lets others know you’ll be learning and growing while being a positive force on the team.

热情表明,您在艰难的项目上工作会很愉快,并且可以很好地表明您的可靠性。 展示您的激情会让其他人知道您将学习并成长,同时成为团队中的积极力量。

I’ve seen instances where a person’s attitude tipped the scales between being hired or not. An inexperienced yet passionate person is given a chance because the company sees something in them, whereas a talented but uninspired person is ultimately told it’s not a fit.

我见过一些人的态度在是否被录用之间打交道的例子。 一个没有经验但又充满热情的人有机会,因为公司看到了其中的某些东西,而一个才华横溢但没有灵感的人最终被告知这是不合适的。

事实: 获得工作是起点,而不是终点 (Fact: Getting the job is the starting line, not the finish line)

Software is a world that’s always evolving and growing, and most of the things you will learn will be learned on the job. Be enthusiastic to learn and be humble about what you already know. You always need to be moving forward.

软件是一个不断发展和发展的世界,您将学到的大多数东西都是在工作中学到的。 热情地学习并对已经知道的东西保持谦虚。 您始终需要不断前进。

事实: 冒名顶替综合症是真实的 (Fact: Imposter syndrome is real)

And you can overcome it. We’re in a field that is constantly evolving and growing. No matter how experienced you are, you’ll never feel like you know everything. If you are overwhelmed, take a second and try to think about where you were one month, three months, six months, or one year ago.

您可以克服它。 我们处于一个不断发展变化的领域。 无论您经验如何,您都不会觉得自己一无所知。 如果您不知所措,请花一秒钟的时间思考一下您一个月,三个月,六个月或一年前的位置。

Once you recognize how far you’ve come, you’ll realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to get the job done. The ability to move forward is always within reach. Which leads me to my next point…

认识到自己走了多远,您就会意识到,您可以学习完成工作所需的一切。 不断前进的能力总是触手可及的。 这引出我的下一个观点...

事实: 您不需要了解所有信息 (Fact: You don’t need to know everything)

The most important part of being a software engineer isn’t knowing everything. It’s knowing how to learn everything.

成为软件工程师最重要的部分是一无所知。 它知道如何学习一切。

事实: 您将中断生产 (Fact: You will break production)

Everyone will bring down the production application or push bad code. In fact, you’ll do it many times regardless of how experienced you are.

每个人都会降低生产应用程序或推送错误的代码。 实际上,无论您经验如何,您都会做很多次。

When this happens, own it and be ready to fix the issue immediately. If the bug is beyond your experience, be available and help out in any way you can. Treat it as a learning experience. It’s not the mistake that matters, it’s how you respond.

发生这种情况时,请拥有它并准备立即解决此问题。 如果该错误超出了您的经验,请以可用的任何方式提供并提供帮助。 将其视为学习经验。 重要的不是错误,而是您的应对方式。

神话 (Myths)

误解:寻找工作时,公司拥有一切权力 (Myth: Companies have all the power when you’re searching for a job)

You are entering a job market, and your skills are valuable. You may have to compromise a little bit on your first job, but don’t sell yourself short. If you’re working hard and continuing to grow, you’ll find a great role.

您正在进入就业市场,您的技能很有价值。 您可能需要在第一份工作上有所妥协,但不要卖空自己。 如果您正在努力工作并继续成长,那么您会发现自己扮演着重要的角色。

You should consider what the company can offer you just as much as the company considers what you can do for them.


误解: 您所知道的语言和框架都没有关系 (Myth: The language and frameworks you know don’t matter)

This is a partial myth. The more experience you have, the higher probability you have of being hired into a role requiring brand new skills. As a junior developer, many companies consider your core technical skill set. They need to know that you will be able to contribute without having to learn everything from scratch. If you want to make a change, use your time outside of work to learn something new.

这是部分神话。 您拥有的经验越多,被聘请需要全新技能的职位的可能性就越大。 作为初级开发人员,许多公司都考虑您的核心技术技能。 他们需要知道您将能够做出贡献,而不必从头开始学习所有内容。 如果您想进行更改,请在工作以外的时间学习新知识。

神话: 重要的是要聪明 (Myth: All that matters is being smart)

Soft skills still matter — quite a bit actually. In a technical field, some are led to believe that it’s all about brains. Teams place great importance on being able to work with others and being able to connect. Also, you owe it to yourself to find a company where you enjoy the people you work with.

软技能仍然很重要-实际上很多。 在技​​术领域,有些人被认为是大脑。 团队非常重视能够与他人合作和建立联系。 此外,您还应该自己找到一家与您一起工作的人感到开心的公司。

误区三: 保证第一份工作获得10万美元以上的薪水 (Myth: You’re guaranteed a $100k+ salary in your first job)

Unfortunately this isn’t true. However, if you believe in yourself and work hard, you’ll get to that point quickly. Because there is such a high demand for developers, the salaries are very high. But because they are so high, it makes every hire a risk for the company.

不幸的是,这不是真的。 但是,如果您相信自己并努力工作,那么您将很快达到目标。 因为对开发人员的需求很高,所以薪水很高。 但是,由于他们是如此之高,这使每位员工都对公司构成风险。

As a junior engineer, you are at your riskiest because there are almost no data points to determine if you will be successful. For developers, experience trumps almost all other factors. Find the quickest route to gain experience, and the rest will follow. Once you have experience on your resume, it makes everything else much easier.

作为一名初级工程师,您风险最大,因为几乎没有数据点可以确定您是否会成功。 对于开发人员而言,经验几乎胜过所有其他因素。 找到最快的途径获得经验,其余的将接follow而至。 一旦您有履历表的经验,这将使其他一切变得容易得多。

误解: 一个有工作经验的人总是比你了解更多 (Myth: A person with job experience always knows more than you)

You may be surprised how much you learned in school, your boot camp, or from self-studying. Since our field evolves so rapidly, there’s a good chance you picked up on some tricks or learned patterns that someone with more experience may not know.

您可能会对在学校,新手训练营或自学中学到的知识感到惊讶。 由于我们的领域发展如此Swift,因此很有可能您会学到一些经验或技巧,有些经验丰富的人可能不知道。

You will typically know what’s on the cutting edge of development, so use it to your advantage to guide your own future learning. Just humbly remember that it’s still only a small fraction of everything you need to know and will pick up on the job.

您通常会知道什么是开发的最前沿,因此可以利用它来发挥自己的优势,以指导自己将来的学习。 谦虚地记住,这只是您需要了解的所有内容的一小部分,并且会继续工作。

Don’t be afraid to speak up and offer alternative opinions or ideas. Be brave and write blog articles or speak at Meetups — you’ll be surprised at how much more you learn by putting yourself out there.

不要害怕大声说出来并提供其他意见或想法。 勇敢些,写博客文章或在Meetups上发表讲话-您会惊讶地发现自己从中学到了很多东西。

误解: 您将因如何学习编码而受到评判 (Myth: You will be judged for how you learned to code)

All that matters is that you know how to do it. It doesn’t matter if you have a CS degree or are self taught — only results matter. It’s up to you to be aware of your knowledge gaps and bridge them, but you should never feel inferior because of how you got to where you are.

重要的是您知道该怎么做。 无论您是拥有CS学位还是自学成才,都没关系-只有结果才重要。 知道并弥补知识差距是您的责任,但您永远也不应因为自己到达自己的位置而自卑。

Unfortunately, some companies may not consider certain types of applicants with a non-CS background, or they’ll try to leverage bootcamp experience against you. But you most likely don’t want to work for those companies anyway. You want to find a company that understands your skill set, sees your determination to grow, and is willing to invest in you for the long-term.

不幸的是,一些公司可能不会考虑具有非CS背景的某些类型的申请人,否则他们将尝试利用新手训练营的经验来反对您。 但是您很可能仍然不想为这些公司工作。 您想找到一家了解您的技能,看到成长决心并愿意长期投资的公司。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

Finding your first job is like pushing a boulder across flat surface. You push as hard as you possibly can to get that boulder rolling. But after you gain even minimal work experience, it’s like you’re chasing that boulder down a hill. You can barely keep pace with the opportunity. Recruiters frequently contact you, your value rises, and the uncertainty around your ability to contribute disappears.

找到第一份工作就像将一块巨石推过平坦的表面。 您竭尽全力推动那块巨石滚动。 但是当您获得最少的工作经验后,就好像您是在追逐那块巨石。 您几乎无法把握机会。 招聘人员经常与您联系,您的价值上升,而您贡献能力的不确定性消失。

The key is to continue to believe in yourself and never stop learning. Regardless of your background or experience, if you want it bad enough, you will eventually get to where you want to be.

关键是要继续相信自己,永不停止学习。 无论您的背景或经验如何,如果您希望它足够糟糕,那么最终您将到达想要的位置。

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