Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 26, 2014

某个BDOC包含了许多的error message,但是涉及到的object 仍然能够被save:

when product change is trying to be saved in line 299, only one warning message exists in rt_bapireturn:

When the partner mapping is done, there is totally 90 messages in error segment and 1 warning message in lt_bapi_return:

And it is et_bapireturn which is evaluated and then decides whether the object save could be performed or not.

The messages contained in ct_error_segments are displayed in SMW01 to guide end users how to resolve the error. They could not control the decision about object save.

When the partner mapping is done, there is totally 90 messages in error segment and 1 warning message in lt_bapi_return:

And it is et_bapireturn which is evaluated and then decides whether the object save could be performed or not.

The messages contained in ct_error_segments are displayed in SMW01 to guide end users how to resolve the error. They could not control the decision about object save.

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