turbo c填充图形

In this advanced learning tutorial, you will learn more about the C/C++ feature "Graphics" by using which you can make your C program even more interactive and attractive. Graphics in C/C++ can be used to draw different shapes, animations, projects, and games and can also display text in different fonts, colors and a lot more. You can draw circles, lines, rectangles and many geometrical figures through Graphics. Through this tutorial, we will be introducing you to some of the Advance topics of C/C++.

在本高级学习教程中,您将通过使用C / C ++功能“ Graphics”进一步了解C / C ++功能 ,从而使C程序更具交互性和吸引力。 C / C ++中的图形可用于绘制不同的形状,动画,项目和游戏,还可以显示不同字体,颜色和更多其他内容的文本。 您可以通过“图形”绘制圆,线,矩形和许多几何图形。 通过本教程,我们将向您介绍C / C ++的一些高级主题。

什么是图形? (What is graphics?)

The representation of an object in a Pictorial view is called a graphics which is being used in every kind of application nowadays, through this tutorial you will get a great help if are thinking of creating a GUI application in C/C++.

“图片”视图中的对象表示形式称为图形,如今已在各种应用程序中使用。通过本教程,如果您正在考虑使用C / C ++创建GUI应用程序,则将获得很大的帮助。

Before programming Graphics in C/C++ we will learn a bit more about the graphics. Programming of graphics in C/C++ will be done on TURBO C Compiler. TURBO C Compiler C/C++ is a good option according to the introduction of the programming in graphics.

用C / C ++图形进行编程之前我们将学习有关图形的更多信息。 C / C ++中的图形编程将在TURBO C编译器上完成。 根据图形编程的介绍,TURBO C Compiler C / C ++是一个不错的选择。

In the next tutorial of C/C++ Advance learning, we will start learning about Modes in C/C++ Graphics.

在下一个C / C ++高级学习教程中,我们将开始学习C / C ++图形中的模式。

C / C ++中的图形:Turbo C编译器中的模式 (Graphics in C/C++: Modes in Turbo C Compiler )

Now, we are going to tell you about the modes used in C/C++.

现在,我们将向您介绍C / C ++中使用的模式。

TURBO C Compiler supports 2 types of modes:

TURBO C编译器支持两种类型的模式:

  1. Text Mode


  2. Graphics Mode


First of all, we will learn about Text Mode, with the help of which you can create an interactive program but the functions are limited in it. TEXT MODE works on the Text Mode Co-ordinate system, it means that the text mode divides the screen in the form of rows and columns by default in the compiler.

首先,我们将学习文本模式,借助它您可以创建一个交互式程序,但功能有限。 TEXT MODE在Text Mode Coordinate系统上工作,这意味着在编译器中,默认情况下Text模式以行和列的形式划分屏幕。

Normally the screen is divided into the form of 80-columns and 25-rows. That is, if you want to print any character on the upper-left corner, the position according to the coordinate system will be a position (X, Y) = (0,0).

通常,屏幕分为80列和25行 。 也就是说,如果要在左上角打印任何字符,则根据坐标系的位置将是位置(X,Y)=(0,0)

Similarly, if you want to print any Character in the center of the screen then 80-columns and 25 rows according to the position (X, Y) = (40,12) on the screen.

同样,如果要在屏幕中央打印任何字符,则根据屏幕上的位置(X,Y)=(40,12) ,可分为 80列和25行

So here X number of Columns and Y number of Rows represent. So far, you have understood that if we increment the value of X, then the cursor on the screen will be left-to-right move and if the value of Y is in Increase the cursor to the top-to-bottom move. This is a very important concept to remember in graphics.

因此,这里的X列数和Y行数表示 。 到目前为止,您已经了解到,如果我们增加X的值,则屏幕上的光标将左右移动,如果Y的值处于“增加”,则光标将从上到下移动。 这是图形中要记住的非常重要的概念。

That's all in C/C++ Advance Learning Tutorial for now. If you have any doubts on the topic mentioned then you can ask your question. Next, we will learn about some of the basic functions of Text Mode and use them in a simple program.

到目前为止,这一切都在C / C ++高级学习教程中。 如果您对上述主题有任何疑问,可以提出您的问题。 接下来,我们将学习文本模式的一些基本功能,并在一个简单的程序中使用它们。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/c/graphics-introduction-and-graphics-modes-in-turbo-c-compiler.aspx

turbo c填充图形

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