1. 选词填空

1.feeling 2.looking at 3.pulling 4.finding 5.giving up

6.Invested 7.taking care of 8.Turning away 9.Fixing

2. 填空训练

1.as 2.- 3.as long as 条件状语从句 4.until

5.so that 目的 6.provided 条件 7.While 对比关系 8.if , as if = like

9.- 10.although,选项的 in spite of + 名词 11.going 动名词 12.went,前面是完成时,从句用一般过去时

3. 判断正误

1.F, because of 2.对 3.F, 从句中的 wil 去掉, get 变为 gets 4.F, When 改为 after 5.F, 从句不能出现将来时,will去掉 6.对 7.对


  1. 【状语从句练习题】综合训练

    1. 改正错误 1.第二个 either 改为or 2.后面的 he plays 去掉,不必要的重复 3.but 去掉 4.cold 后+ and 5.I went out. 加 个 I. 6.第一个 ...

  2. 状语从句到独立结构(absolute construction )

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  4. 【状语从句练习题】状语从句省略的其他形式

    1. 缩短下列句子 1.I'll pay for you if necessary. 2.Cook the meat slowly until tender. 3.Once in bed I went ...

  5. 【状语从句练习题】that 的省略

    1. 选词填空 1.I heard (that) 宾语从句 2.Did you konw (that) 宾语从句 3.I believe (that) 宾语从句 4.Did you know (tha ...

  6. 【状语从句练习题】分词作状语

    1. 改写训练 1.Having left school at twelve, he had no qualifications. 2.Fried in butter and sprinkled wi ...

  7. 【状语从句练习题】连词 + 过去分词

    1. 改写训练 与主语保持被动关系 1.When arrested, he was carrying a loaded shotgun. 2.The parcel will arrive within ...

  8. 【状语从句练习题】状语从句 + 过去完成时

    1. 造句训练 1.Jack had finished his lunch when he sat down to watch a film. 2.After I had finished my ex ...

  9. 【状语从句练习题】综合复习

    1. 选词填空 1.After 2.when 3.because 4.where 5.when 6.and 7.because 8.where 9.because 10.because 11. and ...


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