



Route Configure

export class App {configureRouter(config, router) {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index',   nav: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' },{ route: 'files/*path',      name: 'files',      moduleId: 'files/index',   href:'#files',   nav: true }]);}

route: [”,’home’]的意思是

  • config.map()将路由添加到路由器。虽然只有route,name,moduleId,nav,href显示在上面的代码中,但是还有其他的属性可以包含在一条路由里面。每条路由的class name是RouteConfig。

  • route是匹配传入的URL的模式,它可以使一个string或者一组string。路由可以包含参数化的路由或者通配符。

  • href是个可选的属性。如果没有定义,就用route。如果route有好几段(我的理解是有多个选择),那么href是必须的。因为router不知道如何填充参数化部分。
    比如:Wildcard routes are used to match the “rest” of a path (ie: files/*path matches files/new/doc or files/temp).这个通配符可以匹配两个,route就是有segements,那么href就是必须的。

  • nav是一个boolean或者数字属性。当被设置为true的时候, route将被包含在router的navigation model中。这个使得简便创建一个动态的menu或者相似的元素。当指定一个number,这个值会被用来排序路由。

export class App {configureRouter(config, router) {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index',   nav: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' },{ route: 'files/*path',      name: 'files',      moduleId: 'files/index',   href:'#files',   nav: true }]);}



当你在用JSPM,Requirejs或者相似的模块加载,你也需要配置这个module loader,添加一个base url,对应于你的base标签的href。

export class App {configureRouter(config) {config.title = 'Aurelia';config.options.pushState = true;config.options.root = '/';config.map([{ route: ['welcome'],    name: 'welcome',     moduleId: 'welcome',      nav: true, title:'Welcome' },{ route: 'flickr',       name: 'flickr',      moduleId: 'flickr',       nav: true },{ route: 'child-router', name: 'childRouter', moduleId: 'child-router', nav: true, title:'Child Router' },{ route: '',             redirect: 'welcome' }]);}


如果含有navigation strategy,Aurelia需要你用期望的moduleId,查看端口或者重定向来配置instruction.config。

export class App {configureRouter(config, router) {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';var navStrat = (instruction) => {instruction.config.moduleId = instruction.fragmentinstruction.config.href = instruction.fragment}config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index',   nav: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' },{ route: 'files/*path',       name: 'files',      moduleId: 'files/index',   href:'#files',   nav: true },{ route: ['', 'admin*path'],   name: 'route',  navigationStrategy: navStrat }]);}


Although Aurelia does allow you to pass any additional property to a route’s configuration object, settings is the default parameter to which you should add arbitrary data that you want to pass to the route.

export class App {configureRouter(config, router) {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index',   nav: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' },{ route: 'files/*path',       name: 'files',      moduleId: 'files/index',   href:'#files',   nav: true, settings: {data: '...'} }]);}


export class App {configureRouter(config, router) {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index',   nav: true, caseSensitive: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' }]);}

在上面的例子中,我们的路由只会匹配URL片段’/users’ 而不是 ‘/Users’,因为这条路由有caseSensitive为true的属性,它是大小写敏感的。
but since the route ‘users/:id/detail’ is not case sensitive the URL Users/:id/detail would match. By default Aurelia’s routes are not case sensitive.



  • 一个moduleId的字符串,只要route找不到,就会被导航到这个module

  • 一个routeConfig对象,只要route找不到,就会被导航到这个configration

  • A function which is passed the NavigationInstruction object and can decide the route dynamically.

Using a ModuleId for Unknown Routes

import {RouterConfiguration, Router} from 'aurelia-router';export class App {configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router): void {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index', nav: true, caseSensitive: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' }]);config.mapUnknownRoutes('not-found');}


Using A Function For Unknown Routes


  • moduleId

  • 一个含有moduleId属性的对象,这个moduleId属性要是string类型的

  • 一个RouteConfig对象

  • A Promise that resolves to any of the above.

export class App {configureRouter(config, router) {this.router = router;config.title = 'Aurelia';var handleUnknownRoutes = (instruction) => {return { route: 'not-found', moduleId: 'not-found' };}config.mapUnknownRoutes(handleUnknownRoutes);config.map([{ route: ['', 'home'],       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' },{ route: 'users',            name: 'users',      moduleId: 'users/index',   nav: true },{ route: 'users/:id/detail', name: 'userDetail', moduleId: 'users/detail' },{ route: 'files/*path',       name: 'files',      moduleId: 'files/index',   href:'#files',   nav: true }]);}

Redirecting Routes重定向路由

Aurelia允许重定向路由到新的URL 片段,通过指定redirect,redirect要是一个string类型,且string是要由URL片段构成。

config.map([{ route: '',           redirect: 'home' },{ route: 'home',       name: 'home',       moduleId: 'home/index' }

Use Redirect On Empty Routes with Child Routers

The redirect is particularly useful when you have an “empty” route pattern (such as the first route above) that maps to a component with a child router. In this case, create a non-empty route and then redirect the empty route to the non-empty route (as above). This will enable the child router to consistently match child routes without getting confused in scenarios where the empty route was matched.



Aurelia有两个router class,AppRouter和Router。AppRouter继承Router,是main application的router。
Router是给任何child routers用的,包括嵌套路由。
两者主要的不同是piplines只允许AppRouter有,其他任何child routers不允许。

你可以创建你自己的pipeline step,用addPipelineStep方法, 但是Step的name必须matchpipeline的slots。默认slot按顺序来是 authorize,preActivate, preRender, postRender.
Aurelia已经有方法来创建这些slots的pipeline step了。


一个pipeline step 必须是一个对象, 对象包含一个 run(navigationInstruction, next)方法。

Rendering View Ports

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