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HOMER is part of the SIPCAPTURE stack: A robust, carrier-grade and modular VoIP and RTC Capture Framework for Analysis and Monitoring with native support for all major OSS Voice platforms and vendor-agnostic Capture agents. HOMER counts thousands of deployments worldwide including notorious industry vendors, voice network operators and fortune 500 enterprises, providing advanced search, end-to-end analysis and packet drill-down capabilities for ITSPs, VoIP Providers and Trunk Suppliers using and relying on VoIP services and RTC technologies - All 100% Open-Source


freeswtich 1.10、debian系统10


CAPTURE AGENT,抓包终端,freeswitch、opensips这些常见的软交换都内置了该功能。

CAPTURE SERVER,抓包服务器,收集sip信令用的,老版本中使用kamailio,新版本使用了新的heplify-server。


HOMER APP/API,web页面,提供给客户查看信息。



apt-get install libluajit-5.1-common libluajit-5.1-dev lsb-release wget curl gitwget https://github.com/sipcapture/homer-installer/raw/master/homer_installer.sh
chmod +x homer_installer.sh
./homer_installer.sh//查看是否安装成功systemctl status homer-app
systemctl status heplify-serverroot@debian:/usr/src/freeswitch# ps -ef|grep homer
root      29164      1  0 01:56 ?        00:00:02 /usr/local/bin/homer-app
postgres  29214  28165  0 01:56 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: homer_user homer_data ::1(47142) idle
postgres  29662  28165  0 02:40 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: homer_user homer_data ::1(36876) idle
postgres  32810  28165  0 08:52 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: homer_user homer_config ::1(57858) idle
postgres  32811  28165  0 08:52 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: homer_user homer_data idle
root      32836  29331  0 08:55 pts/2    00:00:00 grep homer




psql -h -p 5432 -d homer_data -U homer_user


FreeSWITCH Capture Agent
Freeswitch ships with an integrated HEP Capture Agent designed to work with HOMER

**FreeSwitch HEP3/EEP support is available in 1.6.8+ **

Global Configuration
To enable HEP capturing, open sofia.conf.xml and set capture-server param

Freeswitch >= 1.7 has support for HEPv2 and HEPv3. The new syntax is: open internal.xml and external.xml and change sip-capture param to "yes". Also please do it on each profile in your sip_profiles/internal and sip_profiles/external (/etc/freeswitch/sip_profiles) *note: the ip address and port must be same as the listen param in your kamailio.cfg or in heplify-server *

To enable/disable the HEP agent on demand, you can use CLI commands:

freeswitch@fsnode04> sofia global capture on

+OK Global capture on
freeswitch@fsnode04> sofia global capture off

+OK Global capture off
Profile Configuration
You can choose to activate HEP capturing only for a specific profile:

freeswitch@fsnode04> sofia profile internal capture on

Enabled sip capturing on internal

freeswitch@fsnode04> sofia profile internal capture off

Disabled sip capturing on internal
B2BUA Correlation
To correlate B2BUA legs set the following before bridging the second leg:

  <action application="set" data="sip_h_X-cid=${sip_call_id}"/>

Next, configure heplify-server to extract correlation from the newly created X-cid header (TODO: link)


本机ip:9080 用户与密码(admin/sipcapture)

You should now be able to access your HOMER instance via HTTP on port 9080 and send HEPv3 traffic to port 9060/UDP or 9061/TCP (note ports can be modified by the docker-compose configuration)


git clone https://github.com/sipcapture/hepipe.js.git

Prepare with:

sudo npm install

Fill config.js as needed (please see examples/)

Run with:

sudo node hepipe.js

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