第三方登录 steam

Unbeknownst to many people, it’s not a requirement that you purchase a game directly from Valve in order to use it with their Steam gaming platform—and, in fact, it’s often advantageous to purchase your game from a third party retailer. Let’s take a look at how to get your third party games into your Steam account.

对于许多人来说并不为人所知,不需要您直接从Valve购买游戏以将其与他们的Steam游戏平台一起使用-实际上,从第三方零售商处购买游戏通常是有利的。 让我们看一下如何将第三方游戏添加到您的Steam帐户中。

为什么(在哪里)在Steam商店外购物 (Why (and Where to) Shop Outside of the Steam Store)

The click-and-done purchase process on Steam is, obviously, very, very convenient, but it doesn’t always yield the best prices. While Steam is well known for their huge Summer and Winter sales (as well as a spattering of deeply discounted games here or there throughout the year), the vast majority of games on Steam sit at full retail for most of the year.

很明显,Steam上的“点击即完成”购买过程非常非常方便,但并不总能带来最佳价格。 尽管Steam以夏季和冬季的巨大销售而闻名(以及全年在这里或那里散布的打折游戏),但Steam上的绝大多数游戏在一年中的大部分时间都是零售的。

In fact, if you buy a game from outside Steam, you can often import the game into your Steam library, and it’ll appear exactly as if you’d bought them through Steam in the first place—complete with play time and progress, Steam achievements, and more. So, if you’re willing to venture outside the Steam marketplace and do a little comparison shopping you can end up saving quite a bit of money, with no downside to you.

实际上,如果您是从Steam以外的地方购买游戏,则通常可以将游戏导入Steam库中,并且看起来就像是您最初通过Steam购买游戏一样-包括游戏时间和进度, Steam成就等等。 因此,如果您愿意在Steam市场之外冒险并进行一些比较购物,则最终可以节省很多钱,而且没有不利之处。

Note: Not all games can be imported into Steam, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your Steam library interface to manage even those titles. If you find yourself with an unrecognized (or very old) game title that you still wish to use Steam to manage, check out our guide to adding non-Steam games, complete with custom icon artwork, to your Steam library.

注意:并非所有游戏都可以导入Steam,但这并不意味着您不能使用Steam库界面来管理那些游戏。 如果您发现自己有一个仍无法识别(或很旧)的游戏标题,但仍希望使用Steam进行管理,请查阅我们的指南,将带有自定义图标插图的非Steam游戏添加到Steam库中 。

Warning: Due to the popularity of Steam, there are a lot of sketchy sites trafficking fake Steam Keys. We do not recommend searching Google for “Steam Keys” and picking the cheapest reseller you can find. Reseller experiences range from “I saved a few bucks and nothing awful happened” to “My computer is now infected with ransomware”. If you’re curious about the world of key resellers, this excellent long read over at Polygon dives into the issue.

警告:由于Steam的普及,有很多粗略的网站都在贩卖假的Steam密钥。 我们不建议您在Google上搜索“ Steam Keys”,并选择最便宜的经销商。 经销商的经历范围从“我节省了几美元,没有发生任何可怕的事情”到“​​我的计算机现在感染了勒索软件”。 如果您对主要经销商的世界感到好奇, 可以在Polygon上阅读这篇出色的长篇文章,深入探讨这个问题。

The most bulletproof shopping strategy is to buy only from firmly established organizations like Amazon, Best Buy, or Newegg. You can also get Steam-compatible keys from popular bundles like The Humble Bundle. If you’ve heard of the store before, it’s probably a safe bet. If you want to comparison shop and/or get alerts when prices fall across Steam and related game sale sites, we’d recommend checking out isthereanydeal.com, which can track discounts and notify you when a game you want is on sale, where, and if it’s compatible with Steam importing.

最安全的购物策略是仅从牢固建立的组织(如Amazon , Best Buy或Newegg) 购买 。 您还可以从流行的捆绑包(如The Humble Bundle)中获得与Steam兼容的钥匙。 如果您以前听说过这家商店,那可能是一个安全的选择。 如果您想比较Steam和相关游戏销售网站上的价格下跌时的商店购物和/或收到警报,我们建议您访问isthereanydeal.com ,该网站可以跟踪折扣并在您要销售的游戏发售时通知您,以及是否与Steam导入兼容。

如何在Steam中添加第三方游戏代码 (How to Add a Third Party Game Code to Steam)

In order to add games purchased through a third party to your Steam account, you’ll need the activation code from the third party retailer. You can either redeem codes on the Steam website or via the Steam desktop application.

为了将通过第三方购买的游戏添加到您的Steam帐户,您需要第三方零售商的激活码。 您可以在Steam网站上或通过Steam桌面应用程序兑换代码。

To redeem a code in the Steam application, open Steam on your computer and from the top navigation bar, select “Games” and then “Activate a Product on Steam…” to start the product activation wizard.


To redeem a code via the Steam website instead, head to the Activate a Product on Steam page and sign in with your Steam account. Enter the product key here and go through the wizard. The website works basically the same as the Activate a Product on Steam option in the Steam client, but it can be used even if you don’t have Steam installed on your current device. You could even access this website from your phone.

要改为通过Steam网站兑换代码,请转到在Steam上激活产品页面,然后使用您的Steam帐户登录。 在此处输入产品密钥并通过向导。 该网站的工作原理与Steam客户端中的“在Steam上激活产品”选项基本相同,但是即使您当前的设备上未安装Steam,该网站也可以使用。 您甚至可以通过手机访问该网站。

On the first page of the wizard, you’ll be prompted to get your code ready, click “Next” when you’re ready.


On the next screen agree to the terms of service by clicking “I Agree”. On the next page of the activation wizard, enter your product code in the slot and click “Next”. Do note that the name given to the activation codes is rarely “Steam Key” when you’re buying from a different retailer and it may be labeled “Digital Activation Code”, “Product Code”, or some variation there of. The important part is that the retailer you purchase from notes that the key can be redeemed on Steam and that it is formatted like the examples seen below.

在下一个屏幕上,单击“我同意”以同意服务条款。 在激活向导的下一页上,在插槽中输入您的产品代码,然后单击“下一步”。 请注意,当您从其他零售商处购买时,为激活码提供的名称很少是“ Steam Key”,并且可能被标记为“ Digital Activation Code”,“ Product Code”或其中的一些变体。 重要的是,您从零售商处购买的商品应注意,可以在Steam上兑换密钥,并且密钥的格式类似于下面的示例。

On the last screen, you’ll see a confirmation of the game title as well as a button that allows you to print a receipt of the game activation transaction. The only difference between what you see on the screen and what is printed out is that the printout includes your Steam username and a confirmation code in addition to the game title. Click finish when you’re done reviewing and/or printing the information on the final screen.

在最后一个屏幕上,您将看到游戏标题的确认以及一个用于打印游戏激活交易收据的按钮。 您在屏幕上看到的内容与打印出来的内容之间的唯一区别是,打印内容除了游戏标题外还包括您的Steam用户名和确认代码。 在最终屏幕上查看和/或打印信息后,单击完成。

After you exit the activation wizard, you’ll see the game you just activated in your library, like so:


Simply click on the “Install” button, like you would any other Steam game, to download the game and get started playing it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/318956/how-to-activate-third-party-game-codes-in-steam/

第三方登录 steam

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