
  • 概述
  • 管理索引的系统表
    • 记录索引相关的系统表
    • 与索引系统表相关的后端源码
  • 索引的操作函数
    • 上层操作函数
    • 下层接口函数



// 查询
SELECT name form student where id=120000;

PostgreSQL中有四种重要的索引类型:B_Tree ,Hash,GIN, GiST。本篇博客主要讲解postgreSQL是如何对不同的索引类型进行管理和操作实现其功能的。初步使用gdb调试方法设置相关函数断点,逐行运行,观察函数执行顺序来找到索引的相关管理和操作方法。




// pg_am.dat
[{ oid => '2', oid_symbol => 'HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID',descr => 'heap table access method',amname => 'heap', amhandler => 'heap_tableam_handler', amtype => 't' },
{ oid => '403', oid_symbol => 'BTREE_AM_OID',descr => 'b-tree index access method',amname => 'btree', amhandler => 'bthandler', amtype => 'i' },//btree相关元组,包括oid,amname等属性,以下元组均以此类推
{ oid => '405', oid_symbol => 'HASH_AM_OID',descr => 'hash index access method',amname => 'hash', amhandler => 'hashhandler', amtype => 'i' },
{ oid => '783', oid_symbol => 'GIST_AM_OID',descr => 'GiST index access method',amname => 'gist', amhandler => 'gisthandler', amtype => 'i' },
{ oid => '2742', oid_symbol => 'GIN_AM_OID',descr => 'GIN index access method',amname => 'gin', amhandler => 'ginhandler', amtype => 'i' },
{ oid => '4000', oid_symbol => 'SPGIST_AM_OID',descr => 'SP-GiST index access method',amname => 'spgist', amhandler => 'spghandler', amtype => 'i' },
{ oid => '3580', oid_symbol => 'BRIN_AM_OID',descr => 'block range index (BRIN) access method',amname => 'brin', amhandler => 'brinhandler', amtype => 'i' },]


// pg_am.h
{Oid            oid;            /* oid *//* access method name *///即为索引名称NameData   amname;/* handler function */regproc        amhandler BKI_LOOKUP(pg_proc);/* see AMTYPE_xxx constants below */char      amtype;
} FormData_pg_am;


// pg_am_d.h
#ifndef PG_AM_D_H
#define PG_AM_D_H#define AccessMethodRelationId 2601#define Anum_pg_am_oid 1
#define Anum_pg_am_amname 2
#define Anum_pg_am_amhandler 3
#define Anum_pg_am_amtype 4#define Natts_pg_am 4/** Allowed values for amtype*/
#define AMTYPE_INDEX                    'i' /* index access method */
#define AMTYPE_TABLE                    't' /* table access method */
#define BTREE_AM_OID 403
#define HASH_AM_OID 405
#define GIST_AM_OID 783
#define GIN_AM_OID 2742
#define SPGIST_AM_OID 4000
#define BRIN_AM_OID 3580#endif


// pg_index.h
CATALOG(pg_index,2610,IndexRelationId) BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO
{Oid            indexrelid;     /* OID of the index */Oid           indrelid;       /* OID of the relation it indexes */int16       indnatts;       /* total number of columns in index */int16     indnkeyatts;    /* number of key columns in index */bool        indisunique;    /* is this a unique index? */bool       indisprimary;   /* is this index for primary key? */bool        indisexclusion; /* is this index for exclusion constraint? */bool       indimmediate;   /* is uniqueness enforced immediately? */bool       indisclustered; /* is this the index last clustered by? */bool      indisvalid;     /* is this index valid for use by queries? */bool       indcheckxmin;   /* must we wait for xmin to be old? */bool      indisready;     /* is this index ready for inserts? */bool      indislive;      /* is this index alive at all? */bool       indisreplident; /* is this index the identity for replication? *//* variable-length fields start here, but we allow direct access to indkey */int2vector    indkey;         /* column numbers of indexed cols, or 0 */#ifdef CATALOG_VARLENoidvector    indcollation;   /* collation identifiers */oidvector    indclass;       /* opclass identifiers */int2vector indoption;      /* per-column flags (AM-specific meanings) */pg_node_tree indexprs;     /* expression trees for index attributes that* are not simple column references; one for* each zero entry in indkey[] */pg_node_tree indpred;       /* expression tree for predicate, if a partial* index; else NULL */
} FormData_pg_index;






// index_build
index_build(Relation heapRelation,Relation indexRelation,IndexInfo *indexInfo,bool isreindex,bool parallel)
{IndexBuildResult *stats;Oid            save_userid;int         save_sec_context;int            save_nestlevel;//进行一个安全性检查Assert(RelationIsValid(indexRelation));Assert(PointerIsValid(indexRelation->rd_indam));Assert(PointerIsValid(indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuild));Assert(PointerIsValid(indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuildempty));/** Determine worker process details for parallel CREATE INDEX.  Currently,* only btree has support for parallel builds.** Note that planner considers parallel safety for us.*/if (parallel && IsNormalProcessingMode() &&indexRelation->rd_rel->relam == BTREE_AM_OID)indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers =plan_create_index_workers(RelationGetRelid(heapRelation),RelationGetRelid(indexRelation));if (indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers == 0)ereport(DEBUG1,(errmsg("building index \"%s\" on table \"%s\" serially",RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation),RelationGetRelationName(heapRelation))));elseereport(DEBUG1,(errmsg_plural("building index \"%s\" on table \"%s\" with request for %d parallel worker","building index \"%s\" on table \"%s\" with request for %d parallel workers",indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers,RelationGetRelationName(indexRelation),RelationGetRelationName(heapRelation),indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers)));
//与锁相关的操作函数GetUserIdAndSecContext(&save_userid, &save_sec_context);SetUserIdAndSecContext(heapRelation->rd_rel->relowner,save_sec_context | SECURITY_RESTRICTED_OPERATION);save_nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel();/* Set up initial progress report status */{const int  index[] = {PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE,PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_SUBPHASE,PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_DONE,PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_TOTAL,PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_DONE,PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_TOTAL};const int64 val[] = {PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_PHASE_BUILD,PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_SUBPHASE_INITIALIZE,0, 0, 0, 0};pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(6, index, val);}/** Call the access method's build procedure*/stats = indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuild(heapRelation, indexRelation,indexInfo);Assert(PointerIsValid(stats));//对于未记录的索引如何操作if (indexRelation->rd_rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED &&!smgrexists(indexRelation->rd_smgr, INIT_FORKNUM)){RelationOpenSmgr(indexRelation);smgrcreate(indexRelation->rd_smgr, INIT_FORKNUM, false);indexRelation->rd_indam->ambuildempty(indexRelation);}if ((indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain || EarlyPruningEnabled(heapRelation)) &&!isreindex &&!indexInfo->ii_Concurrent){Oid          indexId = RelationGetRelid(indexRelation);Relation pg_index;HeapTuple  indexTuple;Form_pg_index indexForm;pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);indexTuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(INDEXRELID,ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId));if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexId);indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);/* If it's a new index, indcheckxmin shouldn't be set ... */Assert(!indexForm->indcheckxmin);indexForm->indcheckxmin = true;CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &indexTuple->t_self, indexTuple);heap_freetuple(indexTuple);table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock);}/** Update heap and index pg_class rows*/index_update_stats(heapRelation,true,stats->heap_tuples);index_update_stats(indexRelation,false,stats->index_tuples);/* Make the updated catalog row versions visible */CommandCounterIncrement();if (indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL)IndexCheckExclusion(heapRelation, indexRelation, indexInfo);/* Roll back any GUC changes executed by index functions */AtEOXact_GUC(false, save_nestlevel);/* Restore userid and security context */SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context);






// indexam.c* INTERFACE ROUTINES*        index_open      - open an index relation by relation OID*       index_close     - close an index relation*      index_beginscan - start a scan of an index with amgettuple*     index_beginscan_bitmap - start a scan of an index with amgetbitmap*     index_rescan    - restart a scan of an index*       index_endscan   - end a scan*       index_insert    - insert an index tuple into a relation*        index_markpos   - mark a scan position*     index_restrpos  - restore a scan position*      index_parallelscan_estimate - estimate shared memory for parallel scan*     index_parallelscan_initialize - initialize parallel scan*       index_parallelrescan  - (re)start a parallel scan of an index*      index_beginscan_parallel - join parallel index scan*        index_getnext_tid   - get the next TID from a scan*     index_fetch_heap        - get the scan's next heap tuple*      index_getnext_slot  - get the next tuple from a scan*       index_getbitmap - get all tuples from a scan*       index_bulk_delete   - bulk deletion of index tuples*        index_vacuum_cleanup    - post-deletion cleanup of an index*        index_can_return    - does index support index-only scans?*     index_getprocid - get a support procedure OID*      index_getprocinfo - get a support procedure's lookup info*





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