@sql 单元测试

This article is about basics of conventional SQL unit testing concepts and its implementation through tSQLt, a highly acclaimed SQL unit testing framework because of being written in T-SQL and its built-in design support for SQL SQL unit testing needs ranging from simple to complex scenarios.


This article also highlights the importance of understanding the core concepts of conventional database unit tests before you start writing and running these unit tests with tSQLt.


In this article the readers are going to be familiarised with tSQLt to write basic database unit tests chasing a simple business requirement with respect to conventional database development.


常规SQL单元测试基础 (Conventional SQL Unit Testing Basics)

Please remember that database development is linked with SQL unit testing whether we adopt conventional SQL unit testing style or not.


Let us now go through basics of conventional SQL unit testing.


简单定义 (Simple definition)

A conventional SQL unit testing is a method of unit testing database objects after they are created.


替代定义 (Alternative definition)

The database (objects) development followed by their unit testing is termed as conventional SQL unit testing.


关于角色扮演数据库对象 (About role playing database objects)

Database objects referenced in both versions of the definition are mainly role playing database objects.


The database objects such as SQL view, stored procedure, function etc. created to provide certain functionality can be referred to as role playing database objects, a term I am coining for the first time (but not to be confused with role playing dimensions in business intelligence solutions) to clarify the purpose of these objects in SQL unit testing through tSQLt.


角色扮演数据库对象与需求 (Role playing database objects vs. Requirements )

So, we know about role playing database objects now let us find out how they are linked with business requirements.


Obviously, the standard goal of any database development project is to meet business requirements unless otherwise specified and the role playing database objects help the developers to map the business requirements.


In other words, the database role playing objects are designed keeping in mind business requirements so if they are functioning properly it can be said that they are meeting the business requirement and the best way to ensure this is to unit test them using tSQLt.


常规SQL单元测试步骤 (Conventional SQL unit testing steps)

The main steps generally considered in conventional database development and unit testing are as follows:


  1. Receive and review the business requirements 接收并查看业务需求
  2. Map business requirements to code (database objects) 将业务需求映射到代码(数据库对象)
  3. Create database objects to meet the business requirements 创建数据库对象以满足业务需求
  4. Create (first time) or modify (if unit tests already exist) database unit tests to check if objects are functioning properly or not 创建(第一次)或修改(如果已经存在单元测试)数据库单元测试,以检查对象是否正常运行
  5. Run database unit tests and go to step 1 if unit tests pass or step 4 if unit tests fail 运行数据库单元测试,如果单元测试通过,则转到步骤1,如果单元测试失败,则转到步骤4

Please remember that to keep things simple we are not going into the details of whether choosing database objects to map the business requirements is the best option or not.


先决条件 (Pre-Requisites)

Let us go through pre-requisites of this article.


数据库概念和T-SQL熟悉度 (Database concepts and T-SQL familiarity)

The article assumes that the readers have basic know how of T-SQL and database development concepts.


Please refer to tSQLt – A Forgotten Treasure in Database Unit Testing for further information about basics of tSQLt.

有关tSQLt基础的更多信息,请参考tSQLt –数据库单元测试中被遗忘的宝藏 。

关于样本数据库 (About sample database )

In order to understand the tSQLt implementation it is better to have a sample database in hand so that we can write tSQLt unit tests against it.


I have purposely chosen to prepare a two table sample database with only primary key constraints in place to encourage the readers to focus solely on SQL unit testing rather than trying to resolve the complexity of the database being unit tested.


The sample database consists of the following two tables:


  1. Author 作者
  2. Article 文章

设置样本数据库 (Setup sample database )

Let us first create a sample database called SQLDevArticlesV2 by running the following SQL script:


 -- 1 Create SQLDevArticlesV2 database
GOUSE SQLDevArticlesV2;
GO-- 2 Create author table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId]         INT           IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,[Name]             VARCHAR (40)  NOT NULL,[RegistrationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL
);-- 3 Create article tables
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId]      INT           IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,[Title]          VARCHAR (300) NOT NULL,[Published_Date] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL
);-- 4 Populate author table
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (1, N'Asif', N'2018-01-01 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (2, N'Peter', N'2018-02-01 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (3, N'Sarah', N'2018-03-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (4, N'Adil', N'2018-04-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Author] ([AuthorId], [Name], [RegistrationDate]) VALUES (5, N'Sam', N'2019-01-01 00:00:00')
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Author] OFF-- 5 Populate article table
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (1, N'Fundamentals of Database Programming', N'2018-01-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (2, N'Advanced Database Programming', N'2018-01-03 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (3, N'Understanding SQL Stored Procedures ', N'2018-02-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (4, N'Database Design Concepts', N'2018-03-02 00:00:00')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Article] ([ArticleId], [Title], [Published_Date]) VALUES (5, N'Power BI Desktop Fundamentals', N'2019-01-02 00:00:00')

The sample database is now ready to be unit tested as per requirements.


Please remember that in real world scenario sample database is going to be replaced with your development database.


tSQLt设置 (tSQLt Setup )

Next big thing, once you are familiarised with basics of conventional SQL unit testing and sample database is setup, is to understand how to setup tSQLt framework to get ready to unit test your database.


如何安装tSQLt? (How tSQLt is installed?)

tSQLt is installed in the form of running its script against the desired database which in turn creates tSQLt objects in the desired database.


tSQLt下载并解压缩 (tSQLt download and extract)

Download tSQLt from the official website and then extract the downloaded zip folder

从官方网站下载tSQLt ,然后解压缩下载的zip文件夹

运行tSQLt脚本 (Run tSQLt script)

Open tSQLt.class.sql file in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and Run tSQL.class.sql script against the sample database SQLDevArticlesV2:

SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)中打开tSQLt.class.sql文件,然后对示例数据库SQLDevArticlesV2运行tSQL.class.sql脚本

刷新数据库 (Refresh database)

Right Click Databases and then click Refresh and then click Tables (to expand) under SQLDevArticles database to see tSQLt has been installed successfully:

右键单击“ 数据库” ,然后单击“ 刷新” ,然后单击“ SQLDevArticles”数据库下的“ 表” (以展开),以查看tSQLt已成功安装:

Our sample database is ready to be unit tested after the successful installation of tSQLt framework.


创建并运行数据库单元测试 (Creating and running database unit test)

In real world scenarios business requirements drive the database development and testing process.


业务需求 (Business requirement)

Let us assume that you have received the following business requirement:


“The end user must be able to add new author to the (database) system”


常规数据库对象开发 (Conventional database object development )

In order to meet the business requirement we must focus on the best suited database object which is capable of meeting the requirement in the best possible way.


创建数据库对象(存储过程) (Creating database object (stored procedure))

A stored procedure called AddAuthor has been chosen to be created to meet the business requirement.


Create the stored procedure as follows:


 -- Creating database object (stored procedure) AddAuthor to add new author to the author table
CREATE PROCEDURE AddAuthor(@Name VARCHAR(40),@RegistrationDate DATETIME2)AS
BEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO dbo.Author (Name, RegistrationDate)VALUES(@Name,@RegistrationDate)END

了解tSQLt中的单元测试架构 (Understanding unit testing architecture in tSQLt )

Before you start creating database unit tests with tSQLt it is important to understand how unit tests architecture works with respect to tSQLt.


Database unit testing with tSQLt is primarily based on the following things:


  1. All the database unit tests are grouped into classes 所有数据库单元测试都分组为类
  2. Each class is represented by creating a database schema 每个类都通过创建数据库模式来表示
  3. Creating a database unit test is same as creating a stored procedure within a test class 创建数据库单元测试与在测试类中创建存储过程相同
  4. A Database unit test follows AAA principle (Arrange, Act and Assert) where expected results are compared with actual results in the end 数据库单元测试遵循AAA原则(安排,行为和声明),最终将预期结果与实际结果进行比较
  5. Running a tSQLt unit test is simply running a SQL stored procedure 运行tSQLt单元测试只是运行SQL存储过程

空运行所有单元测试 (Dry run all unit tests )

Let us learn the first thing to do once tSQLt is installed successfully and that is to run all the unit tests.


You can run all the unit tests written in tSQLt by running the following script against the sample database:


  -- Test run all the unit tests EXEC tSQLt.RunAll

Since there are no unit tests written yet, so no results to see, however, it confirms that tSQLt framework is readily accepting unit tests.


创建数据库单元测试类 (Creating database unit test class)

Now that we have created a stored procedure AddAuthor to add new author to the database table, it is time to create unit test to check if the object is working properly or not.


The first thing in this regard is to create database unit test class.


Create a test class called AuthorTests by creating a schema in the sample database (SQLDevArticlesV2) as follows:


Authorization dbo
EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty @name='tSQLt.TestClass',@value=1,@level0type='SCHEMA',@level0name='AuthorTests'

创建单元测试以添加作者 (Creating unit test to add author)

Create a unit test to check if AddAuthor stored procedure is working properly or not.


Please remember that the stored procedure to be unit tested is responsible to meet business requirement, so its unit test when successful confirms that the object under test works properly and therefore it meets the requirement.


Creating the database unit test for a procedure which adds new author to the table is done by keeping the following things in mind:


  1. Create a blank copy of the table Author which is done by using FakeTable function provided by tSQLt (so that we can ensure that there is no data present before the unit test)


  2. Create an expected table similar to original Author table and manually insert a record into it


  3. Add the same record by using AddAuthor stored procedure this time which is going to populate Author table


  4. Create an actual table out of Author table which contains data as a result of running AddAuthor procedure


  5. Compare actual table with expected table and if the result is same then the test has passed else troubleshoot the unit test to make it work for you


The code is as follows:


 CREATE PROCEDURE [AuthorTests].[test to check AddAuthor adds author to the table]
-- Assemble
EXEC tSQLt.FakeTable @TableName='dbo.Author',@Identity=1 -- Fake Customer table Create TABLE [AuthorTests].[Expected] -- Create expected table
([AuthorId] INT NOT NULL,[Name] VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,[RegistrationDate] DATETIME2 NOT NULL)INSERT INTO AuthorTests.Expected -- Insert data into exepcted table
(1,'Naveed','01 Jun 2018')-- Act
EXEC dbo.AddAuthor 'Naveed','01 Jun 2018' -- Run AddAuthor procedure which adds new author to Author table
SELECT * INTO AuthorTests.Actual FROM dbo.Author -- Put the records from Author table into Actual table-- Assert (compare expected table with actual table results)
EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable @Expected='AuthorTests.Expected',@Actual='AuthorTests.Actual'

运行单元测试 (Running the unit test )

Run the unit test to see the results:


-- Run all tSQLt database unit testsEXEC tSQLt.RunAll

Congratulations! The database unit test has passed so you are good to go.

恭喜你! 数据库单元测试已通过,因此您一切顺利。

After going through this article you are not only just familiar with conventional SQL unit testing concepts but can also create simple unit tests to check if your database objects are functioning properly.


目录 (Table of contents)

tSQLt – A Forgotten Treasure in Database Unit Testing
Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words
Fundamentals of Test-Driven Database Development (TDDD) with tSQLt unit testing
10 Most Common SQL Unit Testing Mistakes
Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing
Three Standard SQL Unit Tests you can write against any Stored Procedure
Creating SQL Unit Testing Utility Procedures with tSQLt
tSQLt –数据库单元测试中被遗忘的宝藏

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/conventional-sql-unit-testing-with-tsqlt-in-simple-words/

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