

//| pie3dfun.PHP//公用函数 |


define("ANGLE_STEP", 3); //定义画椭圆弧时的角度步长

define("FONT_USED", "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simhei.ttf"); // 使用到的字体文件位置

function draw_getdarkcolor($img,$clr) //求$clr对应的暗色


$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img,$clr);

return array($rgb["red"]/2,$rgb["green"]/2,$rgb["blue"]/2);


function draw_getexy($a, $b, $d) //求角度$d对应的椭圆上的点坐标


$d = deg2rad($d);

return array(round($a*Cos($d)), round($b*Sin($d)));


function draw_arc($img,$ox,$oy,$a,$b,$sd,$ed,$clr) //椭圆弧函数


$n = ceil(($ed-$sd)/ANGLE_STEP);

$d = $sd;

list($x0,$y0) = draw_getexy($a,$b,$d);

for($i=0; $i


$d = ($d+ANGLE_STEP)>$ed?$ed:($d+ANGLE_STEP);

list($x, $y) = draw_getexy($a, $b, $d);

imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $x+$ox, $y+$oy, $clr);

$x0 = $x;

$y0 = $y;



function draw_sector($img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $sd, $ed, $clr) //画扇面


$n = ceil(($ed-$sd)/ANGLE_STEP);

$d = $sd;

list($x0,$y0) = draw_getexy($a, $b, $d);

imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $ox, $oy, $clr);

for($i=0; $i


$d = ($d+ANGLE_STEP)>$ed?$ed:($d+ANGLE_STEP);

list($x, $y) = draw_getexy($a, $b, $d);

imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $x+$ox, $y+$oy, $clr);

$x0 = $x;

$y0 = $y;


imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $ox, $oy, $clr);

list($x, $y) = draw_getexy($a/2, $b/2, ($d+$sd)/2);

imagefill($img, $x+$ox, $y+$oy, $clr);


function draw_sector3d($img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $v, $sd, $ed, $clr) //3d扇面


draw_sector($img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $sd, $ed, $clr);



list($R, $G, $B) = draw_getdarkcolor($img, $clr);

$clr=imagecolorallocate($img, $R, $G, $B);

if($ed>180) $ed = 180;

list($sx, $sy) = draw_getexy($a,$b,$sd);

$sx += $ox;

$sy += $oy;

list($ex, $ey) = draw_getexy($a, $b, $ed);

$ex += $ox;

$ey += $oy;

imageline($img, $sx, $sy, $sx, $sy+$v, $clr);

imageline($img, $ex, $ey, $ex, $ey+$v, $clr);

draw_arc($img, $ox, $oy+$v, $a, $b, $sd, $ed, $clr);

list($sx, $sy) = draw_getexy($a, $b, ($sd+$ed)/2);

$sy += $oy+$v/2;

$sx += $ox;

imagefill($img, $sx, $sy, $clr);



function draw_getindexcolor($img, $clr) //RBG转索引色


$R = ($clr>>16) & 0xff;

$G = ($clr>>8)& 0xff;

$B = ($clr) & 0xff;

return imagecolorallocate($img, $R, $G, $B);


// 绘图主函数,并输出图片

// $datLst 为数据数组, $datLst 为标签数组, $datLst 为颜色数组

// 以上三个数组的维数应该相等

function draw_img($datLst,$labLst,$clrLst,$a=200,$b=90,$v=20,$font=10)


$ox = 5+$a;

$oy = 5+$b;

$fw = imagefontwidth($font);

$fh = imagefontheight($font);

$n = count($datLst);//数据项个数

$w = 10+$a*2;

$h = 10+$b*2+$v+($fh+2)*$n;

$img = imagecreate($w, $h);


for($i=0; $i

$clrLst[$i] = draw_getindexcolor($img,$clrLst[$i]);

$clrbk = imagecolorallocate($img, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

$clrt = imagecolorallocate($img, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);


imagefill($img, 0, 0, $clrbk);


$tot = 0;

for($i=0; $i

$tot += $datLst[$i];

$sd = 0;

$ed = 0;

$ly = 10+$b*2+$v;

for($i=0; $i


$sd = $ed;

$ed += $datLst[$i]/$tot*360;


draw_sector3d($img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $v, $sd, $ed, $clrLst[$i]); //$sd,$ed,$clrLst[$i]);


imagefilledrectangle($img, 5, $ly, 5+$fw, $ly+$fh, $clrLst[$i]);

imagerectangle($img, 5, $ly, 5+$fw, $ly+$fh, $clrt);

//imagestring($img, $font, 5+2*$fw, $ly, $labLst[$i].":".$datLst[$i]."(".(round(10000*($datLst[$i]/$tot))/100)."%)", $clrt);

$str = iconv("GB2312", "UTF-8", $labLst[$i]);

ImageTTFText($img, $font, 0, 5+2*$fw, $ly+13, $clrt, FONT_USED, $str.":".$datLst[$i]."(".(round(10000*($datLst[$i]/$tot))/100)."%)");

$ly += $fh+2;



header("Content-type: image/png");




$datLst = array(30, 20, 20, 20, 10, 20, 10, 20); //数据

$labLst = array("浙江省", "广东省", "上海市", "北京市", "福建省", "江苏省", "湖北省", "安徽省"); //标签

$clrLst = array(0x99ff00, 0xff6666, 0x0099ff, 0xff99ff, 0xffff99, 0x99ffff, 0xff3333, 0x009999);




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