
voidjavax.websocket.RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject(Object arg0) throws IOException,EncodeException




javax.websocket.EncodeException: No encoder specified for object of class [class org.ywzn.po.Messagepojo]



  1. package org.ywzn.po;

  2. import java.io.Serializable;

  3. /**

  4. * 发送给ActiveMQ的实体类

  5. *

  6. * @author 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月11日 时间:下午12:14:18

  7. */

  8. public class Messagepojo implements Serializable {

  9. private static final long serialVersionUID = -6451812593150428369L;

  10. private String sourse;// 信息来源

  11. private String messageType;// 消息类型

  12. private String msgContent;// 消息内容

  13. private String target;// 发送目的地

  14. private String infoSourceIP;// 信息来源ip

  15. private String createtime;// 消息保存时间

  16. private String otherContent;// 其他信息

  17. public Messagepojo() {

  18. super();

  19. }

  20. public Messagepojo(String sourse, String messageType, String msgContent,

  21. String target, String infoSourceIP, String createtime,

  22. String otherContent) {

  23. super();

  24. this.sourse = sourse;

  25. this.messageType = messageType;

  26. this.msgContent = msgContent;

  27. this.target = target;

  28. this.infoSourceIP = infoSourceIP;

  29. this.createtime = createtime;

  30. this.otherContent = otherContent;

  31. }

  32. public String getSourse() {

  33. return sourse;

  34. }

  35. public void setSourse(String sourse) {

  36. this.sourse = sourse;

  37. }

  38. public String getMessageType() {

  39. return messageType;

  40. }

  41. public void setMessageType(String messageType) {

  42. this.messageType = messageType;

  43. }

  44. public String getMsgContent() {

  45. return msgContent;

  46. }

  47. public void setMsgContent(String msgContent) {

  48. this.msgContent = msgContent;

  49. }

  50. public String getTarget() {

  51. return target;

  52. }

  53. public void setTarget(String target) {

  54. this.target = target;

  55. }

  56. public String getInfoSourceIP() {

  57. return infoSourceIP;

  58. }

  59. public void setInfoSourceIP(String infoSourceIP) {

  60. this.infoSourceIP = infoSourceIP;

  61. }

  62. public String getCreatetime() {

  63. return createtime;

  64. }

  65. public void setCreatetime(String createtime) {

  66. this.createtime = createtime;

  67. }

  68. public String getOtherContent() {

  69. return otherContent;

  70. }

  71. public void setOtherContent(String otherContent) {

  72. this.otherContent = otherContent;

  73. }

  74. @Override

  75. public String toString() {

  76. return "Messagepojo [sourse=" + sourse + ", messageType=" + messageType

  77. + ", msgContent=" + msgContent + ", target=" + target

  78. + ", infoSourceIP=" + infoSourceIP + ", createtime="

  79. + createtime + ", otherContent=" + otherContent + "]";

  80. }

  81. }



  1. package org.ywzn.websocket;

  2. import javax.websocket.EncodeException;

  3. import javax.websocket.Encoder;

  4. import javax.websocket.EndpointConfig;

  5. import org.ywzn.po.Messagepojo;

  6. import org.ywzn.util.Java2Json;

  7. import com.sdicons.json.mapper.MapperException;

  8. /**

  9. * definition for our encoder

  10. *

  11. * @编写人: 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月14日 时间:上午11:58:23

  12. */

  13. public class ServerEncoder implements Encoder.Text<Messagepojo> {

  14. @Override

  15. public void destroy() {

  16. // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  17. }

  18. @Override

  19. public void init(EndpointConfig arg0) {

  20. // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  21. }

  22. @Override

  23. public String encode(Messagepojo messagepojo) throws EncodeException {

  24. try {

  25. return Java2Json.JavaToJson(messagepojo, false);

  26. } catch (MapperException e) {

  27. // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  28. e.printStackTrace();

  29. return null;

  30. }

  31. }

  32. }



@ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket/news", encoders = { ServerEncoder.class })


  1. package org.ywzn.websocket;

  2. import java.io.IOException;

  3. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

  4. import java.util.Date;

  5. import java.util.HashMap;

  6. import java.util.Map;

  7. import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

  8. import javax.websocket.EncodeException;

  9. import javax.websocket.EndpointConfig;

  10. import javax.websocket.OnClose;

  11. import javax.websocket.OnError;

  12. import javax.websocket.OnMessage;

  13. import javax.websocket.OnOpen;

  14. import javax.websocket.Session;

  15. import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint;

  16. import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

  17. import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

  18. import org.ywzn.activemq.Sender;

  19. import org.ywzn.po.Messagepojo;

  20. import org.ywzn.util.Java2Json;

  21. import com.sdicons.json.mapper.MapperException;

  22. /**

  23. * 消息协查中心 WebSocket 消息推送服务类

  24. *

  25. * @author 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月10日 时间:上午9:48:59

  26. */

  27. @ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket/news", encoders = { ServerEncoder.class })

  28. public class NewsAnnotation {

  29. private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NewsAnnotation.class);

  30. private static final String GUEST_PREFIX = "Guest";

  31. private static final AtomicInteger connectionIds = new AtomicInteger(0);

  32. private static final Map<String, Object> connections = new HashMap<String, Object>();

  33. private static final String[] GUESTNAME = { "高勇", "梁肇辉", "李燕",

  34. "梁晓晓", "蔡俊", "张新", "高帅", "夏小雪", "彭连英", "刘剑" };

  35. private String nickname;

  36. private Session session;

  37. // 当前用户id

  38. private Integer id;

  39. // private HttpSession httpSession;

  40. public NewsAnnotation() {

  41. // nickname = GUEST_PREFIX + connectionIds.getAndIncrement();

  42. // int index = connectionIds.getAndIncrement();

  43. // if (index >= 8) {

  44. // connectionIds.set(0);

  45. // }

  46. // nickname = GUESTNAME[index];

  47. }

  48. @OnOpen

  49. public void start(Session session, EndpointConfig config) {

  50. // Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet =

  51. // config.getUserProperties().entrySet();

  52. // for (Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> iterator = entrySet.iterator();

  53. // iterator.hasNext();) {

  54. // String key = iterator.next().getKey();

  55. // System.out.println("[EndpointConfig-->key]:" + key);

  56. // System.out.println("value-->" + config.getUserProperties().get(key));

  57. // PojoMethodMapping p =

  58. // (PojoMethodMapping)config.getUserProperties().get(key);

  59. // System.out.println("p.getWsPath()-->" + p.getWsPath());

  60. // }

  61. // String negotiatedSubprotocol = session.getNegotiatedSubprotocol();

  62. // System.out.println("[getAuthority]:" +

  63. // session.getRequestURI().getAuthority());

  64. // System.out.println("[getFragment]:" +

  65. // session.getRequestURI().getFragment());

  66. // System.out.println("[getPath]:" + session.getRequestURI().getPath());

  67. // System.out.println("[getPort]:" + session.getRequestURI().getPort());

  68. // System.out.println("[getQuery]:" +

  69. // session.getRequestURI().getQuery());

  70. // System.out.println("[getRawUserInfo]:" +

  71. // session.getRequestURI().getRawAuthority());

  72. // System.out.println("[getRawFragment]:" +

  73. // session.getRequestURI().getRawFragment());

  74. // System.out.println("[getHost]:" + session.getRequestURI().getHost());

  75. // System.out.println("[getRawUserInfo]:" +

  76. // session.getRequestURI().getRawUserInfo());

  77. // System.out.println("[getScheme]:" +

  78. // session.getRequestURI().getScheme());

  79. // System.out.println("[getSchemeSpecificPart]:" +

  80. // session.getRequestURI().getSchemeSpecificPart());

  81. // System.out.println("[getUserInfo]:" +

  82. // session.getRequestURI().getUserInfo());

  83. // System.out.println("[negotiatedSubprotocol]:" +

  84. // negotiatedSubprotocol);

  85. // Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet =

  86. // session.getPathParameters().entrySet();

  87. // for(Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iter =

  88. // entrySet.iterator();iter.hasNext();){

  89. // System.out.println("[getKey]:" + iter.next().getKey());

  90. // }

  91. // System.out.println("[session.getProtocolVersion()]:" +

  92. // session.getProtocolVersion());

  93. this.session = session;

  94. id = Integer.parseInt(this.session.getId());

  95. if (id > 8) {

  96. id = 0;

  97. }

  98. nickname = GUESTNAME[id];

  99. System.out.println("当前用户的ID是:" + id + "\n用户姓名是:" + nickname);

  100. connections.put(nickname, this);

  101. String message = String.format("* %s %s", nickname, "已经登录消息协查中心.");

  102. // 群发

  103. broadcast(message, "all");

  104. // 发送登录的消息给activemq

  105. Sender.sendMsg("login:" + nickname);

  106. }

  107. @OnClose

  108. public void end() {

  109. System.out.println("消息中心连接关闭.");

  110. connections.remove(this);

  111. String message = String

  112. .format("* %s %s", nickname, "has disconnected.");

  113. // 群发

  114. // broadcast(message, "all");

  115. // 发送登录的消息给activemq

  116. // Sender.sendMsg("quit:" + nickname);

  117. }

  118. /**

  119. * 消息发送触发方法

  120. *

  121. * @param message

  122. */

  123. @OnMessage

  124. public void incoming(String message) {

  125. System.out.println("Java收到了网页[" + this.nickname + "]的消息[message]:"

  126. + message);

  127. // Never trust the client

  128. String filteredMessage = String.format("%s: %s", nickname,

  129. HTMLFilter.filter(message.toString()));

  130. // 发送登录的消息给activemq

  131. Messagepojo messagepojo = new Messagepojo(this.nickname, "用户对话",

  132. message, "all", this.id.toString(), new SimpleDateFormat(

  133. "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").format(new Date()), "");

  134. try {

  135. String javaToJson = Java2Json.JavaToJson(messagepojo, false);

  136. System.out.println("发送信息:" + javaToJson);

  137. Sender.sendMsg("Message-->" + javaToJson);

  138. } catch (MapperException e) {

  139. // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  140. e.printStackTrace();

  141. }

  142. // Sender.sendMsg("sendMsg:" + message);

  143. // broadcast(filteredMessage, "all");

  144. }

  145. @OnError

  146. public void onError(Throwable t) throws Throwable {

  147. log.error("Chat Error: " + t.toString(), t);

  148. }

  149. /**

  150. * 消息发送方法 author 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月10日 时间:上午9:49:45

  151. *

  152. * @param msg

  153. * 发送的内容

  154. * @param user

  155. * 发给指定的用户,如果要发给所有的则填""或"all"

  156. */

  157. private static void broadcast(String msg, String user) {

  158. // 是否群发

  159. if (user == null || "all".equals(user) || "".equals(user)) {

  160. sendAll(msg);

  161. } else {

  162. sendUser(msg, user);

  163. }

  164. }

  165. /**

  166. * 向所有用户发送 author 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月10日 时间:上午9:50:34

  167. *

  168. * @param msg

  169. */

  170. public static void sendAll(String msg) {

  171. for (String key : connections.keySet()) {

  172. NewsAnnotation client = null;

  173. try {

  174. client = (NewsAnnotation) connections.get(key);

  175. synchronized (client) {

  176. if (client.session.isOpen()) { // 如果这个session是打开的

  177. client.session.getBasicRemote().sendText(msg);

  178. }

  179. }

  180. } catch (IOException e) {

  181. log.debug("Chat Error: Failed to send message to client", e);

  182. connections.remove(client);

  183. try {

  184. client.session.close();

  185. } catch (IOException e1) {

  186. // Ignore

  187. }

  188. String message = String.format("* %s %s", client.nickname,

  189. "has been disconnected.");

  190. // 群发

  191. broadcast(message, "all");

  192. }

  193. }

  194. }

  195. /**

  196. * 向所有用户发送

  197. *

  198. * @编写人: 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月14日 时间:上午11:14:46

  199. * @param obj

  200. * 对象

  201. */

  202. public static void sendAll(Object obj) {

  203. for (String key : connections.keySet()) {

  204. NewsAnnotation client = null;

  205. try {

  206. client = (NewsAnnotation) connections.get(key);

  207. synchronized (client) {

  208. if (client.session.isOpen()) { // 如果这个session是打开的

  209. client.session.getBasicRemote().sendObject(obj);

  210. }

  211. }

  212. } catch (IOException e) {

  213. log.debug("Chat Error: Failed to send message to client", e);

  214. connections.remove(client);

  215. try {

  216. client.session.close();

  217. } catch (IOException e1) {

  218. // Ignore

  219. }

  220. String message = String.format("* %s %s", client.nickname,

  221. "has been disconnected.");

  222. // 群发

  223. broadcast(message, "all");

  224. } catch (EncodeException e) {

  225. // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  226. e.printStackTrace();

  227. }

  228. }

  229. }

  230. /**

  231. * 向指定用户发送消息 author 夏小雪 日期:2015年6月10日 时间:上午9:50:45

  232. *

  233. * @param msg

  234. * 内容

  235. * @param user

  236. * 用户

  237. */

  238. public static void sendUser(String msg, String user) {

  239. // 获取要发送的用户

  240. NewsAnnotation c = (NewsAnnotation) connections.get(user);

  241. try {

  242. if (c != null) {

  243. c.session.getBasicRemote().sendText(msg);

  244. }

  245. } catch (IOException e) {

  246. log.debug("Chat Error: Failed to send message to client", e);

  247. connections.remove(c);

  248. try {

  249. c.session.close();

  250. } catch (IOException e1) {

  251. // Ignore

  252. }

  253. String message = String.format("* %s %s", c.nickname,

  254. "has been disconnected.");

  255. // 群发

  256. broadcast(message, "all");

  257. }

  258. }

  259. }





Encoder The Encoder interface defines how developers can provide a way to convert their custom objects into web socket messages. The Encoder interface contains subinterfaces that allow encoding algorithms to encode custom objects to: text, binary data, character stream and write to an output stream.
Encoder.Binary<T> This interface defines how to provide a way to convert a custom object into a binary message.
Encoder.BinaryStream<T> This interface may be implemented by encoding algorithms that want to write the encoded object to a binary stream.
Encoder.Text<T> This interface defines how to provide a way to convert a custom object into a text message.
Encoder.TextStream<T> This interface may be implemented by encoding algorithms that want to write the encoded object to a character stream.

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