

Languages: HTML5, JavaScript

Code: https://github.com/straker/galaxian-canvas-game/tree/master/part1



控制:移动 –  (←↑↓→)箭头
射击 – 空格

The HTML5 Page

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Space Shooter Demo</title><style>canvas {position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px;background: transparent;}</style></head><body onload="init()"><!-- The canvas for the panning background --><canvas id="background" width="600" height="360">Your browser does not support canvas. Please try again with a different browser.</canvas><script src="space_shooter_part_one.js"></script></body>




/*** Define an object to hold all our images for the game so images* are only ever created once. This type of object is known as a* singleton.*/
var imageRepository = new function() {// Define imagesthis.background = new Image();// Set images srcthis.background.src = "imgs/bg.png";



/*** Creates the Drawable object which will be the base class for* all drawable objects in the game. Sets up default variables* that all child objects will inherit, as well as the default* functions.*/
function Drawable() {this.init = function(x, y) {// Default variablesthis.x = x;this.y = y;}this.speed = 0;this.canvasWidth = 0;this.canvasHeight = 0;// Define abstract function to be implemented in child objectsthis.draw = function() {};


/*** Creates the Background object which will become a child of* the Drawable object. The background is drawn on the "background"* canvas and creates the illusion of moving by panning the image.*/
function Background() {this.speed = 1; // Redefine speed of the background for panning// Implement abstract functionthis.draw = function() {// Pan backgroundthis.y += this.speed;this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.background, this.x, this.y);// Draw another image at the top edge of the first imagethis.context.drawImage(imageRepository.background, this.x, this.y - this.canvasHeight);// If the image scrolled off the screen, resetif (this.y >= this.canvasHeight)this.y = 0;};
// Set Background to inherit properties from Drawable
Background.prototype = new Drawable();




/*** Creates the Game object which will hold all objects and data for* the game.*/
function Game() {/** Gets canvas information and context and sets up all game* objects.* Returns true if the canvas is supported and false if it* is not. This is to stop the animation script from constantly* running on older browsers.*/this.init = function() {// Get the canvas elementthis.bgCanvas = document.getElementById('background');// Test to see if canvas is supportedif (this.bgCanvas.getContext) {this.bgContext = this.bgCanvas.getContext('2d');// Initialize objects to contain their context and canvas// informationBackground.prototype.context = this.bgContext;Background.prototype.canvasWidth = this.bgCanvas.width;Background.prototype.canvasHeight = this.bgCanvas.height;// Initialize the background objectthis.background = new Background();this.background.init(0,0); // Set draw point to 0,0return true;} else {return false;}};// Start the animation loopthis.start = function() {animate();};

以下是动画功能的实现,其中requestAnimFrame类似一个timer,会不定期的回调 animate()函数; animate()函数中调用game.background.draw();不断的重绘背景图片的位置,以实现背景滚动的动画效果。

/*** The animation loop. Calls the requestAnimationFrame shim to* optimize the game loop and draws all game objects. This* function must be a gobal function and cannot be within an* object.*/
function animate() {requestAnimFrame( animate );game.background.draw();
/*** requestAnim shim layer by Paul Irish* Finds the first API that works to optimize the animation loop,* otherwise defaults to setTimeout().*/
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){return  window.requestAnimationFrame   ||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);};


/*** Initialize the Game and starts it.*/
var game = new Game();
function init() {if(game.init())game.start();






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