Problem Description

Do you think this is a strange problem name? That is because you don't know its full name---'Good Good Study and Day Day Up!". Very famous sentence! Isn't it?

Now "GGS-DDU" is lzqxh's target! He has N courses and every course is divided into a plurality of levels. Just like College English have Level 4 and Level 6.

To simplify the problem, we suppose that the i-th course has Levels from level 0 to level a[i]. And at the beginning, lzqxh is at Level 0 of every course. Because his target is "GGS-DDU", lzqxh wants to reach the highest Level of every course.

Fortunately, there are M tutorial classes. The i-th tutoial class requires that students must reach at least Level L1[i] of course c[i] before class begins. And after finishing the i-th tutorial class, the students will reach Level L2[i] of course d[i]. The i-th tutoial class costs lzqxh money[i].

For example, there is a tutorial class only students who reach at least Level 5 of "Tiyu" can apply. And after finishing this class, the student's "MeiShu" will reach Level 10 if his "MeiShu"'s Level is lower than 10. (Don't ask me why! Supernatural class!!!")

Now you task is to help lzqxh to compute the minimum cost!


The input contains multiple test cases.

The first line of each case consists of two integers, N (N<=50) and M (M<=2000).
The following line contains N integers, representing a[1] to a[N]. The sum of a[1] to a[N] will not exceed 500.
The next M lines, each have five integers, indicating c[i], L1[i], d[i], L2[i] and money[i] (1<=c[i], d[i]<=N, 0<=L1[i]<=a[c[i]], 0<=L2[i]<=a[d[i]], money[i]<=1000) for the i-th tutorial class. The courses are numbered from 1 to N.

The input is terminated by N = M = 0.


Output the minimum cost for achieving lzqxh's target in a line. If his target can't be achieved, just output -1.

Sample Input

3 4
3 3 1
1 0 2 3 10
2 1 1 2 10
1 2 3 1 10
3 1 1 3 10
0 0

Sample Output





然后对于每一门课,将它的每个等级都向低一级连一条 \(0\) 费的边,那么只要到达高等级,低等级一定选到,并且不会影响最终代价

#define ui unsigned int
#define ll long long
#define db double
#define ld long double
#define ull unsigned long long
const int MAXN=600+10,MAXM=MAXN*MAXN,inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
int n,m,sum[MAXN],vis[MAXN],pre[MAXN],in[MAXN],bel[MAXN],snt,s,a[MAXN];
struct node{int u,v,k;
node side[MAXM];
template<typename T> inline void read(T &x)
{T data=0,w=1;char ch=0;while(ch!='-'&&(ch<'0'||ch>'9'))ch=getchar();if(ch=='-')w=-1,ch=getchar();while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9')data=((T)data<<3)+((T)data<<1)+(ch^'0'),ch=getchar();x=data*w;
template<typename T> inline void write(T x,char ch='\0')
template<typename T> inline void chkmin(T &x,T y){x=(y<x?y:x);}
template<typename T> inline void chkmax(T &x,T y){x=(y>x?y:x);}
template<typename T> inline T min(T x,T y){return x<y?x:y;}
template<typename T> inline T max(T x,T y){return x>y?x:y;}
inline int id(int les,int lvl)
{return sum[les-1]+lvl+1;
inline int solve(int rt,int n)
{int res=0;while(true){for(register int i=1;i<=n;++i)in[i]=inf;for(register int i=1;i<=snt;++i)if(side[i].u!=side[i].v&&in[side[i].v]>side[i].k)in[side[i].v]=side[i].k,pre[side[i].v]=side[i].u;for(register int i=1;i<=n;++i)if(i!=rt&&in[i]==inf)return -1;int cnt=0;memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));memset(bel,0,sizeof(bel));in[rt]=0;for(register int i=1,j;i<=n;++i){res+=in[i];j=i;while(j!=rt&&vis[j]!=i&&!bel[j])vis[j]=i,j=pre[j];if(j!=rt&&!bel[j]){bel[j]=++cnt;for(register int k=pre[j];k!=j;k=pre[k])bel[k]=cnt;}}if(!cnt)break;for(register int i=1;i<=n;++i)if(!bel[i])bel[i]=++cnt;for(register int i=1,u,v;i<=snt;++i){u=side[i].u,v=side[i].v;side[i].u=bel[u],side[i].v=bel[v];if(bel[u]^bel[v])side[i].k-=in[v];}n=cnt;rt=bel[rt];}return res;
int main()
{while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){if(!n&&!m)break;snt=0;for(register int i=1;i<=n;++i)read(a[i]),sum[i]=sum[i-1]+a[i]+1;for(register int i=1;i<=m;++i){int c1,l1,c2,l2,money;read(c1);read(l1);read(c2);read(l2);read(money);side[++snt]=(node){id(c1,l1),id(c2,l2),money};}for(register int i=1;i<=n;++i)for(register int j=a[i];j>=1;--j)side[++snt]=(node){id(i,j),id(i,j-1),0};s=sum[n]+1;for(register int i=1;i<=n;++i)side[++snt]=(node){s,id(i,0),0};write(solve(s,s),'\n');}return 0;


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