
With the onward development of search engine algorithms, website owners everywhere will need to make changes in how they conduct their SEO. Today, with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning at their disposal, search engines can better understand the intentions of a user and provide results which accurately meet their needs. In addition, the changes in how we use the internet, mobile searches, for example, are also affecting the way we optimise our sites. With these developments in mind, here we’ll look at how this will impact SEO in 2019.

随着搜索引擎算法的不断发展,各地的网站所有者都需要对他们进行SEO的方式进行更改。 如今,借助诸如人工智能和机器学习之类的先进技术,搜索引擎可以更好地了解用户的意图并提供准确满足其需求的结果。 此外,例如,我们使用互联网的方式(例如移动搜索)的变化也正在影响我们优化网站的方式。 考虑到这些发展,在这里我们将研究这将如何影响2019年的SEO。

Changing content to match algorithm updates


RankBrain is Google’s machine learning, AI-based algorithm. Although it has been around since 2015, its use of machine learning means that it is continually discovering how to produce better results. One of its key abilities is to ‘understand’ the content of a website. Rather than rely purely on things like keywords to discover whether a site was relevant to a search query, it is able to consider the entire content to give it a more in-depth understanding of the subject matter being discussed.

RankBrain是Google的基于AI的机器学习算法。 尽管自2015年以来一直存在,但其对机器学习的使用意味着它不断发现如何产生更好的结果。 其主要功能之一是“了解”网站的内容。 与其单纯依靠关键字之类的东西来发现某个网站是否与搜索查询相关,还不如考虑整个内容,从而使它对所讨论的主题有更深入的了解。

It does this by analysing the pages for subject-related terms and other content that help it identify the topic and purpose more precisely than ever before. For example, it can understand whether someone is searching for a web hosting product, information about web hosting or a technical web hosting knowledge base and can differentiate between these different types of content to ensure the right pages show up in the user’s result.

它通过分析页面中与主题相关的术语和其他内容来做到这一点,从而帮助它比以往更准确地确定主题和目的。 例如,它可以了解某人是否正在搜索网络托管产品,有关网络托管的信息或技术网络托管知识库,并且可以区分这些不同类型的内容,以确保在用户的搜索结果中显示正确的页面。

What does this mean for SEO? It means that rather than focus simply on putting keywords in the right places, you’ll also need to ensure your content includes information which contains all the other related terms that the algorithm will look for.

这对SEO意味着什么? 这意味着您不仅需要简单地将关键字放在正确的位置上,还需要确保您的内容包含包含该算法将查找的所有其他相关术语的信息。

Optimising for ‘Mobile First Indexing’


Since the numbers of mobile searches overtook desktop searches, Google has moved its focus even further towards mobile devices. Last year, it introduced Mobile First Indexing, essentially using the mobile rather than the desktop version of your site as the one it uses to rank pages in results.

由于移动搜索的数量超过了桌面搜索,因此Google的关注点进一步转移到了移动设备上。 去年,它引入了Mobile First Indexing(移动优先索引),实际上是使用移动版本而不是桌面版本的网站来对结果页面进行排名。

As a consequence, the focus of your SEO should now be on your mobile site. While the content may be the same on both, things to consider will include navigation, ease of use and, very importantly, loading times.

因此,您的SEO现在应该集中在您的移动网站上。 尽管两者的内容可能相同,但是要考虑的事项包括导航,易用性以及非常重要的加载时间。

The latter will mean more webmasters using caching, CDNs, minification and image optimisation to speed up their sites, as well as a shift away from shared hosting to the much faster VPS. It will also see an increase in the number of sites using accelerated mobile pages (AMPs).

后者将意味着更多的网站管理员将使用缓存,CDN,缩小和图像优化来加快其网站的速度,以及从共享托管转向更快的VPS的转变。 使用加速移动页面(AMP)的网站数量也会增加。

Structuring content for the way search results are displayed 


As you may have noticed, when you type a question into Google, it is now able to produce an answer directly in the search results in the form of a knowledge graph. The knowledge graph is a detailed excerpt from a web page that is presented in a box right at the top of the search results.

您可能已经注意到,当您在Google中输入问题时,它现在能够以知识图的形式直接在搜索结果中产生答案。 知识图是网页的详细摘录,网页摘录在搜索结果顶部的框中。

Another change that Google has introduced is putting a list of related questions underneath the knowledge graph before showing the list of other ranking websites. Clicking on each of these questions produces a featured extract from other websites that answer those questions.

Google引入的另一个更改是在显示其他排名网站的列表之前,将相关问题列表放在知识图的下方。 单击这些问题中的每一个都会从其他回答这些问题的网站中提取精选内容。

The rest of the top results also have features snippets which, in some way, give an answer to the question too. To get these most prized ranking positions, it means reconsidering how you present the information on your websites – such as in the form of questions and answers, lists and structured tables.

其余的最佳结果还具有功能片断,以某种方式也可以回答问题。 为了获得这些最有价值的排名,它意味着重新考虑您如何在网站上展示信息,例如以问题和答案,列表和结构化表格的形式。

Providing search engines with structured data


Search engines have been calling for increased use of structured data markup for quite a few years and this year will see an increase in websites doing just that. The reason is simple, the more structured data you add to your HTML, the better a search engine can understand the content and structure of your site. Doing this enables the search engine to see your page’s relevance to a search query far easier and thus helps you rank for the right queries.

搜索引擎多年来一直在呼吁更多地使用结构化数据标记,而今年将看到越来越多的网站这样做。 原因很简单,添加到HTML中的结构化数据越多,搜索引擎就能更好地理解网站的内容和结构。 这样做可以使搜索引擎更轻松地查看页面与搜索查询的相关性,从而帮助您为正确的查询进行排名。

The other benefit of markup is that it can be used to highlight content that appears in the actual search results and which can help increase clickthrough rates – such as user ratings and meta descriptions.


Adapting to new search behaviours


As smartphone keyboards are an effort to use accurately and typing queries on smart speakers like Amazon Echo is impossible, more and more people are using voice search. Indeed, our fondness for it on these devices has increased the numbers of people using voice on PCs with Google Assistant and Cortana.

由于智能手机键盘是一种努力准确使用的功能,不可能在诸如Amazon Echo之类的智能扬声器上键入查询,因此越来越多的人正在使用语音搜索。 确实,我们对这些设备的喜爱增加了使用Google Assistant和Cortana在PC上使用语音的人数。

These types of searches have a consequence for SEO as we use different forms of language. When we speak, we use natural language, e.g., ‘find me a builder in Leeds,’ whereas with a keyboard, we’d just type ‘builder Leeds’.

这些搜索类型会对SEO产生影响,因为我们使用了不同形式的语言。 当我们讲话时,我们使用自然语言,例如“在利兹找我一个建筑商”,而使用键盘,我们只需键入“利兹建筑商”。

This has obvious implications for websites that have heavily focused on keywords in the past. Natural speech is more likely to use longtail keywords and content which features them is likely to rank better in voice search results.

这对于过去非常关注关键字的网站有明显的影响。 自然语音更有可能使用长尾关键词和以其为特征的内容,在语音搜索结果中的排名可能更高。



SEO is a dynamic process that constantly requires website owners to react to developments in search engine algorithms and to changes in the way people search the internet. Hopefully, the trends we have discussed here will help you make the right changes to your SEO strategy in the coming year, improving your rankings and increasing your organic traffic.

SEO是一个动态过程,不断要求网站所有者对搜索引擎算法的发展以及人们搜索互联网的方式做出React。 希望我们在这里讨论的趋势将帮助您在来年对SEO策略进行正确的更改,从而提高排名并增加自然流量。

If you are looking for high-performance web hosting to help your site load faster, check out our VPS packages.

如果您正在寻找高性能的虚拟主机来帮助您的网站更快地加载,请查看我们的VPS软件包 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/seo-trends-to-help-you-rank-higher-in-2019/



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