
from rpm import labelCompare as _compare_rpm_labels

except ImportError:

# Emulate RPM field comparisons


# * Search each string for alphabetic fields [a-zA-Z]+ and

# numeric fields [0-9]+ separated by junk [^a-zA-Z0-9]*.

# * Successive fields in each string are compared to each other.

# * Alphabetic sections are compared lexicographically, and the

# numeric sections are compared numerically.

# * In the case of a mismatch where one field is numeric and one is

# alphabetic, the numeric field is always considered greater (newer).

# * In the case where one string runs out of fields, the other is always

# considered greater (newer).

import warnings

warnings.warn("Failed to import 'rpm', emulating RPM label comparisons")


from itertools import zip_longest

except ImportError:

from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest

_subfield_pattern = re.compile(



def _iter_rpm_subfields(field):

"""Yield subfields as 2-tuples that sort in the desired order

Text subfields are yielded as (0, text_value)

Numeric subfields are yielded as (1, int_value)


for subfield in _subfield_pattern.finditer(field):

text = subfield.group('text')

if text is not None:

yield (0, text)


yield (1, int(subfield.group('num')))

def _compare_rpm_field(lhs, rhs):

# Short circuit for exact matches (including both being None)

if lhs == rhs:

return 0

# Otherwise assume both inputs are strings

lhs_subfields = _iter_rpm_subfields(lhs)

rhs_subfields = _iter_rpm_subfields(rhs)

for lhs_sf, rhs_sf in zip_longest(lhs_subfields, rhs_subfields):

if lhs_sf == rhs_sf:

# When both subfields are the same, move to next subfield


if lhs_sf is None:

# Fewer subfields in LHS, so it's less than/older than RHS

return -1

if rhs_sf is None:

# More subfields in LHS, so it's greater than/newer than RHS

return 1

# Found a differing subfield, so it determines the relative order

return -1 if lhs_sf < rhs_sf else 1

# No relevant differences found between LHS and RHS

return 0

def _compare_rpm_labels(lhs, rhs):

lhs_epoch, lhs_version, lhs_release = lhs

rhs_epoch, rhs_version, rhs_release = rhs

result = _compare_rpm_field(lhs_epoch, rhs_epoch)

if result:

return result

result = _compare_rpm_field(lhs_version, rhs_version)

if result:

return result

return _compare_rpm_field(lhs_release, rhs_release)



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