
Here in the US (and 40 other countries), for the last 60+ years, Television Ratings have been managed by the Nielsen Media Research company. They have a special magic sauce that let's them calculate "Reach" - the number of unique viewers for any show at any time. There's lots of good details on this at Wikipedia.

在过去的60多年中,在美国(以及其他40个国家/地区),电视收视率由Nielsen Media Research公司管理。 他们有一种特殊的魔术酱,可以让他们计算“达到”(Reach),即任何节目在任何时间的唯一观众人数。 Wikipedia上有很多很好的细节。

They figure there are 115 million TV households and a ratings point is 1%, or 1,152,000ish households. A show might get a 9.2 rating meaning that 10.6 million folks watched that show.

他们估计有1.15亿电视家庭,收视率是1%,即1,152,000个家庭。 一个节目可能获得9.2的收视率,这意味着有1,060万观众观看了该节目。

I always figured they had some magic boxes hooked up to televisions, or that they bought data from Tivo, or from my cable company. I mean, my TV knows that I'm watching Dr. Who (love the new Dr. Who), so I figured it told someone else.

我一直认为他们有一些魔术盒连接到电视上,或者他们是从Tivo或我的有线电视公司购买数据的。 我的意思是,我的电视知道我正在看Who(博士),所以我发现它告诉了别人。

Surprise, we're a Nielsen Family, at least this week. An envelope showed up with three US$10 bills and this paper booklet. Ah, how retro. Even the font, color choice and look and feel had a decidedly Mike Bradyesque vibe to it.

令人惊讶的是,至少本周我们是尼尔森一家。 出现一个信封,上面放着三张10美元的钞票和这本纸质小册子。 啊,多么复古。 即使是字体,颜色选择以及外观和感觉,也都具有Mike Brady风格的感觉。

Surely since this company has had every American Television network by the short and curlies  as a loyal client for the last half-century, they must have developed an extraordinarily sophisticated system for determining what I watch. Surely there's an explanation why Jericho was canceled (fortunately they've ordered new episodes) and the secret must lie within this mysterious envelope. My expectations are high...

当然,因为这家公司已 通过短期和花括号 作为一个忠诚的客户在过去的半个世纪中每一个美国电视网络,就必须制定一个非常复杂的系统,以确定我观看的内容。 当然有一个解释为什么杰里科被取消(幸运的是,他们下令发行新剧集)并且秘密必须在这个神秘的信封内。 我的期望很高...

Wow. That's...lovely. Welcome to the late 1980's. Really. I'm supposed to fill this out as I watch? This is the engine that makes the world's television ratings system spin?

哇。 这是可爱的。 欢迎来到1980年代后期。 真。 我应该在观看时填写此内容吗? 这是使世界电视收视系统旋转的引擎吗?

This is such a confusing system that Nielsen has actually put up a website dedicated to decoding the paper booklet! I particularly like Step 5, "Returning the Booklet in the Mail" - truly a must-read if you're behind on sleep.Well, now I see why all the good shows are getting canceled. Why isn't this automated? Why aren't our TV's reporting back to the Mothership?

这真是一个令人困惑的系统,尼尔森实际上已经建立了一个专门用于解码纸质手册的网站! 我特别喜欢第5步,“退回邮件中的小册子”-如果您正处于睡眠状态,这确实是必读的书。现在,我明白了为什么所有精彩的演出都被取消了。 为什么这不是自动化的? 我们的电视为什么不向母公司报告?

A TV can't tell if you're satisfied with a show, just if you're watching it. Same with a DVR. Presumably if you taped it, you wanted to watch it. This paper system is silly because it's asking me to copy down manually what someone (Tivo, Cable, whoever) must already know.

电视无法告诉您您是否对某个节目感到满意,就好像您正在观看它一样。 与DVR相同。 大概是用录音带录制的,是想看的。 这个文件系统很愚蠢,因为它要求我手动复制某人(Tivo,Cable,无论谁)必须已经知道的内容。

Or at the very least they could have created a data-entry website, rather than an interactive help website. Seems like if you're not clever enough to fill out this survey then you may not be able to get your computer turned on and browser navigated to http://tvdiary.tvratings.com, but perhaps that's presumptuous of me.

或者至少他们可以创建一个数据输入网站,而不是一个交互式帮助网站。 好像您不够聪明,无法填写这份调查表,那么您可能无法打开计算机,无法将浏览器导航到http://tvdiary.tvratings.com ,但这也许对我来说是自负的。

The only way (that I can see) to determine if someone likes a show is by asking them. Now, turning to other things that capture our attention like games. Xbox Live can tell if someone is satisfied because not only do they know when someone is playing a game, but they can see how far and how hard you're trying by looking at what Xbox Achievements you're getting. The Halo team is fanatical about their statistics. So, it seems much easier to glean the "satisfaction" one has for a game, but still, there's nothing better than asking.

确定我是否喜欢某个节目的唯一方法(我可以看到)是询问他们。 现在,转向游戏等吸引我们注意力的其他事物。 Xbox Live可以判断某人是否满意,因为他们不仅知道某人在玩游戏的时间,而且可以通过查看获得的Xbox Achievements来了解您正在尝试多远和努力。 Halo团队对他们的统计数据非常狂热。 因此,收集游戏的“满意度”似乎要容易得多,但是,没有什么比问问题更好。

Now, for a segue, but a totally honest question. If you have a piece of software that you've written, what's a good way to figure out if the end-user is really satisfied? I mean, Office, Windows, etc, all sell lots, but does that mean I'm satisfied with them? Should software include a star-ratings interface like some blog posts do on every dialog box? Perhaps when you click it, you're immediately asked for comment? Maybe a "Click here to blog about this feature" link?

现在,提出一个问题,但一个完全诚实的问题。 如果您拥有编写的软件,那么确定最终用户是否真正满意的一种好方法是什么? 我的意思是,Office,Windows等都卖很多,但这是否意味着我对它们感到满意? 软件应该像每个博客文章一样在每个对话框中包括星级评分界面吗? 也许当您单击它时,会立即要求您发表评论? 也许是“单击此处为该功能的博客”链接?

One of the coolest most out of the box thinking ideas I saw come out of Microsoft last year was the Send a Smile Tool that was used in the Office 2007 Betas. Unfortunately you had to install it yourself - it wasn't automatically part of the beta experience.

去年,我从Microsoft那里发现的最新颖思维想法之一是Office 2007 Beta中使用的Send Smile Tool 。 不幸的是,您必须自己安装它-它并非自动成为Beta体验的一部分。

However, the idea was brilliant in its simplicity. A number of bug reporting tools like FogBugz have similar tools for reporting bugs and attaching screenshots, but Send a Smile was even simpler.

但是,这个想法简单易用。 许多错误报告工具(例如FogBugz)也具有类似的工具来报告错误和附加屏幕截图,但是“发送微笑”更为简单。

You just clicked on the happy smilie or the sad smilie, entered your comment, and checked a box to optionally send a snapshot. That's it.

您只需单击快乐的笑脸或悲伤的笑脸,输入您的评论,然后选中一个框以选择发送快照。 而已。

As a developer, I wish this tool was automatically included with Visual Studio and any major Developer Tool. Talk to the Office team, they have a database and UI and everything to manage these screenshots and smiles. A developer version could even optionally include the text of some code you're working on.

作为开发人员,我希望此工具自动包含在Visual Studio和任何主要的开发人员工具中。 与Office团队联系,他们拥有数据库和UI,以及用于管理这些屏幕截图和微笑的所有内容。 开发人员版本甚至可以选择包含您正在处理的某些代码的文本。

To be clear, there's LOTS of great places to give feedback about the Developer Tools, but the lower the barrier the better. Let me get you my opinions and thoughts with one click.

需要明确的是,有很多地方可以提供有关开发人员工具的反馈,但是障碍越低越好。 让我一键告诉您我的意见和想法。

  • For VS2008 Install and Setup, there's this forum.


  • For VS2008 (Orcas) Releases there's this forum.


  • Submit Suggestions and Bugs for the .NET Framework or Visual Studio here. SQL Server here.

    在此处提交有关.NET Framework或Visual Studio的建议和错误。 SQL Server在这里。

Have you built satisfaction measuring tools (other than a "click here for a comments page) into your software?


Now, I want this for my TV so I can send Dr. Who and the BBC a smile.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/measuring-satisfaction-we-are-a-nielsen-family



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