数据资产管理 与 智能设备

When your phone’s internal storage starts to get full, it can be frustrating. Things slow down, apps won’t install, and in some cases, you can’t even download anything. Fortunately, Samsung has a built-in way to help users see detailed information about what is taking up space, and also provides a simple way of deleting unwanted items.

当手机的内部存储空间开始变满时,可能会令人沮丧。 事情变慢,应用程序无法安装,在某些情况下,您甚至无法下载任何内容。 幸运的是,三星有什么占用了空间,内置的方式,帮助用户查看详细信息,并且还提供了删除不需要的物品的简单方法。

This tool is called “Smart Manager,” and it’s available for the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge+, Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S7, and Galaxy S7 Edge. It actually does a few other things aside from storage management, though the usefulness of those other features is questionable at best. The real value to this feature is undoubtedly the storage tools, though it’s probably worth at least exploring the other options once you’ve familiarized yourself with the app.

该工具称为“智能管理器”,可用于Galaxy S6,Galaxy S6 Edge,Galaxy S6 Edge +,Galaxy Note 5,Galaxy S7和Galaxy S7 Edge。 除了存储管理,它实际上还做其他一些事情,尽管这些其他功能的用途充其量是值得怀疑的。 此功能的真正价值无疑是存储工具,尽管一旦您熟悉了该应用程序,至少值得探索其他选项。

The first thing you’ll want to do is jump into the Settings menu by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the cog icon.


Once in the Settings menu, scroll down until you see “Smart Manager.” Tap that.

进入“设置”菜单后,向下滚动直到看到“智能管理器”。 点一下

You’ll be presented with four options: Battery, Storage, RAM, and Device security. Select “Storage.”

系统将为您提供四个选项:电池,存储,RAM和设备安全性。 选择“存储”。

This is where things start to get fun. The phone will take a few minutes to analyze the built-in storage and provide a graph with how much storage is used. Underneath that are two options: “Unnecessary data” and “User data.”

这是事情开始变得有趣的地方。 手机将花费几分钟来分析内置存储,并提供一个图表,说明已使用了多少存储。 在下面有两个选项:“不必要的数据”和“用户数据”。

If you want to see details of what’s taking up space, go ahead and tap the “Detail” option beside the graph at the top. The system will once again take a bit of time to analyze what’s going on, then break it down into a series of narrower categories: Total, Available, System, Used, Other, and Cached. You can’t manipulate the first three in any way, but tapping on “Used” will give an even more granular breakdown of where storage space is being used: Apps, Pictures/Videos, and Audio. While you can use this section to navigate through each category and uninstall apps or delete files, there are a few things you should probably do first, so we’ll come back to this in a few minutes.

如果要查看占用空间的详细信息,请继续并点击顶部图形旁边的“详细信息”选项。 系统将再次花费一些时间来分析正在发生的事情,然后将其细分为一系列较窄的类别:总计,可用,系统,已使用,其他和缓存。 您无法以任何方式操作前三个,但是轻按“已用”将对使用存储空间的位置进行更详细的分类:应用程序,图片/视频和音频。 虽然您可以使用此部分浏览每个类别并卸载应用程序或删除文件,但您可能应该首先做几件事,因此我们将在几分钟后再回到此。

Back out to the main app screen. The second option here is “Unnecessary data,” which is exactly it sounds like: trash. Cached files, residual files, and things of that nature. The system decides what is going to get canned here, and if you go ahead and tap the “Delete” button, it’ll do its thing. I wouldn’t worry too much about it removing useful stuff, because this is all pretty basic.

返回主应用程序屏幕。 这里的第二个选项是“不必要的数据”,这听起来确实像是:垃圾。 缓存文件,残留文件以及类似性质的东西。 系统决定在这里罐装什么,如果继续并点击“删除”按钮,它将完成它的工作。 我不必担心会删除有用的东西,因为这都是非常基本的。

A nice little animation will pop up as it deletes files, quickly showing what it’s removing. Like I said earlier, it’s just a bunch of cache files (but, surprisingly, not all of them).

删除文件时,会弹出一个漂亮的小动画,快速显示要删除的内容。 就像我之前说的,这只是一堆缓存文件(但是,令人惊讶的是,并非所有缓存文件都如此)。

In fact, if you want to remove all cache files, jump back into Storage details, then tap the “Cached data” section. As you can see in the screenshot below, my device still has 496MB of cached files. When you tap on “Cached data,” a popup will appear letting you know that this will clear all cached data for all apps. That’s fine—go ahead and tap “Delete.”

实际上,如果要删除所有缓存文件,请跳回到“存储”详细信息,然后点击“缓存的数据”部分。 如下面的屏幕快照所示,我的设备仍具有496MB的缓存文件。 当您点击“缓存的数据”时,将出现一个弹出窗口,让您知道这将清除所有应用程序的所有缓存的数据。 很好,请继续并点击“删除”。

The system will re-analyze storage and give you the new numbers. Cached data should be very low at this point—mine is 36 KB.

系统将重新分析存储并为您提供新的数字。 此时,缓存的数据应该非常低-我的是36 KB。

Lastly, you can check the “User data” section of the main screen. This will break down everything user-generated on your phone: Images, Video, Audio, Apps, and Documents. Tapping each section will show you everything that falls into that particular category and give you the option to multi-select files for deletion. There’s also an “All” option at the top if you just want to get rid of everything.

最后,您可以检查主屏幕的“用户数据”部分。 这将破坏用户在手机上生成的所有内容:图像,视频,音频,应用程序和文档。 轻触每个部分将向您显示属于该特定类别的所有内容,并为您提供选择多个文件以进行删除的选项。 如果您只是想摆脱一切,在顶部还有一个“全部”选项。

It’s worth mentioning that when you start manually deleting files you’ll need to take your time and pat attention to what you’re doing—once you delete a file, it’s gone. You’re not getting it back! But hopefully when you’re done, you’ll have a lot more free space on your device.

值得一提的是,当您开始手动删除文件时,您需要花费时间并注意执行的操作-删除文件后,它就消失了。 你还没回来! 但是希望完成后,您的设备上会有更多可用空间。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256785/how-to-free-up-space-on-your-samsung-device-with-smart-manager/

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