
Action test

To specify accepted intent actions, an intent filter can declare zero or more <action> elements. For example:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

To get through this filter, the action specified in the Intent must match one of the actions listed in the filter.

If the filter does not list any actions, there is nothing for an intent to match, so all intents fail the test. However, if an Intent does not specify an action, it will pass the test (as long as the filter contains at least one action).

首先,这一句话:“To get through this filter, the action specified in the Intent must match one of the actions listed in the filter.
If the filter does not list any actions, there is nothing for an intent to match, so all intents fail the test. ”是完全正确的,但是这个“However, if an Intent does not specify an action, it will pass the test (as long as the filter contains at least one action)”是有争议的,并且看起来和However之前的描述自相矛盾,分三点来说明这个However:
1.  如果action只和category组合使用(隐式调用的条件),那么这个However是不对的,intent中不指定action,那么无法启动目标组件(一般为Activity);
2.  如果action和category、data组合使用,那么这个However是对的,如下代码可以启动目标组件,尽管intent中没有指定action:
 3.  我们可以看出,在intent-filter中的action、category和data中,action是主要的,而category和data算是辅助的,但是上面的一个However制造出了一个特殊的场景,那就是“intent-filter中列出了action,但是intent中没有指定action,然而却匹配成功了”,这看起来又和“To get through this filter, the action specified in the Intent must match one of the actions listed in the filter.”这句话矛盾了。
  android:ordering=["together" | "sequentially"]>

        android:valueFrom="float | int | color"
        android:valueTo="float | int | color"
        android:repeatMode=["repeat" | "reverse"]
        android:valueType=["intType" | "floatType"]/>

        android:valueFrom="float | int | color"
        android:valueTo="float | int | color"
        android:repeatMode=["repeat" | "reverse"]
        android:valueType=["intType" | "floatType"]/>



原文地址: http://weibo.com/p/1001603911234926855853?from=page_100505_profile&wvr=6&mod=wenzhangmod


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