
Health Checker Service 创建检查服务

NM运行一个检查服务来检查节点的状态,该服务可以使用用户自定义的检查脚本。如果节点检查不通过,NM通过heart beat通知RM,RM将不再使用该节点上新增的container。
Disk Checker 磁盘检查
disk checker会检查NM使用到的磁盘,如local-dirs and log-dirs(本地文件、日志文件)、 configured using yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs and yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs respectively等。检查包括权限、空闲空间、磁盘是否只读等。如果磁盘检查失败,NM不会使用那些有问题的磁盘,但仍将将节点标记为healthy,但是如果相当数量(可以设置值)的磁盘检查失败后,则会将节点标记为unheathy。
Configuration Name Allowed Values Description
yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.enable true, false Enable or disable the disk health checker service
yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.interval-ms Positive integer The interval, in milliseconds, at which the disk checker should run; the default value is 2 minutes
yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.min-healthy-disks Float between 0-1 The minimum fraction of disks that must pass the check for the NodeManager to mark the node as healthy; the default is 0.25
yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.max-disk-utilization-per-disk-percentage Float between 0-100 The maximum percentage of disk space that may be utilized before a disk is marked as unhealthy by the disk checker service. This check is run for every disk used by the NodeManager. The default value is 90 i.e. 90% of the disk can be used.
yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.min-free-space-per-disk-mb Integer The minimum amount of free space that must be available on the disk for the disk checker service to mark the disk as healthy. This check is run for every disk used by the NodeManager. The default value is 0 i.e. the entire disk can be used.

来源: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/NodeManager.html
External Health Script 附件健康检查脚本
用户可以添加额外的健康检查脚本。如果该脚本以非0的状态退出、超时、抛出异常等,则该节点标记为unhealty。注意:如果因为权限问题,该脚本无法被执行,节点也会被标记为unhealthy.附加创建检查脚本不是必须的,如果没胡附加健康检查脚本,则只运行disk checker。
Configuration Name Allowed Values Description
yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.interval-ms Postive integer The interval, in milliseconds, at which health checker service runs; the default value is 10 minutes.
yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.script.timeout-ms Postive integer The timeout for the health script that’s executed; the default value is 20 minutes.
yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.script.path String Absolute path to the health check script to be run.
yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.script.opts String Arguments to be passed to the script when the script is executed.

NodeManager Restart NM重启

NM restart保证了在NM重启的过程中,节点上的container能正常运行。NM会把必要的信息存储在节点上的statu-store中,当NM重启后会加载这些信息,然后恢复NM的正常运行。

Step 1. To enable NM Restart functionality, set the following property in conf/yarn-site.xml to true.  启用NM restart

Property Value
yarn.nodemanager.recovery.enabled true, (default value is set to false)

Step 2. Configure a path to the local file-system directory where the NodeManager can save its run state.  配置state-store

Property Description
yarn.nodemanager.recovery.dir The local filesystem directory in which the node manager will store state when recovery is enabled. The default value is set to$hadoop.tmp.dir/yarn-nm-recovery.

Step 3. Configure a valid RPC address for the NodeManager.  重启后NM可能会使用不同的端口导致client连接失效,因此要把随机端口改成固定端口

Property Description
yarn.nodemanager.address Ephemeral ports (port 0, which is default) cannot be used for the NodeManager’s RPC server specified via yarn.nodemanager.address as it can make NM use different ports before and after a restart. This will break any previously running clients that were communicating with the NM before restart. Explicitly setting yarn.nodemanager.address to an address with specific port number (for e.g is a precondition for enabling NM restart.

Step 4. Auxiliary services.   辅助服务  应用程序应该支持重启

  • NodeManagers in a YARN cluster can be configured to run auxiliary services. For a completely functional NM restart, YARN relies on any auxiliary service configured to also support recovery. This usually includes (1) avoiding usage of ephemeral ports so that previously running clients (in this case, usually containers) are not disrupted after restart and (2) having the auxiliary service itself support recoverability by reloading any previous state when NodeManager restarts and reinitializes the auxiliary service.

  • A simple example for the above is the auxiliary service ‘ShuffleHandler’ for MapReduce (MR). ShuffleHandler respects the above two requirements already, so users/admins don’t have do anything for it to support NM restart: (1) The configuration property mapreduce.shuffle.port controls which port the ShuffleHandler on a NodeManager host binds to, and it defaults to a non-ephemeral port. (2) The ShuffleHandler service also already supports recovery of previous state after NM restarts.  ShuffleHandler支持NM的重启




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